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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Antonio Luque, director general de Dcoop
“We are leaving that the interests of other countries impose in the international rule”

Interview to Antonio Luque, general director of Dcoop

Irene Relda22/11/2013

The group agroalimentario Dcoop, fruit of the union between Highlands with Hojiblanca, is today “world-wide leader in the sector oleícola”, as it ensures to Interempresas his general director, Antonio Luque. “From the same day of our birth, are firm applicants to turn into us a big cooperative agroalimentaria European adding new sectors like the livestock or the cereal”.

Antonio Luque, general director of Dcoop
Antonio Luque, general director of Dcoop.

Dcoop Is the fusion of Highlands with Hojiblanca. What has carried them to join ?

This union improves the resources to our scope to attain our aim: achieve greater profitability for the producers by means of the saving of the costs of transformation and the improvement of the commercialisation of our products.

They say that his aim is to look for the greater profitability for his partners. How?

As it would do it any big company that pursues to improve his results: abaratando the cost of the insumos, optimising the human resources and fabriles, profesionalizando the strength of sales, opening new markets and new channels...

How it has closed this campaign oleícola 2012/2013?

As it has been a frankly bad year, of scarce production and acceptable prices, therefore, of few operations. Nevertheless, to productive level a rest after several campaigns with productions in historical levels always comes well to the olivos, what has brought like consequence a backstitch of prices.

Which are the main destinations of our oils?

Have permanent offices in China and United States, and a strong presence in the European Union, Mexico, Brazil, Iran, Japan, countries of the ancient Soviet Union, South Africa, Arab countries… The exporting activity centres good part of our strategy of sales and supposes an important road of growth inside the plans of development of Dcoop.

Which type of oil consumes more in our country? And in the outside?

Although it persists the confusion in the consumer on the qualities of oil, the virgin have advanced considerably on the olives in the last years. It treats of a product of big quality, competitive in price with the refinados. The extra keeps inside and out of our borders like indisputable leader although the prices condition a lot the evolution of the market. It is a problem that can perceive like an excessively expensive product, when the statutory requirements force to bottle an oil of big quality that really cost what costs to manufacture it.

What could say us of the profitability for the agriculturalist? With which margins of profit explains the agriculturalist in Spain? And the producers of olive oil?

Operate in a sector where handle big volumes but the margin of net profit for the producer is really adjusted. The agriculturalists have to study the costs of transformation of his production to the millimetre to be able to obtain a real profitability, further of the helps that can complement the income. It is here where Dcoop pretends to turn into an ally offering to each partner the advantages to have aunado efforts.

Which are the forecasts for the next campaign?

Have big hopes put in the campaign that now begins regarding the recovery of the production. We have to manage the best possible the sales to avoid that the cotizaciones fall to levels underneath of the threshold of profitability.

Which production foresee?

The olivos are having an optimum behaviour. We have aforado 250.000 tonnes. We trust that the prices keep in an acceptable level, but fear us that they will not be so acceptable as in the previous.

It defend the consumption of our oil in our country in front of others of countries of our surroundings.

The consumer exerts his power of purchase when it squares him a simple equation: quality/ price. In this sense, the oil of Spanish olive is in disposal to give sobrada answer. Besides, it represents a pillar in the national economy and gives to eat to tens of thousands of families. It is not a lot ask that each Spanish was ambassador of our olive oil. Now well, we operate in a global market and of the same forms that we aspire to have penetration in other countries, are conscious that they do not exist more borders that those that the consumer want to put. Besides, there are some countries that competitively have costs of production (by low wages, no requirements of sanitary ware controls…) inferior to ours.

Which thinks that is the level of our producing companies regarding technology and machinery refers ? They are to the technological avant-garde? In general terms, they enjoy of installations and modern and up to date equipment?

Think that the agriculturalists are doing true efforts by modernizar his fincas, still not obtaining of the crop the profitability wished to invest in equipment that would help them to have fincas much more productive. It is necessary to take into account that the olive grove is in hands of minifundistas. Only in Dcoop have 65.000 families working the field. In the following links (transformation and commercialisation) himself are a competitive country and leader in the majority of the facets.

Photo: Carlos Sánchez
Photo: Carlos Sánchez.

It thinks that the different normative that regulate the sector adapt to the needs?

Said that we are leaders in the majority of the fields, but no in others. Precisely we are leaving that the interests of other countries impose in the international rule, at the same time that assist to a problem of juridical inhygiene created in our own country, for example, as in the big existent disparity between panels of tasting, that follows without resolving , that precisely are using like argument to attack to the Spanish oils. It exists a lot of rule that comes to constreñir the commercial relations treating to pursue a presumptive fraud by the disparity in the assessments organolépticas, when it does not pursue the one of the mixes, for example.

What can say us about the helps of the PAC? They are to the height?

Like general director of Dcoop only can say that we work each day so that the agriculturalist do not depend so much of these helps. It is more, like agriculturalists, sometimes the uncertainty on the same prevents us grow and schedule with the height of look that it requires our future. This does not remove that we defend them and receive us while they exist.

The Government finishes to ratify his intention to forbid the oilers rellenables in bars and restaurants. Which thinks that can be the consequences for the sector of the manufacturers? And for the hospitality industry? And for the consumer? Speak us of the pros and contras.

The decision answers to a historical claim of the sector by what supposes a big news that would have to have arrived does time to avoid, as it occurs in the actuality, that still there is the one who find in this measure a barrier in place of an opportunity. We win all: the manufacturers, because his oils will go out to the market with the value added to be packagings; the hospitality industry, because it will improve his image of quality and service, and the consumer, because, finally, will be able to identify what is eating , as it already occurs with the immense majority of the products of autoservicio in bars and restaurants.

The one of the olive oil is a strategic sector in our country, however, ensures that we leave that the interests of others impose in the international rule. We do not know to defend our interests in Europe?

The key is in knowing which are the interests to be able to defend them as it had to in Europe. In my opinion, it is necessary to abandon the production like axis around the that has turned almost exclusively the debate of the sector in the EU to centre us in litigating for improving the commercialisation. Only like this we will advance in our main challenge: improve the profitability for the agriculturalist. Already I have referred me before to the leadership, in what think that are leaders and in what no.

To what other challenges confronts the sector in the actuality?

Think that it would be necessary to deepen in the perception that the consumer has of the product. We have to ensure us that it knows what supposes to purchase an extra, a virgin or an olive, the real value of what buys, his different uses and the fan of possibilities that offers him the market. It is necessary to inform to the consumer so that his decisions answer to true criteria and no to the on duty interests of the intermediaries between these and the producers. And of course increase the promotion to increase the consumption to the rhythm that the production. To organisational level, is indispensable and ineludible the concentration of the offer, and by this senda go walking from does years.

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