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‘PreveFemete' Pretends to identify the activities that require the implantation of destined measures to combat the siniestralidad labour

Project 'PreveFemete' on siniestralidad labour in the sector of the metal

Editorial Interempresas10/12/2013
The works linked to the manufacture of metallic products, waste management, sale and repair of vehicles and installation of machinery and team have an average of 7% of labour accidents registered. That is one of the data that analyses inside the project ‘PreveFemete' on siniestralidad labour in the sector of the metal that the patronal Femete (Provincial Federation of Business of the Metal and New Technologies of Santa Cruz of Tenerife) presents to the long two weeks in all the islands of the province.

‘PreveFemete' Freamers in the help “for the defence of the economic and social interests that are them own and that realizar projects for the improvement of the conditions of hygiene and health in the work for the exercise 2013” of the Council of Employment, Industry and Trade of the Government of Canaries. The days of presentation have celebrated in La Palma, The Ironinging, The Lagoon and The Gomera.

Poster of presentation of the project 'PreveFemete'
Poster of presentation of the project 'PreveFemete'.

Objective of ‘PreveFemete'

The aim of ‘PreveFemete' is to deepen in the situation of this community of workers with the purpose to identify the economic activities and professional categories that, from the point of view of the prevention of labour risks, require the implantation of destined measures to combat the siniestralidad labour. With this study pretends , therefore:

  • Reduce the siniestralidad: the taking of consciousness will do that it change the way to realizar the activity, when being conscious of the risks.
  • Sensitise of the professional illnesses derivatives of the work.
  • Warn and protect of the emergent risks: analyse the new risks that comprise his activity and that allowed them confront better to these situations.
  • Spread the profits of the implantation and application of systems of management of the prevention of labour risks in the company

The celebrated days in the four islands of the Tenerifean province presented this information through examples and real cases of accidents with the intention of concienciar so that it manage the integral protection in the company. With this aim, the project ‘PreveFemete' stands out equally the services that offers the patronal:

  • Inform and spread the Law 31/1995 of Prevention of Labour Risks and his norms of development.
  • Advise directly to employers and workers in the main questions related with the Prevention of Labour Risks.
  • Promote meetings between employers and the GTPRL to integrate the prevention in the companies.
  • Elaborate and develop preventive campaigns, informative days and/or informative, seminars, studies, guides etc., tending to the sensitisation of the SMEs with the Prevention of Labour Risks.
  • Collaborate with the Foundation for the Prevention of Labour Risks, with the Canarian Institute of Labour hygiene, with the distinct administrations in general and other social agents in the promotion, application and promotion of the Prevention of Labour Risks.
  • Inform and transact gratuitamente the registration in the Register of Companies Accredited (REA).
  • Inform and transact gratuitamente the Professional Card of the Construction for the Sector Metal (TPC/M).

‘PreveFemete' Stands out that the siniestralidad is a statistical concept that studies the frequency and the gravity with that produce the accidents in the labour field. Also it remembers that the investigation of a labour accident is a legal obligation that has to include in the Plan of Preventive Action, like Procedure of Answer in front of any incident that occur and that it can ‘alter' the usual process of the productive activity. Therefore, it has to document, communicate and register in the System of Management of PRL of the own company.

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