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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Schneider Electric presenta Plantstruxure Process en Barcelona
Presentation of the novelties 2014 of Schenider Electric

Schneider Electric presents Plantstruxure Process in Barcelona

Nina Jareño21/05/2014

Schenider Electric launch new solutions for the automation and energetic management of infrastructures and processes with a new form to understand the industrial automation. With his presentation in Barcelona, Schenider gives to know in Spain Plantstruxture Process, the evolution of the systems of control with his novelties Altivar Process and Modicon M580.

The past 15 May, Schenider Electric presented in the Sferic of Barcelona his new products for the industrial automation. With a representation of the most original, the company gave to know PlantStruxure Process, the new architecture of integrated automation for industrial surroundings and of infrastructures. This system gathers the telemetry of Schneider Electric, his PLC/SCADA and his wide offer DCS with complete services for all the cycle of life that increase the efficiency of the operations.

PlantStruxure Process 2014 represents a new form to understand the automation of processes, optimising the supervision and control of the industrial processes and keeping the equipment of production to full operative and energetic performance during all the cycle of life. For this, Schneider Electric launches this new range of solutions for the automation and energetic management of infrastructures and processes: the adjustable speed drives Altivar Process and the family of controllers Modicon M580.

After the day realizar in Barcelona, the events of presentation will continue in Bilbao (22 May), Valencia (28 May), Madrid (4 June) and also in the city of Santiago de Compostela (12 June).

Technicians of Schneider Electric presented PlantStruxure Process in Barcelona
Technicians of Schneider Electric presented PlantStruxure Process in Barcelona.

Modicon M580 - ePac with integrated Ethernet in all the architecture

Modicon M580 is more than a simple PAC, is the first ePAC (PLC with integrated Ethernet in the core) of the world. It gives the possibility to design an architecture of automation without restrictions, allowing integrate And/S remote and distributed in the same network. Taking advantage of the modules X80 (compatible M340 and M580) reduces the maintenance and the learning and, besides, incorporate the last technologies. Thus, Modicon M580 - ePAC is the ideal controller elected for the architecture of automation PlantStruxure.

Develops, implements and operates the processes with all the profits of the open networks: more visibility for the data and events of the key processes, more transparency and consistency in the information and more capacity in the management of the traffic of data. Thanks to the use of Ethernet in all the architecture of automation, Modicon M580 offers more transparency, flexibility and opening, can access to all the information of the production from any place and anytime, with what achieves improve the productivity and the efficiency of the processes.

Modicon M580 - ePAC is the controller chosen for the architecture of automation PlantStruxure

Modicon M580 - ePAC is the controller chosen for the architecture of automation PlantStruxure.

Altivar Process, the first variator oriented to services

Altivar Process Is a variator oriented to services designed to reduce OPEX in installations ‘Process&Utilities' thanks to digital services embebidos. This device of field is designed to ensure the continuity of the processes by means of his innovative technology and his capacities and functions of communication advanced, that allow to control and supervise the use of power in any level of the productive chain.

Altivar Process Contributes value to all the cycle of life of the team since it offers intelligence and information in real time, in addition to reducing costs of maintenance thanks to the technology of saving of power. The interface of server web embebida, based in network Ethernet, allows to monitor processes of daily form. Likewise, 70% of tax of recycled guarantees a low impact on the environingingment.

Range Altivar Process IP55
Range Altivar Process IP55.

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