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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Nanotecnología al servicio de la industria de polímeros y materiales compuestos

Nanotechnology to the service of the industry of polymers and compound materials


11 January 2014

Day on characterisation of Nanocomposites Polymeric
Day on characterisation of Nanocomposites Polymeric.

The next 20 February will take place the Day on characterisation of Nanocomposites Polymeric, organised by the Institute of Nanociencia of Aragon (INA) -dependent of the University of Saragossa-, and by the Technological Institute of Aragon (ITA), ascribed of the Department of Industry and Innovation of the Government of Aragon. The day pretends to move how the nanotechnology is to the service of the industry of polymers and compound materials. For this, will give to know the technicians of instrumental characterisation more notable in the field of the polymeric materials and other compound materials, having the most advanced equipments for the development of the different technical of characterisation, as well as with the best experts in the use of the same.

The sessions and presentations will realizar so much in the headquarters of INA as of ITA, with demonstrations in the Laboratories of both centres and in the one of Microscopías Advanced. In this activity will take part: Jesús Santamaría, deputy director of INA, the one who will open the acts of the day; José María of Teresa, coordinator of the Laboratory of Microscopías Advanced (LMA), that will present this singular space; Johann G. Meier, of the Division of Materials and Components ITA, the one who will speak on ‘Technicians of Dynamic Characterisation-Mechanical (DMA, rheology and dielectric spectroscopy)'. Besides, other technicians of ITA will present the distinct technicians of dynamic characterisation-mechanical of polymeric materials and other compound materials.

Also, technicians of INA will do presentations of the distinct technicians of instrumental characterisation of polymeric materials and other compound materials. After them, Rodrigo Fernández-Pacheco, of TEM/Criotem, will speak of ‘Microscopía electronic of transmission'; Carlos Cuesta, of SEM/SEM Environingingmental, on ‘Microscopía electronic of scanning'; Silvia Irusta, of XPS, on ‘Espectrocopía of fotoelectrones of X-rays', José Luis Díez, of AFM, on ‘Microscopía of atomic strength' and Nuria Navascués, of Raman, on ‘Microscopía of dispersion inelástica'. Likewise, they will celebrate other practical sessions of characterisation, with groups of work reduced. The last part of the day will take place in the Laboratories of ITA, where will show the operation of the equipment of Rheology, DMA and Dielectric Spectroscopy. Besides, they will collect two samples from among the assistants for his analysis by means of dielectric spectroscopy, whose essays, given his length, will realizar subsequently to this meeting.

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