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Cell CNC of milling of Robotics Solutions

Automation of the milling of structural elements of big format by means of a robot Kuka of 6 axles

Editorial Interempresas28/03/2014
Guy Martin Design, that devotes to the development and manufacture of prototypes for the molding of structural elements and industrial pieces, required an installation of mechanised of big dimensions in which can carry out a process CNC of 5 axles. The installation that looked for had to be able to mechanise no only pieces with a width until 1.524 cm (50 ft) and a height until 366 cm (12 ft), but also small pieces of filigree. The distinct types of material, like the foam, the wood, the fibre of glass or the compound materials, present a different degree of hardness that requires the application of processes of milling of high precision. Apart from the mechanised, the process includes also the pulverización of the pieces of foam with a layer of gel and the application of the material of fibre of glass with a special gun.

Robotics Solutions, Inc. supplied to Guy Martin Design a version adapted of his cell of mechanised standard RMC 100-RTSL. The system 100-RTSL applies a simple and innovative concept that characterises by his easy handle thanks to the fast and flexible change of the tools. The lengths and dimensions of the tools are registered with help of a system of palpado by laser and programmed by means of a system CAM. Like this, the installation corresponds to a machine-standard tool with the flexibility of a robot Kuka of 6 axles. The installation of Guy Martin Design integrates a robot Kuka of the type KR 100 L80 HAS, mounted on a linear unit KL 1500 that offers a route of 13 metres.

For the mechanised of three-dimensional concepts detailed, the installation helps of a table giratoria, integrated like eighth axis in the unit of control Kuka. The employment of the table giratoria depends on the requirements of the project. The installation of Guy Martin Design works like a centre of mechanised CNC of 5 axles that operates with the software CAM PowerMILL of Delcam. The paths of mechanised generated by the software PowerMill to an exceptional speed of calculation allow to mechanise pieces of filigree extremely complex in a cell RMC. The installation of Guy Martin Design includes, besides, a cambiador of tools of 10 positions that accompanies to the robot in his movement on the linear axis. This allows to have the tools always near at hand. The guns aplicadoras of synthetic resin or fibre of glass are integrated in the cabezal of the robot, what allows to save time and space

Robot Kuka of the type KR 100 L80 HAS, mounted on a linear unit KL 1500
Robot Kuka of the type KR 100 L80 HAS, mounted on a linear unit KL 1500.

Results of success

Thanks to the new cell CNC of milling of Robotics Solutions, Inc., Guy Martin Design has of an able installation to manufacture of fast form, precise and detailed pieces of distinct size and material and face future projects saving space and time in comparison with other solutions. On the collaboration with Kuka, the Mr. Wenzel, CEO of Guy Martin Design, explains: "The deep knowledges and the wide spectrum of provision of service of the team of Kuka Robotics reinforced us to the hour to take a decision. There was not any another skilled company in robotics that could do us a comparable offer neither show us such disposal to elaborate applications out of the normal”.

Related Companies or Entities

Kuka Ibéria, S.A.U.

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