Area Plastics, chemicals and pharmaceuticals - Professional Magazines

Interempresas is, since 1992, the reference head of the most important industrial sectors. With a mixed distribution (in paper by ordinary mail) and in a digital version (by email) Interempresas achieves a very broad dissemination and an extraordinary segmentation of the sector. Interempresas is currently the leading multisectorial leader in the field of specialized professional press.

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Plásticos Universales

Plásticos Universales

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Tecnología y Equipamiento para Química

Tecnología y Equipamiento para Química

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Industria Farmacéutica y Cosmética

Industria Farmacéutica y Cosmética

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Industria de la Pintura

Industria de la Pintura

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  • Plásticos Universales

    Plásticos Universales

    Plásticos Universales is the oldest magazine of the Spanish industry, present in the hispanic market since 1951 and acquired by the Nova Àgora Group in 2001. Since then it has been increasing its leadership in the plastics sector, in which it is today the main informative reference. Its paper editions are also distributed in digital format.

  • Tecnología y Equipamiento para Química

    Tecnología y Equipamiento para Química

    Interempresas Química is a magazine with a long trajectory in the Chemical industry sector. Among many other contents, it includes interviews with the most relevant professionals of this industry, market studies, technical articles, reports, news and information on the latest technological innovations appearing in the market. The magazine is mainly aimed at manufacturers and distributors of chemical products, professionals in the petrochemical industry, manufacturers and distributors of process machinery and capital goods, engineering, analysis and quality control laboratories and research departments of technology centres and universities.

  • Industria Farmacéutica y Cosmética

    Industria Farmacéutica y Cosmética

    Interempresas Industria Farmacéutica y Cosmética magazine aims to keep the pharmaceutical and cosmetics sector informed, and also to strengthen, promote and stimulate both industries.

    The publication reports on the most interesting topics related to processes, analysis techniques, clinical trials, latest technologies, equipment, standards, laboratory, automation, logistics and engineering in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry.

    Distribution: Pharmaceutical, cosmetics and veterinary companies. Distributors and analysis laboratories. Equipment Manufacturers. Packaging enterprises. Technicians from the production, control and quality departments. Logistics and engineering.

  • Industria de la Pintura

    Industria de la Pintura

    Industria de la Pintura is a consolidated professional publication with a wide range of information on three main channels: printed magazine, newsletters and the sector/web channel, with daily updated information.

    The information offered by Industria de la Pintura combines technical articles, describing technologies and processes, with news on products and current events in the companies that make up the sector.