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Supply of an important fleet of vehicles of collected characterised for incorporating the most modern technology

Sant Cugat Of the Vallés invests in future thanks to Geesinknorba

Editorial Interempresas02/04/2012

2 April 2012

The Barcelonan municipality of Sant Cugat of the Vallés has a near population to the 86.000 inhabitants, by what the management of his rubbishes supposes a very important challenge. The city needs equipments with the last specifications that can adjust perfectly to his advanced system of waste management, a system that has been designed to improve the life of the residents and tourists that inhabit the city during all the year. The equipment Geesinknorba allow to fulfil with these needs.

In 2011, Sant Cugat of the Vallés conceded an agreement of 10 years of length for the collected of rubbishes to the private contractor Valoriza Environingingmental Services. This agreement included the development, in collaboration with the own city council, of three new methods of collected of rubbishes as well as his back recycling: utilisation of units of lateral load, employment of systems of subterranean containers, and, in some residential areas, the collected special of stock exchanges of rubbish and of recyclable elements.

Sant Cugat Of the Vallés has showed his full confidence in the systems of lateral load
Sant Cugat Of the Vallés has showed his full confidence in the systems of lateral load.

The collected realises following a geographic division prestablecida of the city, by areas, by what the different modalities of work are completed simultaneously.

To be able to effect these tasks, the city council of Sant Cugat of the Vallés has realised a remarkable investment in equipment Geesinknorba Spain, an election in which it has played a fundamental paper the reliability of these products as well as the reduced expenses in maintenance that show along all his useful life. Up to now, for the collected of the rubbishes had employed mainly in the city equipment of rear load, although it is true that already had some version of lateral load. But from the city council has wanted to boost still more this second formula, of service of lateral load, by several reasons: can work with containers of several sizes, what allows to fulfil with the diverse aesthetic requests of residents and tourists; and they obtain significant savings in the labour costs when requiring only a driver, whereas in the system of rear load needs , in addition to a driver, until two operarios gone up in the rear part.

In the case of Sant Cugat of the Vallés, the rubbishes collect six days to the week, being able to for example a vehicle of lateral load collect the waste at night and to first hours of the day, whereas the equipment that work with recyclable elements can do it along the day.

Sant Cugat Is the first municipality of Europe that purchases five electrical vehicles of lateral load manufactured by AMS

Electrical vehicles

Sant Cugat Is the first municipality of Europe that purchases five electrical vehicles of lateral load manufactured by AMS, operation that has realised through the Spanish distributor Geesinknorba Spain. The specifications of the new equipment include four electrical units CL1 of 22 m3 of capacity and another CL1 of 27 m3 of capacity. Both versions can vaciar static containers from 2.200 until 3.200 litres of capacity as well as work with all type of waste. The arms of elevation show very flexible to the hour to go up the two types of containers used.

The main reason to select these electrical units resides in the long relation that keeps the municipality of Sant Cugat with Geesinknorba Spain, as well as by the recognised reliability of the products AMS, that already have showed high levels of performance in other Spanish places. Another reason find it in that the city council wanted to realise the collected so much of day as of night, by what was essential to have vehicles that offer low levels of noises. Finally, like another technical reason, the kinetical power produced by the system of braked of these vehicles is employed partially to provide the necessary electricity for the mechanisms of elevation of the container, for the equipment of compactación and for other mechanical functions of the vehicle AMS, what favours the reduction of the footprint of carbon.

In addition to the five electrical units AMS CL1, Sant Cugat has incorporated two versions operated hidráulicamente. They are of the type CL1-N and have been supplied in two sizes, of 17 and of 22 m3 of capacity. Both have the capacity to elevate and vaciar containers of 2.200 and 3.300 litres.

All these new units AMS of lateral load have been mounted in trucks Renault Premium 4x2 of 18 tonnes and 6x2 of 26 tonnes. The chasses have motors of 310 and 340 HP and, to reduce the fatigue of the operators, have instrumented with the automatic transmission Series 3000 of Allison. This also reduces the operative costs during the stops and starts of the operations. Another incorporation to the vehicles of lateral load is a system of weighing that helps to keep the load in the legal values and to calculate the material collected. The units AMS CL1-N work to 900 rpm, what favours the saving of fuel and the reduction of broadcasts.

The systems of lateral load favour a remarkable saving of labour costs when requiring an only driver
The systems of lateral load favour a remarkable saving of labour costs when requiring an only driver.

High flexibility

The new units AMS collect the organic waste and the glass in containers of 2.200 litres, whereas the residual rubbish, the plastic, the paper and the recyclable cardboard are stored in tanks of 3.200 litres. These containers are situated in points of collected comunitarios installed in the centre of the city and in residential and suburban areas. All the containers have an opening manual crowbar in the inferior part to help to greater or disabled people. The citizens can easily deposit his rubbishes and separate the recyclable materials.

Each vehicle of lateral load of AMS has a system of compactación variable, what reduces the fragmentation of the glass during the process of collected and help to keep his quality for the process of treatment. This system can be also employed in the collected of organic waste, by what the leached are not produced during the process of compactación, and favours the composting of the material.

In addition to the acquisition of these seven vehicles of lateral load, Geesinknorba Spain also has supplied eight equipment of collected with other specifications. To face up to the greater use of systems of lateral load, Sant Cugat has incorporated three vehicles of collected fractionated Geesinknorba MF300 with a division 70/30. Two of these units correspond to the model 13H25 of 13 m3 of capacity, mounted in chassis Renault Premium of two axles and 18 tonnes of PMA. This chassis incorporates an engine of 310 HP and transmission Allison. The greater model MF300 is a 22H25 of 22 m3 of capacity mounted also in a chassis Renault Premium of 26 t of PMA, with engine of 310 HP and transmission Allison.

All the units MF300 incorporate the system of elevation of container Geesinknorba L200 that it can vaciar containers of 80 to 360 litres in 30% of the structure and of 80 to 1.100 litres in 70% remaining. The units fractionated facilitate like this the classification of the rubbishes for his back treatment.

Subterranean containers

Sant Cugat Has invested also in a new system of subterranean containers, employing for this versions of 3, 4 and 5 m3. For his casting the city council has incorporated three units Geesinknorba GPM III KT1 18L25 (18 m3) mounted in Renault Premium 6x2 of 26 t of PMA, with transmission Allison. The equipment incorporate a crane of 18 t of load of hygiene to allow to the operator elevate the containers and download his contents in the hopper of the unit of collected KT1. The subterranean system employs a simple opening system for the three types of installations employed: organic rubbish and glass in container of 3 m3, residual rubbish in container of 4 m3, and plastics, paper and cardboard in container of 5 m3. The citizens deposit his rubbish in the installed devices to level of floor in the street, and there falls to the installed containers in his base. Once that the vehicle of collected KT1 arrives, the driver and the operator open electrically the devices of collected, go up the containers to level of street and download the material in the hopper KT1 using the crane mounted in the truck. When the containers are empty, go back to leave in his respective places and close the devices so that the residents can deposit there his rubbishes.

So much the units Geesinknorba KT1 like the MF300 have the system Smartpack, that favours savings of fuel of 20% when the equipment are operative, as well as significant reductions of the broadcasts of noise and gases.

Finally, Geesinknorba has delivered two vehicles of collected 5000 Compact, of 10 m3 of capacity, supplied by AMS and mounted in hydrostatic chassis Dulevo of 13 t of PMA. They have body sealed of an alone piece and can collect a big variety of rubbishes: residual, recyclable and organic. Thanks to his construction in an alone piece, when they are employed for the collected of organic material, retain all the leached produced in the process of compactación. The Compact has a ratio of compactación of 5.1 and has an elevador that can manipulate containers of 80 to 1.100 litres of capacity. These units are employed in Sant Cugat to collect residual and organic material, paper and cardboard, plastic and glass of the centre of the city, where the access is restricted for big vehicles of collected. The service is managed with a driver and an operario.

Sant Cugat Of the Vallés follows working in providing to his citizen sustainable solutions
Sant Cugat Of the Vallés follows working in providing to his citizen sustainable solutions.
The 15 vehicles of collected have been supplied with system GPS of MOBA, providing data on the geographic positioning

Telegestión Of the equipment

The 15 vehicles of collected have been supplied with system GPS of MOBA, providing data on the geographic positioning that allow to know where are working each one of these equipment in real time. These data can be reproduced in maps with the routes of collected for a better management of the service and to cover easily low of the usual driver in a determinate zone.

With the delivery of the new equipment, so much Geesinknorba like AMS have provided during a week an intense learning so much to the equipment of management as to the operators to take advantage of to the maximum the advantages of these equipment.

The majority of the vehicles of collected realise two loads daily and carry the material to the headquarters of Ecoparc in Montcada. When they arrive the equipment to these installations, are weighed in a scale computerizada that records all the registers. The vehicles direct to the pavilion of download where deposit the material in the bunkers of storage, one for residual material and another for organic material. A crane with device of hold, type octopus, elevates the material and deposits it in the corresponding lines of treatment.

The residual material is classified manualmente using a system of transport, and the recyclable material is separated in his respective typologies to transport it to the corresponding installations of processing.

The organic part goes in in a series of tunnels of composting where is subjected to a biological process and turned into compost. The no recyclable materials are jointed and transported to municipal plants of incineration, situated in Barcelona, Mataró and Tarragona, to be reconverted in power.

The organic material is transferred from the zones of storage and goes in in an installation of anaerobic digestion to obtain material that afterwards will be employed in the agricultural sector. The methane obtained during the process of digestion, is used for the generation of electricity. By his part, the recyclable material of Ecoparc is downloaded in several tanks to be employed in plants of processing.

Once that all the vehicles have been castings return to the scale to collect his operative ticket, that reflects his net load and his PMA, for later leave the installations and continue with his routes.

In summary, Sant Cugat explains already with the most modern fleet of vehicles of collected of available rubbishes in the market. With broadcasts reduced, considerable savings of fuel and reduced working costs, the new park of vehicles will provide a system of collected sustainable to this Barcelonan municipality during the next years.

Related Companies or Entities

Geesinknorba Spain, S.L.U.

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