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Throw blanket

Ibon Linacisoro, Director01/02/2004
Some years ago it was fashionable throw blanket. It was the threat of the 'red-handed' hand to avoid spending a few years behind bars. Today, at the close of this Edition, another blanket, a mantle absolutely white covers much of the Spanish territory without that nobody seems to know what to do to restore normalcy. Play snow is easily transformed into disgrace and while some are playing others they curse the moment that decided to venture into the darkness of white with little or no experience driving on snow and little appropriate tires. But another group suffered doubly when the mantle decides to pose their whiteness on the roads. Hundreds of truck drivers caught in their trucks express their indignation at the lack of preparation of the Spanish infrastructure for situations which, although they occur infrequently, have been detected earlier by competent professionals.

The outrage is understandable if we consider that many of these truckers familiar routes by countries where snow is part of the landscape and circulating in them with a certain normality. Universal plastics collected in January as part of the suppliers of injectors in Spain not only to continue with the study of market that for years has been carrying out, but also to press their views on the situation of the plastics processing sector. And the infrastructure was precisely one of the themes that signed up at that meeting as a factor unfavourable to the Spanish industry.

Cloaks and blankets aside, things have to work and the efforts of workers and enterprises cannot be dimmed by the incompetence of the authorities. Now that we are in the run-up to the elections and that we have found the virtual opening of the future, i.e. open buildings or highways that will be launched within long time, why not throw the white blanket and make it disappear surprises the Copperfield himself?

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