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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Las manzanas Marlene participan en la Carrera de la Mujer 2014

The apples Marlene participate in the Career of the Woman 2014


26 March 2014

Marlene Granny Smith
Marlene Granny Smith.

Apple and health. Sport and solidarity. These are the values that inspire the collaboration go in Marlene and the Career of the Woman, the big sportive party that, of April to November, will summon to tens of thousands of passionate of the running in all Spain.

The apples Marlene, cultivated to the feet of the Italian Alps by the 5000 families that form the consortium VOG, will be presents in the eight careers of this big event of social sensitisation, that arose with the aim of concienciar to the feminine population of the importance of the healthy habits in the prevention against the cancer of breast.

Thanks to Marlene, the participants of all the careers will enjoy of a healthy and appetizing tentempié chosen between the five varieties of the range (Golden Delicious, Royal Gala, Network Delicious, Fuji and Granny Smith). “The Career of the Woman is a demonstration that sintetiza of perfect form the values of the sport, of the health and the social commitment in which our Consortium always has believed", comments Gerhard Dichgans, director of VOG. “We are very excited with this collaboration, that will allow us cross the Spanish territory like integral part of this big project of social sensitisation".

With this initiative, Marlene it continues the way undertaken in the last years, that has turned it into one of the marks hortofrutícolas more popular of all Spain.

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