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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Más de 400 personas asisten a la presentación del autómata CJ2M y el sensor FQ, de Omron

More than 400 people attending the presentation of the automaton CJ2M and sensor CF, Omron


December 30, 2010

During the months of October and November, Omron has toured the Iberian Peninsula to present the new programmable automaton CJ2M and the new CF-vision equipment. The technical workshops convened around 400 people in Barcelona, Madrid, San Sebastian and Valencia, and in the Portuguese city Coimbra.

Led by José Antonio Cabello, country manager at Omron Iberia, a large team of experts unveiled the characteristics, advantages and benefits of these teams for which the company committed to deal with the economic situation facing the country. Under the slogans 'CJ2M, results from innovation through evolution' and 'CF, beyond the simplicity', the Conference gave the audience the opportunity to come and learn in situ to the professionals that serve them, a day after another, on the other side of the phone. "It is not only an encounter between companies, but essential and much-needed rapprochement between fellow today", they have been valued from the company.

For its part, José Maria Baena, marketing team leader of the Division of Integrated Automation of Omron Iberia, called the CJ2M 'the machine', as he goes, especially, the machine manufacturer sector and represents the evolution of its predecessor CJ1Mconsidered, according to Baena, "the automaton that has represented the main core business of Omron and which more joy in the PLC market has provided to the company". The CJ2M is the result of technological innovation, experience and knowledge acquired in the last 10 years of contact with customers, listening to their needs and suggestions. Currently, he is the undisputed protagonist of an aggressive promotion which will last until the end of the month of January. On the CF, Philip Pang, product marketing manager in the area of Marketing Sensors, Safety & Components, defines this new team of vision as the "sensor that goes beyond the simplicity". The CF brings together in a vision sensor functions and characteristics of vision systems of high range, as for example processing in real color, simplicity in the tasks of inspection, intuition, stability, HDR (high dynamic range), polarized filter included, lighting of high power, etc. In view of the host who have had these sessions, official distributors of Omron, in collaboration with the company, repeated the initiative inviting to customers. To do so, provided for around 1,500 attendees during these sessions.

José Antonio Cabello, country manager of Omron Iberia
José Antonio Cabello, country manager of Omron Iberia.

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