Arisac, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Arisac, S.L.
Capitán Cendra, 79 Apartado Correos 150
03780 Pego (Alacant) Spain
☎:  +34‑966402073   +34‑966400882  
🖷:  +34‑966402074

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

Arisac, S.L.

Its continuous effort in search of the quality of the product and its ebalajes, on the one hand; and service to the customer with a complete network of distribution and advice, on the other hand, are their assets to achieve the complete satisfaction of his best ally, the customer.service to the customer with a complete network of distribution and advice, on the other hand, they are their assets to achieve the complete satisfaction of his best ally, the customer.
They facilitate the transport and presentation of their products, with the different packing options available: Big-bag sacks of 20 kg, pallets, containers, etc.Due to the increasing demand of customers, customers.
Because of the growing scarcity of water, and natural sustainability, demand customers, interested in the nature, ecology, they have created a range of products dedicated to gardening and decoration of gardens that help and directed to the protection of the Earth in the face of factors such as: erosion, moisture, and other external agents who assaulted her.
In ARISAC endow the gardens with a new, from the family of aggregates aesthetic option decorative and stones of the garden as the bowling, the rockery, the song shot or rounded, Sands, alberos, crushed aggregates, rocks or pine bark, paving stones of granite, and basalt pavers, Aquarium stones and other natural rocks of large format.
In ARISAC opt, inter alia, an alternative to conventional landscaping and gardening: the xerojardin. Its aggregate and crushed are usually applied in the modern gardening. The term Xeriscape is an adaptation of the Anglo-Saxon term xeriscape, from the Greek xeros (dry) and the English landscape (landscape, garden), and serves to define a technique of gardening which consists in the rational use of plants according to their water needs, the use of drought tolerant plants (plants with low water consumption) and the use of techniques and materials aimed at saving water (aggregates of applied gardening). This, coupled with current resources such as irrigation drip, make your application a great alternative to the gardening conventional, assuming a substantial saving in water and maintenance of the garden.
Water saving is not the sole aim of its aggregate and crushed: they also have an ecological purpose and they advocate a low-maintenance, since, for example, limit the constant use of phytosanitary products, limit the use of machinery, with the consequent saving of fuel, help, recycling, etc. All this, coupled with ease when it comes to the transport and handling of the aggregate and crushed, favored by their ways of packaging and presentation, make the use of decorative aggregates and the Xeriscape, the great current alternative to what we understand by conventional garden.