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It descends of the feminine employment in early ages

More women that men in the hospitality industry

Editorial Interempresas08/04/2014

The woman has exerted always a key paper in the growth and development of the Spanish hospitality industry. In fact, the sector of the hospitality industry is the only between the big sectors of our economy in which there are more women that men. In concrete, of the 1,3 million workers employed in this sector, according to the FEHR in base to the data of the Survey of Labour supply (EPA) referred to the year 2013, 53% are women, that is to say, 693.450 people.

Source: Survey of Labour supply (EPA)
Source: Survey of Labour supply (EPA).

In spite of this predominance in the number of hard-working women in the hotel and catering industry, the difference between men and women has tightened in the last years, due to the fact that the percentage of busy women in this sector has descended to greater rhythm that the one of men. In this sense, in 2008 the percentage of women in the activities of hospitality industry was of 56% whereas the one of the men supposed 44%, with 12 points of distance between both. In 2013 the difference between the percentage of women and men has reduced to the half, happening to 53% the first and 47% the seconds.

More women in accommodation

This distribution shows to general level in the group of the hotel and catering industry, however, exist differences between the different branches of activity. The accommodation concentrates a greater percentage of feminine employment, near to 60%, that masculine whereas in catering the employment delivers by the same between both sexes.

The hand of busy work in catering has balanced in the last years in what it refers to the sex, existing a minimum preponderancia of men in front of the number of women. Of the 1.008.005 busy people in 2013 in this branch of activity, 508.950 are women and 499.075 men.

From 2008 the difference that existed between women and men has disappeared, when descending the percentage of the first from 56% that represented in this year and increase from 44% the seconds, situating both in 50% in the year 2013. This change is due to that the whole of the employments that have disappeared in the restaurants and bars from 2008 have been of women. In concrete, the employment in catering has descended in group in the last five years 10,2%, what supposes 115.695 people less. The fall by part of the women has been of 18,8%, with a descent in 118.350 workers, whereas the masculine employment practically has kept in the last years, with a light increase of 0,5% (2.675 workers more).

In the accommodation the evolution has been different, the descent of the masculine employment in this subsector has done that the proportion of women increase in the last years. In 2013 the percentage of women has risen to 59%, in front of 56% that represented in 2008, whereas the masculine employment has gone down of 44% to 41%. In group, the establishments of tourist accommodation employed in 2013 to an average of 312.079 people, 5,1% less than five years backwards, what supposes a descent in 16.821 people. The practical whole of the descent corresponds to the masculine employment that fell 11,4%, with 16.550 workers less, whereas the feminine practically kept the same, with a slight descent of 0,1% (275 hard-working less).

Source: Survey of Labour supply (EPA)
Source: Survey of Labour supply (EPA).

Less young women

The greater concentration of the group of hard-working innkeepers situates in the band between the 30 and 39 years that surpass 30% of the total of the employment. If it expands the data to the busy of 30 to 49 years the percentage elevates until 56,5%. However, there is not a lot of difference between the percentages that represent each one of the sexes according to the band of age.

Comparing by sexes, in 2013 the women surpass to the men in all the ages except in the comprised between the 16 and 19 years and the 60 and 64, in which practically they instrumented predominating slightly the number of men. In this sense observes a change with regard to the year 2008. In this year the greater percentage of women with regard to men situated between the 16 and the 29 years, observing besides a greater difference between sexes: the women surpassed 60%, that approached to 70% in the band between 25 to 29 years, in front of 40% of the masculine employment in these ages. In 2013 they have equated in this interval of age, situating both surroundings to 50%.

In ages more advanced also has produced a change in the last five years. From the 65 years has increased the percentage of busy women with regard to the of men, representing surroundings to 60% the first in 2013, in front of 45% that represented in 2008.

More partial employment

In the last years from the beginning of the crisis the work part time in hospitality industry has increased. In 2008 this type of day represented 17,7% that in 2013 has increased until situating in 26,7%. The women hoard the greater part of the agreements part time of the hotel and catering industry and the difference with the men persists in spite of the increase of masculine workers in this field owing to the crisis.

Of the 352.800 workers with agreement part time of average in 2013 in the hotel and catering industry, 225.725 are women, what supposes 32,5% of the workers. In the case of the men the percentage of which work part time represents 20,3% (127.075 workers). These percentages have increased from 2008, especially in the case of the women.

In this year the women that worked part time represented 24%, whereas the masculine partial employment did not arrive to 10%. In the last five years the difference according to type of agreement between the masculine and feminine employment has reduced of the 14 points that separated them in 2008, to the 12 points of 2013.

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