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“The Government has to loan special attention and sensitisation to the business polygons”

The degree of association of the companies is not sufficient to improve the management of his business parks

Editorial Interempresas25/02/2014

From April of 2013, Alejandro Sáenz of San Pedro commissions to trace the coordinates of the future of the Spanish Coordinator of Business Polygons (Cepe). This economist, Valencian of birth, bregado in the private banking, landed in the Association of Industrial of Mallorca (Asima) does something more than a decade with win to promote a pioneering organisation in defence of the business world. To Sáenz of San Pedro likes him the effect multiplicador of the union and of the asociacionismo and is fervent defender of the business polygons like the big economic lungs of the Spanish economy.

Cepe Groups federations and associations of business areas or any another entity that was formed by employers or owners, linked to the management, operation or dinamización of the business areas. His president, Alejandro Sáenz of San Pedro, carries the reins of this Coordinator that lives with optimism and hope the complicated coyuntura economic of our days. By everything is known that, at present, the industrial and logistics areas in Spain do not present a state of health very favourable, although it differs according to the zones. Sáenz Of San Pedro thinks that “the polygons suffer the effects of the economic crisis because they are constituted by companies that, in a high percentage have seen affected and have had to tackle deep structural changes and reorganisation of his models of operation”. In spite of this, the polygons managed by Cepe present a high level of occupation and are true “industrial cities that work the 24 hours of the day”. Many of them are polygons with a long history, with companies very consolidated and with big national and international path.

The president of Cepe thinks that is vital that the Government loan special attention and sensitisation to these business areas, that in some cases are "zones very mature because they carry already to his backs more than 40 years of history; and it allocate more resources for the business polygons like dinamizadores of the economy promoting performances oriented to the innovation and the competitiveness of these commercial areas, financial support, commercial promotion, improvement of the hygiene and the learning, between others”. Sáenz Of San Pedro understands the polygons like the “big economic lungs” of our country, where produces “the half of the annual turnover of the Spanish economy” and, as such, it is necessary to take care them.

Alejandro Sáenz of San Pedro, president of Cepe
Alejandro Sáenz of San Pedro, president of Cepe.

One of the demands of the users of polygons and logistics areas is the improvement of the accesses to these and the potenciación of the public transport. Knowing the importance of these requests, Cepe bets for “boosting the sustainable mobility and that this was a reality, promoting the use of the transport in bus or in metre. Every time they are more the polygons that realizar studies of mobility, trying optimise the transport of the workers, do it more sustainable and improve the public transport”, explains Sáenz of San Pedro.

Regarding the accesses, still in these moments of crisis and of budgetary restriction by part of the administrations in some communities, “yes is valuing the incidence of the improvement of the accesses to the industrial polygons in the optimisation of results by part of the companies and are tackling important projects”. The polygon of Sabón, in Arteixo (A Coruña), is an example of this, with a project of improvement of accesses licitado in 2013 and already in execution that round the 10 million euros.

Another of the examples is the commitment that has started the polygon Source of the Vase of Paterna (Asivalco) to the Ministry responsible for public works to endow of a direct access to the second phase of the polygon. This direct link will cost some five million euros, according to the estimates of the Demarcation of Roads, that will execute the works in the next years inside the project of remodeling of the national N220, that drives to the airport and that will transform in autovía.

On the other hand, another factor to take into account is the installation of optical fibre in the polygons since it is an increasingly valued service by the companies. “The optical fibre allows to use the most advanced technology to send quantity of data in upper speeds to the ones of the conventional wire. Already we have polygons with this service. The new always incorporate it and is truth that still there are ancient polygons that lack this service, but that will go it incorporating little by little”. Among others, they are examples the polygon of Source of the Vase of Paterna (Valencia) or the polygon Are Castelló, in Palma de Mallorca; that they already have this service that increases of remarkable way the competitiveness of the companies and turns into “a big value added and appeal of our polygons”, explains Sáenz of San Pedro.

The degree of association of the companies still is not sufficient

The degree of association of the companies is not sufficient to improve the management of his business parks. Although the president of Cepe affirms “to work acutely to improve the surroundings of the business parks” no always is possible. “Sometimes it is difficult to convince to the companies of the advantages of the asociacionismo and only integrate in the managing entities 100% of the companies of a polygon when this integration has compulsory character, as it is the case of the communities of owners or the entities urbanísticas of conservation. It remains a lot of work for doing and is necessary that the companies are conscious of the advantages of the asociacionismo, that is the only mechanism for all joined represent them in front of the administrations and public institutions, business organisations, political and social, in which it was pertinent to resolve any problem or contribute collaboration. In a world globalizado with big challenges and requirements, Cepe has turned into a search engine of improvements that improves the competitiveness of the companies, multiplies his opportunities and accelerates the creation of employment and quality of life of his workers".

Alejandro Sáenz of San Pedro believes in the innovation and the competitiveness like key of success
Alejandro Sáenz of San Pedro believes in the innovation and the competitiveness like key of success.

One of the keys of success of Cepe, and also one of his main aims, is to attain a sufficient cooperation between polygons that allow to give to know initiatives of success of some polygons so that they can apply in others. “The managing entities of the polygons know the best practices that develop in the different polygons and adapt them to his own characteristic, having the collaboration of all the agents of the polygons of the Coordinator. Besides, it is important that between all the polygons infect us of illusion since the problems that can give in Saragossa are the mimos that suffer in Galicia or Andalucia”.

Perspectives of future

One of the big projects that has between hands Cepe is to promote a mark of quality for the business areas of all Spain, something similar like the blue flags to the beaches. Cepe Wants to achieve that the polygons of Spain obtain a flag that distinguish the quality in function of the infrastructures and the services that have in his surroundings. “It is key that all sensitise us of the importance that has take care these big motors of the economy, generators of employment, and this is the best form to do it so that it endorse his level of quality and propicie his improvement. It is important to boost this mark for the business polygons of Spain”.

Alejandro Sáenz of San Pedro affirms that “it is doing a very serious work in hygiene, cleaning, connections of transports and infrastructures, but can not us remain here. All the employers together with the administrations have to be conscious of what represent”.

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