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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at JCB anuncia al nuevo consejero delegado de la compañía, Graeme Macdonald

JCB Announces to the new adviser delegated of the company, Graeme Macdonald


18 June 2013

JCB has made public the nomination of the successor of his current adviser delegated, Alan Blake, that jubilará to finals of this year 2013. Alan Blake, of 63 years, joined to JCB in 1989 and was appointed CEO in 2010, after exerting different charges of maximum responsibility in the company and after leading the greater expansion of the business of JCB in his history.

From his nomination like adviser delegated, Alan Blake has managed an impressesive “growth” of the production and sale of machinery, in spite of operating in a context of continuous economic uncertainty in the world. Alan Blake will remain like adviser and member of the Council of the company.

Graeme Macdonald, new adviser delegated of JCB
Graeme Macdonald, new adviser delegated of JCB.
His successor in the charge is Graeme Macdonald, of 45 years, the one who has been designated like CEO of JCB the past 1 June. Graeme Macdonald has occupied diverse places of responsibility during his 16 years in JCB, until occupying the charge of director of Operations of the company before his current nomination. Previously it went general director of the Unit of Business of Retroexcavadoras, with headquarters in Rocester and also occupied the charge of president of JCB Inc with headquarters in the general barracks of JCB in North America, situated in Savannah, Georgia.

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