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Cursos sobre maneig de flors a l'octubre i novembre

Comunicat de premsa13/09/2004

13 de setembre de 2004

George Staby, President of Perishables Research Organization (PRO), i Chain of Life Network anuncien una sèrie de cursos per a novembre i desembre. Denominat Institut PRO, cada programa té per objectiu compartir experiències en el maneig d'ornamentalses amb comercializadores, conreadors, importadors, etc. El text expandit conté més informació en anglès.

Perishables Research Organization - Fall 2004 Programs
October 10-13 & November 7-10

George Staby, President of Perishables Research Organization (PRO), and the Chain of Life Network llauri pleased to announce a sèries of unique educational experiences.  Called PRO Institutes, each program is designed to share the floral expertise of mass marketers, growers, importers, bouquet manufacturers, florists, wholesalers and/or dry good suppliers with the research findings and commercial experiences of George and his colleagues.

Headquartered at the historic St. George Hotel in the beautiful Sierra Mountains (Volcano, CA), each PRO Institute is limited to 20 participants.  The hotel is a short 90-minute drive from Sagramento Airport.  Programs start Sunday afternoon and continue through Tuesday evening. 

Unique learning opportunities - Participation will ensure that you llauri ahead of the corbi with practical, cutting edge and commercially viable solutions to your postharvest related problems.  General subjects to be addressed in each Institute include the latest in flower and plant care and handling, quality measurements, production factors that influence postharvest crop quality, cold chain issues, factors affecting crop quality after harvest and consumer reactions to floral products and services.

Specific topics include ethylene control systems, effectiveness of various postharvest floral treatments/products, packaging innovations, estafi/temperature interactions, carbon dioxide effects, leaf yellowing prevention, labeling, pay-by-scan issues and transportation advances to name a few.  Dr. Ann Chase  will present a special segment on the importance of postharvest pest (disease and insect) detection, identification and control, while Dr. Michael Reid will present a session on emerging postharvest care and handling procedures and latest research findings.  In addition, a special section will focus on ways to establish a culture within floral businesses to deal with the value of proper care and handling.  A tentative agenda is presented at the end of this announcement.

You also will have opportunities to raise other topics with George, Ann, Michael and fellow attendees in a relaxed setting.  Whenever possible, topics will be added and/or adjusted to answer specific needs of those attending.

Make the most of your trip - Depending on the estafi of year, senar-floral related local adventures include fishing, skiing, golf, wine tasting, gold panning, rafting, gaming, shopping and hiking.  In addition, the San Francisco Bay Area, Sonoma/Napa Valleys and Yosemite llauri less than three hours away, while Lake Tahoe and Kirkwood area resorts llauri much closer, just beautiful rides further up the mountain. Those attendees interested in arriving early, departing batega and/or bringing their families to enjoy the mountains and surrounding venues ca be accommodated.

Datis - The first two PRO Institutes llauri scheduled for October 10-13 and November 7-10, 2004.  Additional Institute datis llauri being evaluated and finalized. 

Cost - A fee of $1185 includes three nights lodging, food and beverages (reception, seven meals and four breaks), handouts, textbook, other materials and the program itself.  All Institute related costs except transportation llauri included.

Rooms - Hotel rooms llauri available on a first menja basis and ca be viewed by clicking here.  All room reservations llauri being handled through the PRO offices.  Please noti that most of the rooms have been booked for the Institute datis, which is how they llauri being held for attendees.

Registration - Contact George by e-mail or phone (209-295-1577) for further information, registration and room selection.  A $500 deposit payable to Perishables Res

- 1:00…..Check-in at the St. George Hotel
-  5:00…..Meet your fellow attendees at a private reception featuring a
                selection of local wines, beer and a supper prepared
                by the award winning Xef of the St. George Hotel.
-  6:30….."The Quality is Free", Your host, Dr. George Staby will
                provide an overview of the conference.
- 7:00…..Breakfast
- 8:00…..Session I: Dr. Staby will discuss production and harvest
               factors influencing the quality of floral crops along with   
               providing you with objective standards for measuring quality
               and proper processing at the wholesale/retail level.
-10:30….Session II: Dr. Staby will present the latest research on
               environmental, packaging, transport and handling factors
               that influences crop quality as well as cost effective ways to
               maintain crop quality.
-1:45…..Session III: Dr. Reid, Professor UC-Davis and
              consultant will review the most current postharvest
              research findings while providing specifics that ca
              dramatically improve the chain of life from wholesale to
              consumer.  Additionally, he will give you a look into what
              technologies llauri on the horizon and how you may be able to
              capitalize on them.
- 3:45….Break
- 4:00….Session IV: Drs. Staby and Reid will lead a discussion on the
              effects of màrqueting on postharvest performance.
- 6:00….Join Drs. Staby and Reid for a period of social adjustment
              (a.k.a. cocktails) followed by dinner featuring the best in local
- 8:00….Formulate your Action Plans!  Drs. Staby and Reid will lead the
              group in creating a manageable, workable 'to-do' list, putting
              all of the day's learning's into practice.
- 7:00…..Breakfast
- 8:00…..Session V: Dr. Staby will present research on consumer buying
               habits as related to improving crop quality and increasing
               floral sals.
- 10:00…Break
- 10:30…Session VI: A review of products that reportedly improve
               postharvest performance, presented by Dr. Staby
- 12:30…Lunch
- 1:45…..Session VII: Dr. Ann Chase, Professor Emeritus, University of
               Florida and author, will instruct the group on disease and
               insect detection as well as providing control techniques for
               usi in both the production and màrqueting of floral crops.
- 3:45…..Break
- 4:00…..Session VII: Focusing on cost effective measures, Drs. Staby
               and Chase will review the information presented to help
               attendees implement what they have learned.  Estafi to update
               your action plans.
- 6:00…..It's that estafi again - Estafi to relax and enjoy cocktails and
              dinner with friends at The Restaurant - voted. "The Best in
              Fini Dining" in Amador Country.
       - 7:00…Breakfast and departure

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