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The company achieves besides increase the useful life of the product packed

After the project Conservapesca, SP Group launches a new container microondable for mussels

Editorial Interempresas11/04/2014

SP Group, skilled company in the manufacture, the impressesion (flexography and huecograbado) and the given complex of plates of flexible films and semi rigid for the sector of the packaging agroalimentario, chemist and chemist, mainly, like company collaborator of the project Conservapesca, collects the first notable results for his market, after two years of investigations on the development and application of new technological solutions to improve the processed, the quality, the conservation and the commercialisation of the products pesqueros.

Specifically the essays realizar in the packaging, have allowed to obtain an active film that filters the ultraviolet radiation incident in the container, whose results obtained in loins of red tuna to the empty, confirm that it lengthens the conservation of the product of 8 days to 23 or 26, avoiding his microbiological alteration and organoléptica. Assuming that the productive process reduces to the maximum the microbial load of the initial product, exist a lot of more factors that condition the optimum conservation. After analysing the oxidation and sensory deterioration of the products pesqueros (and in general, of all the foods in all his variants), has observed that these changes owe to a large extent to the influence of the ultraviolet radiation.

Different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum

Along the second anualidad, SP Group has centred in the development of different films that filter this radiation. In addition to designing a high container barrier that prevents the entrance of oxygen of the outside and the proliferation of microorganisms, SP Group has incorporated filters that prevent the entrance of the light. An usual requirement of the market is the transparency of covers it, and recently also of the tray, to be able to see the product that buy the consumers.

When the light involves sensory degradation, solutions like the aluminium guarantee the opacity and maximum conservation, but forces to print the product.

Finalised the essays realizar with loins of tuna to the empty, arises a new film with filters to the light, that lengthens the life of the product packed of 8 to 23 or 26 days.

The two forms to incorporate these filters have been the impressesion of the film or the extrusion in plate. The advantage is that they can combine , and that both have the certificate of alimentary contact. The ultraviolet radiation, of greater energetic intensity that the visible, is in general the manager of the greater alteration. However, it has observed that the visible spectrum (400- 450 nm) also influences negatively in the conservation. By all these reasons, the obtaining of this active film forms part of the evolutionary process of the project Conservapesca and that during the next months will continue in this line of investigation.

On the other hand, another of the aims reached and that has allowed the relaunching of a new product by part of SP Group, is the use of a destined container to cool products pesqueros that can bear freezings of even -18 °C, in addition to a process of cooking in microwaves, splitting of product frozen products or fresco. VSTEAM Is a system of cooking of foods, that by means of a valve that acciona in the microwaves, pipes the exit of the steam of the container. The product frozen products in the interior bakes in the microwaves without need of perforaciones or to be extracted of the container.

In addition to the distinguished characteristics, the structure of the stock exchange prototype contributes a big permeability to the steam of water and, although in this case it does not contain barrier, can manufacture with her adapting to the needs of the customer. This valve can apply so much in format of stock exchange preformada as in coil, and both are especially conceived for products of the sea frozen products, although it also is possible his application in vegetables frozen products with high content in water (peas, broccoli, romanesco, etc…). The types of filled depend of the format that select : filled automatic and semi automatic of stock exchange preformada Doypack or filled in vertical machine when it is from coil.

Case of success- VSTEAM

Once developed this system, the past month of February sent samples of stock exchanges microondables with valve VSTEAM from SP GROUP to a company, trading company of mussels, among others products of the sea, for the realisation of some final proofs. This last phase of the investigation, realizar with whole mussel pre-baked and later frozen products. Once cooked in the microwaves observed the following:

  • All the shells were opened and baked.
  • His appearance (visual) was excellent, very red and fleshy.
  • To the palate were very substantial and tender.

Previously also had realizar another proof with product Bump (type squid) and also was all a success.


Information Conservapesca

Conservapesca, the current project of investigation and innovation in which it participates SP GROUP, arises with the end to develop and apply new technological solutions to improve the processed, the quality, the conservation and the commercialisation of the products pesqueros.

Funded with bottoms FEDER, subsidised by the Centre for Industrial Technology Development (CDTI) and supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and by the Agency of Innovation and Development of Andalucia – CONTRIVES, the consortium Conservapesca, is formed by several companies and OPIs. Led by Abelló Linde (manager of the management and economic and technical coordination), the project also explains

With the collaboration of Citagro, AVTS, Procosur, Bastila 2009, Domca and SP GROUP, as well as of the OPIs Andaltec, IAT, Group Sens(UCO) (formed by Group Sens and the University of Córdoba (UCO), Surgenia and TEICA, all they contributing solutions in his field and working jointly in all the phases of the project. Http://

The planned length of the project Conservapesca is of 36 months, being on 1 January of the 2012 the date of start and on 31 December of the 2014 the date of ending of the same.

  • “Project Subsidised by the CDTI”
  • “Project supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and by Agency of Innovation and Development of Andalucia - IDEA”
  • “This project has been cofinanciado by the European Bottom of Regional Development, FEDER, inside the Operative Program Technological Bottom 2007-2013”

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