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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Los controles de calidad en el sector alimentario
Aenor Laboratory has realizar more than 270.000 analyses in the sector agroalimentario

The controls of quality in the alimentary sector

Manuel Golden, director of Aenor Laboratory


The control of quality is determinant to guarantee the alimentary hygiene. And the analytical control of the products is between the essential parts of the control of quality. Aenor Laboratory realizar the microbiological analyses, physical-chemical and sensory, that allow to determine so much the aptitude, from the bacteriological point of view, of the raw materials or products in process, like the chemical composition of the foods from the nutritional point of view or the presence of alérgenos contaminantes, going through the sensory evaluation, of the preferences of the consumers.

The activity of the laboratories has evolved, of form almost exponential, in the last 30 years accompanying this evolution to the own evolution that has had the industrial state agroalimentario, a sector in which the confidence is critical, to the equal that the high levels of quality and alimentary hygiene. This has demanded an adecuación technological and instrumental without parangón in any another period of the history; what has translated in some greater controls of quality agroalimentaria, in terms of precision, reliability or rapidity.


Aenor Laboratory initiated his career like laboratory of control of quality agroalimentario in January of 2008 to turn into the centre of reference in the analyses of the alimentary sector. Six years afterwards, already has realizar more than 270.000 analyses, with a growth annual average in the order of 50%, in the adverse economic context.

Three areas of analysis

The laboratory realizar analysis in three areas: microbiological, physical-chemical and sensory. In this field, have realizar 145.000 microbiological analyses. In the microbiological laboratory analyse the raw materials, or products in process, to determine his hygiene from a bacteriological point of view. In this area realizar analysis of control of aptitude for the consumption of the foods and hygienic control of the alimentary products; analysis of pathogens; hygienic control of surfaces, manipuladores and environingingments; analysis of waters; studies of caducity and analysis of inhibidores of the growth bacteriano (antibiotics), among others.

Besides, and in this field, realizar microbiological analyses of the foods that serve in the collective canteens of schools, restaurants, etc. checking that the microorganisms that could be presents in the foods that there serve are innocuous for the health. Other analyses carried out in the microbiological laboratory have like purpose determine, for example, that the manipuladores of foods are not passive bearers of determinate pathogens that can affect to the health of the consumers. In definite, through the microbiological control of the foods treats to improve the productive processes and, with this, avoid toxiinfecciones of alimentary origin.

By his part, the physical laboratory-chemical has realizar 126.000 analyses. This activity allows to know the chemical composition of the foods from the nutritional point of view: proteinaceous content, sugars, vitamins, mineral salts, contained in fats and his composition, content calórico etc. Is function of the laboratory of chemical analysis determine and quantify the presence of additives as well as the presence of substances contaminantes or waste like plaguicidas as well as the one of heavy metals or antibiotics. Lately it is taking big importance the determination of presence and quantification in foods of alérgenos such like gluten, lactose, egg, soya, etc.

The sensory analysis is one of the areas of activity that more has grown in these six years. The sensory analysis is a reliable and independent tool that allows, by means of objective technicians, evaluate the preferences of the consumers and foresee his intention of purchase. Aenor Laboratory realizar these analyses always to the protect of the norms JOINS and of official methods, and has a database of more than 1.500 tasters. In addition to alimentary products, Aenor Laboratory also realizar this type of analysis for other products like cosmetics.

The results obtained with these analyses can apply in diverse points of the chain of production (R&D, quality or marketing), as well as in the distribution. Besides, they result of big utility to know what characteristic of the products like more to the consumers and which are necessary to modify, as well as the evaluation of the possible intention of purchase. These proofs develop through tastings of products or observation, in the own laboratory of sensory analysis or in the domicile of the consumer.


The analyses of Aenor Laboratory have the backrest of the accreditation of the National Entity of Accreditation (Enac) for the realisation of many of his analytical technicians so much in the field of the microbiology as of the physical analysis chemists in foods and waters of consumption. Besides, our centre is authorised by the Federation of Associations of Celíacos of Spain (Face) to analyse the absence of gluten in foods. Equally, distinct Autonomous Communities like Madrid, Valencia and Castile-La Mancha have recognised to the centre like laboratory of analysis of alimentary products.

Aenor Laboratory attends to organisations of all the alimentary chain, as it can appreciate in the sectorial chart that accompanies the article, so much of Spain as of distinct countries of Latin America and Europe. The first customers were mainly middle-sized and small companies. At present, in addition to this important profile of organisation, the laboratory also works big industrial organisations some of them multinationals.

Aenor Laboratory is realizar an important bet for being increasingly global. it is working , between others, for organisations with headquarters in Mexico, Peru or France and the aim is to increase this international activity.

From his starts, the pillars of the centre of the Spanish Association of Normalisation and Certification (Aenor) have been the high qualification of his professionals, the technologies of last generation and a very precise knowledge on which are and how evolve the technical requests of the industrial state agroalimentario. Aenor Laboratory looks to the future with two clear aims: keep his standards of quality and accompany the internationalisation of Aenor.

Related Companies or Entities

Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación

Comments on article / news piece

#1 - mario bautista
08/02/2014 23:34:40
Excelente trabajo de AENOR. Faltaría incluir el control del nivel de toxicidad cuando se manejan materias primas aun no industrializadas, por ejemplo el caso de los ajíes o chilis para fabricación de pastas o cremas formuladas.

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