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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at SOEX 2 Moncofa celebra su 50 aniversario

SOEX 2 Moncofa celebrates his 50 anniversary


7 April 2014

The cooperative Soex-2 of Moncofa celebrated this Saturday 29 March his fifty anniversary. The celebration of this act gathered to near of 320 partners and representatives of companies and institutions of the Community. Between the invited appeared the Autonomic secretary of Agriculture, Fishing, Feeding and Water, Alfredo González; the mayor of Moncofa, Jaime Picher; the director of the Federation of Cooperative Agroalimentarias of the Valencian Community, José Segarra and the president and general director of Anecoop Juan Safont and Joan Mir, respectively.

During the celebration of the act delivered distinctions, among others when titling of the most ancient exploitation, Francisco Arnau Espinós; to the most ancient partner, Francisco Silvestre Alemany and to the partner of greater age José Ramón Alós Canos.

The Council Rector of the cooperative beside the new Autonomic Secretary of Agriculture, Alfredo González
The Council Rector of the cooperative beside the new Autonomic Secretary of Agriculture, Alfredo González.

The president of the cooperative, Manuel Torres, exposed that SOEX-2 even not being a company that stand out by his volume of turnover, neither in quilos worked, “yes that it stands out in the ranking of solvency, in tesorería saneada, in profitability and, especially, in the very done work”. All this thanks to the work of the partners, “that have surpassed numerous difficulties leaving a role model to his children and downward. Children that they have to be connoisseurs of where come and that owe to know what his parents and his grandparents have struggled and what have bequeathed them.”

And, finally, stood out that the cooperativismo is source of wealth for the society, is a democratic organisation, with big resistance to the crisis and of which all the cooperativistas have to feel proud.

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