FY76 - Futur energy

A fondo: Análisis 2020 | In depth: 2020 Analysis www.futurenergyweb.es FuturEnergy | Diciembre 2020-Enero 2021 December 2020-January 2021 30 buscar el encaje en un mercado complejo liderado por la combustión, pero abocado con celeridad a la electrificación. Por eso, sería deseable que, en lo sucesivo, se creen las condiciones que hagan que la movilidad eléctrica se imponga de forma natural en el ideario de los compradores a través de la demanda, sin que para ello haya que demonizar a otras tecnologías y, por tanto, te pido: • Que el Gobierno mantenga su compromiso con la movilidad eléctrica y para ello, coordine a los diferentes ministerios para que haya una coherencia entre el objetivo marcado a nivel nacional y las responsabilidades particulares de las diferentes carteras. • Que la ambición en los objetivos del Gobierno tenga similar respuesta a nivel económico, regulatorio y fiscal para poder alcanzarlos. Sin duda, se ha avanzado gracias a regulaciones como el RDL 15/2018, el RDL 23/2020, la circular 3/2020 de la CNMC o el APL por el que se crea el Fondo Nacional para la Sostenibilidad del Sistema Eléctrico, pero por desgracia, no es suficiente. Si queremos una verdadera transformación rápida hacia el vehículo eléctrico y mantener a la vez la competitividad y el empleo en la automoción, habrá que provocar esa transformación con ayudas realmente ambiciosas y eficaces a la industria y a la compra, para que un vehículo eléctrico sea muy atractivo y competitivo frente a su homólogo en combustión hoy mismo, no mañana. La revisión del plan MOVES para dotarlo de un presupuesto realmente potente, fácil de gestionar, continuado en el tiempo y que no esté ligado a rendimientos del trabajo en el IRPF; la reducción parcial o total del IVA a nivel nacional para la compra de eléctricos, aunque sea temporal hasta que se equilibren los precios de forma natural, y la eliminación de las trabas a la tramitación de licencias y permisos para instalar y operar puntos de recarga, son estrategias que de aplicarse urgentemente, orientarían radicalmente la demanda del mercado hacia los objetivos del Gobierno en materia de descarbonización del transporte. • Que los grupos parlamentarios mantengan la altura y madurez institucional que la sociedad espera y reclama de ellos para remar juntos, pues la movilidad eléctrica es, o debiera de ser, un instrumento no sujeto a colores ni ideologías en los objetivos de descarbonización del transporte. goes, there were four rather than three Kings of the East who went to visit Jesus in his manger and that this one arrived late at his destination as he stopped to help those he met along the way. Throughout the life of Jesus, he tried to help him and as a result was raised to Heaven on his death bed, according to “The Story of the Other Wise Man”written by Henry van Dyke in 1896 and to which even scientists, such as the astronomer Mark Kidger of the European Space Agency (ESA), have afforded some degree of credibility. Why write to Artaban? As I see it, in some way, electric mobility is late on the scene, but is destined to rise to the highest position, helping automation on its way to address and overcome the environmental and technological challenges inherent to our age. “Dear Artaban. This year, one so different and difficult for many people, electric mobility has been very good, and this is why I wanted to write to you.We have grown and matured, aiming to find our place in a complex market led by combustion, but one which is set to quickly move to electrification. For this, it would be hoped that, from now on, the conditions are created that make electric mobility naturally establish itself in the mindset of buyers through demand, without needing to demonise other technologies; and so, I wish: • That the Government honours its commitment to electric mobility, coordinating the different ministries so that there is a coherence between the target set at national level and the individual responsibilities for the different portfolios. • That the ambition of the Government’s targets has a similar response at economic, regulatory and fiscal level to achieve them. Undoubtedly, progress has been made thanks to regulations such as Royal Legislative Decree 15/2018, Royal Legislative Decree 23/2020, the circular 3/2020 from the Spanish National Commission on Markets and Competition and the draft bill that creates the National Fund for the Sustainability of the Electrical System. But sadly, this is not enough. If we aspire to a fast and true transformation towards the electric vehicle while maintaining competitiveness and employment in automotion, this transformation will need to be accompanied by truly ambitious and effective funding for industry and for purchase, so that an electric vehicle is really attractive and competitive compared to its combustion engine counterpart. This must happen now, today, and not tomorrow. The review of the MOVES Plan to provide it with a truly powerful, long-term budget, which is easy to manage and not tied to earned income under Personal Income Tax; the nationwide partial or total reduction in VAT for the purchase of EVs, even as a temporary measure until prices naturally balance out; and the removal of obstacles to processing of licences and permits to