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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Nuevas normativas para los laminados decorativos de alta precisión
Trespa Meteon offers excellent benefits

New regulations for decorative laminates for high precision

New rules for decorative laminates for high pressure (HPL for its acronym in English) have been introduced in order to ensure the measurement and classification of benefits of these products. The new standard EN 438, which does away with the rules laid down in 1991, is more complete and better adapted to the development of products. Standard EN 438 in 1991 was established for applications in the interior, while the new standard EN 438 of 2005 is subdivided into seven parts that reflect the different types of applications which use the HPL panels.
The new standard EN 438 was developed and introduced by a CEN Committee formed for this occasion and consisting of specialists and technical experts of the sector from different European countries.

Applications abroad

For the first time standard EN 438 takes into account the use of HPL for exterior applications, which is a sign of the increasingly frequent use of the HPL plates for architectural coatings. Part 6 of the standard EN 438 has been developed for use in foreign such as the closing of facades. This part describes the resistance they have to offer the products UV and weather resistance in general.

Part 6 of the standard EN 438 distinguishes two levels of benefits: "moderate", for applications with exposure in the medium term and "severe", for applications with exposure to long term. The later exposed table shows the main requirements. In short, for materials of severe performance cannot be guaranteed that does not lose its appearance aesthetic or functional for at least 10 years, while about half of this time is guaranteed for moderate benefits.

Says Chris van der Vorst, expert at trespa internationaltechnology, the new standard reflects the progress made by the industry over the past 15 years. "Trespa has been producing architectural compact panels HPL for the outdoor use (today known by the name of trespa meteon) for more than 25 years."

Trespa Meteon is extremely resistant to weathering
And ten years in particular, the use of Meteon has experienced spectacular growth. "This is the reason why we welcome the introduction of the new part 6 in the standard EN 438, so that our customers, such as architects, designers and planners of construction, can be sure of the resistance to weathering and UV offering plates selected for their projects."

Trespa Meteon is a flat, produced from thermoset resins, wood fibre reinforced homogeneously and manufactured to high pressure and temperature. Using a patented technology (EBC), the plates have a decorative surface integrated and are especially indicated for systems of ventilated facades. Ventilated systems are a perfect envelope of the building which they combine an aesthetic innovative with excellent thermal insulation and guarantee healthy conditions in the interior.

Trespa Meteon is extremely resistant to weathering. The Sun, the rain (including the acid rain) and humidity do not affect the surface or the core of the Panel. Trespa Meteon offers excellent resistance to UV and presents an excellent stability of color: class 4-5 in the international scale of greys (ISO 105 A 02). Large and sudden fluctuations in temperature from - 20 ° C up to + 80 ° C do not affect the benefits, or the appearance of the plate. Trespa Meteon has been subjected to rigorous trials Xenon and extensively fulfils all the requirements of the standard European in 438 - part 6.

The Product Manager foreign Products of Trespa International, Jörg Kaufung, adds: "are proud of Trespa Meteon plates to obtain exceptional results at the level of severe performance of standard EN 438 - 6 part." Our own requirements exceed more than the requirements laid down in the new rule, so we are really unique. "And although it is certain that in the future standard EN 438 will introduce requirements more severe, for the moment we are proud to present our results of the test according to the current standard EN 438."


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