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Boletín de la Papa, Vol. 6, No. 18

Jorge Luis Alonso13/01/2005

13 de enero de 2005

Este número ofrece el enlace a 15 documentos (en ingles) sobre patata, relacionados con almacenamiento, riego, plagas y enfermedades.

Además de ofrecer una relación de sitios web con precios actualizados de la papa en el mundo, este número del Boletín de la Papa ofrece el enlace a los siguientes documentos sobre papa:

Controlling Potato Late Blight [USA]

Video produced by Project GREEEN, the state’s plant agriculture initiative at Michigan State University (1:35 min). To see to this file, you'll need the Real Player Plugin installed on your System.

Potato Irrigation Guide [USA]

Potatoes are much more responsive to minor variations in soil moisture than most crops. Soil moisture levels strongly affect plant emergence and final stands, plant and tuber health, and both yield and quality. Efficient irrigation will not only eliminate these potential problems and maximize yield and quality, but also reduce production costs and conserve water and nitrogen fertilizer.

Postharvest Handling Systems: underground vegetables (roots, tubers and bulbs) [USA]

The edible portions of this group of vegetables develop mostly underground and include several botanical structures.

Effects of Storage Temperature Regimes on Processing Quality of Russet Burbank, Ranger Russet & Umatilla Russet Potatoes [USA]

New cultivars developed are tested using production and postharvest handling practices considered ideal for Russet Burbank, the standard cultivar.

Disease Photo Gallery (Potato) [USA]

Galería de fotos (26) sobre patologías en papa.

2004 Guide to Crop Protection (Weed Control) [Canada]

Any fungal pathogen population may contain strains naturally resistant to a fungicide and other fungicides within the same Group. A gradual or total loss of disease control may occur over time if these fungicides are used repeatedly in the same fields.

Influence of fertilisation on potato growth functions [Estonia]

Aimed at elaboration of a soil fertility module for the potato production model POMOD, the determination of growth functions was carried out for the late potato variety 'Anti' at different fertilisation levels.

Food Safety Concepts for Potato Producers [Canada]

Potatoes are food. As obvious as this concept may seem, it may not be deep-rooted in the minds of some potato producers and their staff. Contaminated potatoes-someone's dinners can cause illness or injury to a consumer. The presence of physical contaminants can cause losses and equipment failure in processing and packing plants.

Sucrose breakdown in the potato tuber [Alemania]

In this work different approaches are undertaken to improve the understanding of the sucrose to starch pathway in developing potato tubers.

Potato cull pile management [Canada]

This fact sheet is intended to provide methods to dispose of potatoes safely so that they do not pose a threat of spreading diseases, especially late blight.

Physiological Aging of Seed Tubers [USA]

Physiological aging is affected by two factors influencing internal biochemistry especially hormones: genetic predisposition and environmental stress.

Storing for the fresh market [Reino Unido]

Helping growers get the most out of their storage facilities is currently one of the BPC’s research priorities. Potato pathologist JEFF PETERS explains how their latest work will help control disease into store and minimise out grades from skin blemish.

Guidelines for integrated production of field grown [Suiza]

This document sets out general principles, minimum standards and guidelines for the Integrated Production (IP) of field-grown vegetables (including not heated protected and semi-protected production systems).

Potato Greening in Supermarket Produce Displays [Canada]

Light causes potatoes to turn green and accelerates the production of solanine, a poisonous and potentially fatal toxin also found in eggplants, tomatoes, and peppers.

El texto completo del boletín se encuentra en http://redepapa.org/boletincientoveinte.html