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The product, the first European article in winning the prize Cool Idea! Of Proto Labs, improves the independence of the people with visual disability

White and intelligent

Editorial Interempresas29/08/2012
Télétact, created by the French company IN3G, is an inventive complement to the traditional white clave that, thanks to a system of detection by infrared and vibratory answer, allows to identify dangers and obstacles to help to the users to displace in some urban surroundings. The new article received the galardón Cool Idea! Of Proto Labs (first European product that receives it) was created and designed to improve the independence of the people with visual disability.

For a person with visual disability already is sufficiently complicated to move in some surroundings that result him familiar. Like this then , it does not result difficult to imagine how much more intimidador and challenging has to be displace by some entirely new surroundings and stranger. Although the traditional white clave is useful in both cases, does not leave to be a rudimentary help with big limitations. However, the new Télétact allows to the disabled visual displace only, of independent way and more far of the usual, even although the surroundings was him unknown.


Télétact Consists in a cajita that can attach easily to a normal white clave. The box issues innocuous infrared rays that project horizontally until a distance of some 70 centimetres by in front of the user. The ray also projects upwards in an angle of 45°. When the infrared ray bumps against an object, the box of Télétact transmits a vibration to the clave, that increases or diminishes according to the vicinity of the object.

When the infrared ray bumps against an object, the box of Télétact transmits a vibration to the clave, that increases or diminishes according to the vicinity of the object

IN3G commissioned initially of the prototypes of the distinct components of Télétact of internal way, with a technician of additive impressesion in 3D. Nevertheless, when it began to confirm and evaluate the mechanical pieces (for example, the opening of covers it of the battery) to attain a perfect adjust and prepare the pieces for the moldeo by injection, IN3G attended to Proto Labs. After two rounds of creation of prototypes, Proto Labs realised ten moulds and delivered one hundred carcasas of Télétact. The carcasa external and the compartment of the battery are realised in black polycarbonate, designed to protect the system of infrared, the source of feeding, the cards of circuits and the vibratory device.

The ingeniosidad of the product Télétact and his unquestionable utility for the disabled visual convinced to Larry Lukis, founder and technical director of Proto Labs: “it convinced Us the potential and the simplicity of the product”, comments. “IN3G could help to million people to displace with greater ease and independence. It pleases us enormously offer our service of moldeo by injection Protomold and award to IN3G with a prize Cool Idea!”.


Of prize

IN3G has his headquarters in Orsay (Paris) and is specialised in investigation and high technology. The company collaborates with universities and public organisms of investigation. Roger Leroux, technical director of IN3G, comments: “When the team of Proto Labs France proposed that we presented Télétact for the prize Cool Idea!, we do not doubt it neither a moment”, it ensures. “We had worked with Proto Labs in previous occasions, by what thrilled us enormously this opportunity. Win the prize Cool Idea! It has allowed us manufacture sufficient pieces to instrument to a hundred of people so that they could test Télétact in real situations”.

The prize Cool Idea! It is a program created by Proto Labs that offers to the designers the opportunity to realise innovative products that, of another way, would not have of financials. In 2012, Proto Labs expanded the program to the European Union, offering in the actuality until the equivalent to 250.000 dollars in services of creation of prototypes and volumes of low production.

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