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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El sector pide medidas para reactivar la inversión en bienes de equipo
Italy remains third country manufacturer in the world despite the decline in production

Sector calls for measures to revive investment in capital equipment

Drafting MU01/09/2003
The Italian Association of machine tools, robots and automation, UCIMU-Sistemi per Produrre, believes that it is necessary to take measures to increase the competitiveness of Italian machine tool industry and stimulate the use of equipment. The Italian industry has been hit by weak domestic consumption and international uncertainty.
The President of UCIMU-Sistemi per Produrre, Andrea Riello, considers it necessary that are measures to revive the economy and eliminate regulations that encorsetan companies. According to Riello, "these measures should encourage enterprises to replace their capital equipment, and improve their production processes, which would have an effect dominated throughout the supply chain, promoting the growth of enterprises."

"To maintain the competitiveness - continues-, Italian manufacturers must overcome the limits of size of their own structures. "One way could be the creation of consortia to share experience and risks, and develop economies of scale." Riello also asserts that it is shocking that in economic and financial policy of the country these issues does not translate into concrete proposals.

The Italian economy is slowed down despite the Tremonti law bis (in which it agreed to tax cuts in the case of investment) and the measures taken in favour of the purchase of automobiles were a temporary revival of investment and consumption. The Tremonti law bis expired on 31 December 2002 and the second made him on March 31, 2003.

On the other hand, exports were affected by the European and American situation and by the fall of the dollar. Domestic demand has fallen because of a loss of confidence, while is still public investment.

Third largest producer

Despite this scenario, the Italian machine tool industry has confirmed its position as third country producer and exporter in the world. Italy has maintained this position even though last year the production in this sector fell by 5.5 per cent (representing a fall of 4.378 million euros).

According to data provided by UCIMU-Sistemi per Produrre, sale orders received by the Italian manufacturers of machine tools dropped during the second quarter of this year by 18.1 per cent in comparison with the same period of the previous year, in part due to the decline in domestic demand, which has experienced a decline of 32 per cent.

Exports have been affected by the European climate
and American and by the fall of the dollar
The fall has been rather less in demand from the foreign market, as the Italians have only sold a 1.6 per cent less than in the second quarter of 2002. However, it remains a drop in sales in a traditionally export industry, which has its origin in the weakness of the German markets, American and French, the common markets of the sector.

The evolution of the year shows a decrease from 9.3 per cent in comparison with the first half of last year, due in part to the decline in domestic demand (- 20.3%), caused in part by the Tremonti law bis.

Another feature of this period has been a maintenance of external demand, which has grown by 2.4 per cent)

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