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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Geesinknorba suministra las primeras unidades híbridas GPM III en Turquía
The municipality of Kadikoy bets by solutions medioambientalmente sustainable

Geesinknorba Supplies the first hybrid units GPM III in Turkey

Timothy Byrne28/06/2013
The European manufacturer of vehicles for the collected of waste Geesinknoba has received a request of ten units GPM III Hybrid by part of the Turkish contractor of High environingingmental services, reinforcing with this operation his condition of manufacturer highly engaged with the supply of respectful solutions with the environingingment.

High is a private company founded in 1992, obtaining his first agreement of collected of rubbishes this same year. His first operations took place in Kartal, a district of Istanbul, and later also won an agreement in the municipality of Kutahya. Since the company has seen to grow his catalogue of environingingmental services, providing at present collected and transfer of waste, cleaning of streets, washed of containers and tasks of maintenance in a wide variety of places of Turkey.

The company has increased his quota of market in the environingingmental service sector near of 25%, thank you, especially, to the investment that comes realising for modernizar his fleet of vehicles of collected and of road cleaning, combined with a team of professionals fully formed. With all this High has turned into an indisputable reference in the supply of environingingmental services in all Turkey.

Act of delivery of the new vehicles, with the mayor of the city of Kadikoy, Selami Ozturk...
Act of delivery of the new vehicles, with the mayor of the city of Kadikoy, Selami Ozturk, and the commercial director and of marketing of Geesinknorba, Maurice Link.

Geesinknorba Supplies vehicles of collected of rubbishes by Europe and by the rest of the world from does decades, consolidating year after year in one of the big leaders of this market. The company manufactures vehicles of collected and the range of compactadores Kiggen, portable and static. It has a commercial network and with factories in Europe and in other continents, and distributes his equipment under the marks Geesink, Norba, ValuePak, Rossi and Kiggen. His continuous investment in design and innovation is the fortress that is behind the success of this company.

A good example of this is the design of his hybrid versions, that reduce the impact in the environingingment reducing the broadcasts and providing systems of waste payment and transport for the present and for the future. Geesinknorba Was the first manufacturer of vehicles of collected of waste, of all the world, that developed a hybrid version, in the year 2000, supplying the first unit hardly a year afterwards.

The hybrid technology can be offered in the lines Geesink and Norba, giving to the customers a big variety of options in terms of body, rear door and elevador of containers. The first hybrid unit created in the year 2000 was known like the range ‘Generation V'. But from the month of May of this year, a new series of hybrid units has been entered in the market, call ‘Li-On Power' and characterised for instrumenting batteries of lithium-ion.

In February of 2012, Geesinknorba and his marks became property of the Group Mutated, of Munich, a signature that has showed his firm decision to follow investing in Geesinknorba to be able to provide systems of gestión of waste entirely sustainable.

In this frame places the recent supply of ten hybrid units in Turkey, for whose delivery realised recently an official evento in which they participated the mayor of the city of Kadikoy, Selami Ozturk, and the commercial director and of marketing of Geesinknorba, Maurice Link. Kadikoy Is an important place that finds next to Istanbul.

The High contractor and the city council of Kadikoy have worked of form very narrow with Geesinknorba so that the city can have a fleet of respectful vehicles with the environingingment, with minimum broadcasts and that allow to realise the collected of rubbishes of form very silent. Zeki Bolat, director of Export of Geesinknorba, signals in this regard that “the relation between High, the city of Kadikoy and Geesinknorba has strengthened during the last years, what has allowed us obtain the agreement of supply of these ten vehicles”.

The key factors for the supply of these units Hybrid GPM III have been the one who these vehicles use hybrid technology and the one who the compactación and the elevation can be operated electrically, providing with this a service of collected without noises for inhabitants and tourists. This has been fundamental since the service of collected of rubbishes in Kadikoy realises to first hour of the morning and at night.

Other reasons of this election were in the low levels of broadcasts of CO2 that show these vehicles since the operations of compactación and elevation can realise with the engine turned off, what improves the quality of the air and reduces the broadcasts of particles in the vecindarios where the vehicle works. “Besides they obtain significant savings of fuel”, adds Seref Bulbul, director of High.

A moment of the demonstration realised with the new vehicles
A moment of the demonstration realised with the new vehicles.

There are other advantages to the hour to use the hybrid models of Geesinknorba, as for example that once finished the collected nocturnal, his packages of battery of 72V, are recargados in each one of the ten vehicles during the night to be already smart to the following morning. Also it supposes a big profit the one who the battery can recargarse while the vehicle works, by means of what knows like system PTO.

A last factor that has influenced in the acquisition of the vehicles Geesinknorba by part of High and Kadikoy, went the advanced technology that incorporate, “allowing with this supply high levels of reliability combined with low total costs of property”, ensures Seref Bulbul.

The new hybrid vehicles Geesinknorba GPM III include seven units 13H25 (unit of compactación standard of 13 m3 of capacity) and three units 20H25 (unit of compactación standard of 20 m3). The ten equipment mount the elevador of containers GCB1000 able to work with containers of 80 to 1.100 litres of capacity.

Also instrument estribos rear, so that the operarios can displace in the rear part of the truck of a point of collected to another. This estribo incorporates a sensor of hygiene to avoid them risks to the operators when they go on him.

The new Hybrid GPM III 13H25 have been mounted on Mercedes Axor 1829L (18 tonnes and chassis 4x2), whereas the Hybrid GPM III 20H25 have mounted in Mercedes Actros 2532L 6x2 of 26 tonnes.

All the chasses incorporate a cabin of day that allows to receive to the driver and to two operarios more. To mitigate the fatigue all the chasses incorporate a transmission semi-automatic.

Zeki Bolat, director of Export of Geesinknorba
Zeki Bolat, director of Export of Geesinknorba.
The system of collected of rubbishes employed in Kadikoy uses containers of 660 litres situated in community areas in the streets. The operarios vacían these containers to first hour of the morning and at night, keeping of this form the clean city.

The new hybrid units of Kadikoy were transacted by the managers of the factory of Geesinknorba in Emmeloord. The operarios and mechanics of High received a detailed learning in the safe use of these equipment and in how has to realise the service and maintenance. This learning guarantees high levels of productivity combined with low costs along all the useful life of the equipment.

In summary, Geesinknorba has supplied a complete fleet of vehicles of the most advanced available technology in Europe and in the rest of the world. Selami Ozturk, mayor of Kadikoy, concluded: “Whereas in some countries there are people that are causing a big deterioration to our environingingment, is gratificante see how companies like Geesinknorba and High work of the hand to do of our city an increasingly clean place and healthy where live, protecting our surroundings for the next years”.

Related Companies or Entities

Geesinknorba Spain, S.L.U.

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