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The sector is in the ranking between the five fields of high technology with the greatest potential for development for the future

The technical textiles, a market with huge potential

Drafting Interempresas08/03/2011
Since protective clothing at work, cars or aircraft until the insulating materials for houses, textile technicians apply today almost everywhere. In fact, this industry is among the economic sectors most innovative: according to the analysts, the technical textiles sector lies in the ranking between the five fields of high technology with the greatest potential for development for the future. The technical textiles market volume now reaches approximately 97 billion euros worldwide. In the use of technical textiles, Asia is going to the head with 8.5 million tonnes, followed by the USA with 5.8 million and Europe with 4.8 million tonnes. Germany - world leader together with the USA - the share of technical textiles in the total number of textile business is while both among around 52 per cent.

The basis of the success of the technical textiles consists, first of all, innovative force that deployed the fabrics, knitwear, fabrics woven and not other, especially in combination.

Manufacturing of lighter cars in Mobiltech. Photography: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
Manufacturing of lighter cars in Mobiltech. Photography: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH.

About 70 per cent of the technical innovations depend on the properties of the material (Allianz Faserbasierte Werkstoffe Baden Wurttemberg, AFBW - Alliance of materials based on fiber-2010). Also crucial to the great commercial potential of functional textiles, is the importance it attaches to a diversified research to discover and make these innovations.

Parts of the fuselage and the flat sustaining of the Airbus A 380, now largest in the world, are made up of plastic reinforced with carbon fiber, which could save almost 30% weight

Innovations as a stimulus for growth

Now, as the research sector more innovative considered the segment of the fibers of carbon and ceramics. Properties - extreme resistance, exceptional lightness, as well as extraordinary load capacity - make them an important component for the light of the future building materials. These unique properties of the material, opens another very broad spectrum of possibilities. The most recent example for the application of fibers is the Airbus A 380. Parts of the fuselage and the flat sustaining of the currently most the world's largest passenger aircraft, are composed of plastic reinforced with carbon fiber, which means that almost 30 per cent of weight could save.

 Photo2 innovative Materials in          Normal 0 0 1 9 52 1 1 63 11...

Photo2 innovative Materials in 

in the 5er Concept Big Series Tourismo in Material Vision. Photography: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH/ Helmut Stettin.

With their specific properties, reinforced textile fibers also contribute to the efficiency and reliability of the rotating wings in wind power plants. And in the current project of construction of a bridge, the planks of the bridge of a weight of around 60 tonnes and armor are reinforced with 1,400 square metres of woven mats. These consist of packages of glass fibers impregnated with resin epoxy. Thus, the work is corrosion-resistant and, therefore, more long-lasting in total.

In the sector of modern medicine, recently in the competition for innovations in medical technology of the Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF) is awarded the idea of the development of a valvular prosthesis stent colonized by cells based on polyurethane synthetic cell carriers. For this purpose are planned colonization by endogenous venous cells in a structure of cloth non-woven synthetic, anti-resorbente in the form of a semilunar valve. The body identifies this new prostheses as endogenous and therefore avoid defensive reactions.

Also innovative and for few months on the market is the new modified Acrylic fibre which is resistant to flame, heat stable, resistant to UV rays and solvents, as well as acids and bases. Thus appropriates particularly well for its application in protective clothing exactly equal in cardboard plaster plates or in the field of passenger cars.

As a whole, the industry part the basis that in the future are to be expected even more innovations that will be devoted to the issue of the protection of the environment environment and the use of renewable energy. These innovations of apply, especially in the segments geoprotección and nature protection.

Structure in the form of translucent honeycomb panel at Material Vision. Photography: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Helmut Stettin...

Structure in the form of translucent honeycomb panel at Material Vision. Photography: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Helmut Stettin.

This could be in the exhibition Techtextil from 24 to 26 May 2011, which has divided the fair in most demanded product segments. The technical textiles are manufactured and mainly developed in segments Mobiltech (22%), Indutech (18%), Buildtech (10%), as well as Protech (10%). This Division also has its validity, increasing share in the segment of textile Mobiltech implementation up to 28 percent, according to the Association Industrial yarn - fabric - technicians.

The technical textiles are as varied and of an application as multiple that for a better orientation have been subdivided by the fairground, in nine areas of products and twelve of application, such as Buildtech, Geotech, Mobiltech or Sporttech.

Significant market growth Mobiltech thanks to complex, chemical and functional properties

In the segment of textiles for the section of transport (Mobiltech) between them that has, among other things, the construction of passenger cars and boats, Aeronautics and Astronautics, vehicles on Rails, motorbikes as well as bicycles, is above all of lightnessgood soundproofing, stability to UV rays, resistance, good conformation and abrasion resistance. Textile composite materials in the production of motor vehicles, certified them at present, around the world, excellent prospects for growth.

Functional nanofiber via 'electrospinning' at Material Vision. Photography: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Helmut Stettin...

Functional nanofiber via 'electrospinning' at Material Vision. Photography: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Helmut Stettin.

Techtextil is held jointly with Texprocess bringing together sectors of technology for clothing, textiles for clothing, technical textiles and processing technologies.

The share of textiles in tourism of the middle class is about 25 kilos, in just a few years will rise to 30-35 kg

It is the same if it's filters for air or fuel, tarps for vehicles, safety belts, composites for structural elements, parts molded Interior or interior design, equipment covers for seats or protection, parts molded seating cubreasientoscoating for car wallpapers, closure, transmission belts and hose systems, the various possibilities of use of technical textiles in the area of the construction of cars or vehicles have a huge economic potential. These potential assessments of growth in textiles in the transport sector, also shows it the following example: If, today, the share of textiles in tourism of the middle class is about 25 kg, in a few years will rise to 30-35 kg.

Percentage, this it will be 50-60 per cent to non-woven fabrics, as well as felts and 40-50 per cent to other textile structures. Experts are based on the basis of that, will grow further, the application of natural fibres or mixtures of natural fibres in the production of automobiles. Not in last place, because the recycling capacity, its application is convenient. In addition, natural fibres weigh much less than the chemical, which can lead to a saving of up 40 percent weight per car (IVGT, 2010). Germany is considered main market in this still young segment.

As well as the security for the traveller and the reduction of weight, finally it also the role that should not be underestimated, the ecological aspect. The composite materials reinforced with fibers, according to the class of the element, can save up to 70 per cent of weight and thus contributing to a minimisation of CO2.

The clothes of security are also key to Prototech. Photography: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
The clothes of security are also key to Prototech. Photography: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH.

Latest trends and innovations

The technical textiles become increasingly textiles of high technical pretension, with complex physical, chemical and functional properties: if it is bridges, air filters, protective clothing against fires or aircraft seats, they always produce effects thatas well, would be impossible with other materials. The trend in the technical textiles March in direction to the reduction of costs and weight, saving energy and sustainability. Here much investing in research and development of new materials. The results obtained in the textile research, as well as the innovative solutions are presented every two years at the Techtextil, the annual international fair for Technical Textiles and non-woven materials in Frankfurt.

The building is one of the most represented sectors. Photography: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
The building is one of the most represented sectors. Photography: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH.

The Techtextil fair will concentrate all the product groups, as well as sectors of implementation in a main event. With its 1,200 exhibitors from 45 countries, as well as 24,000 specialized visitors from 85 countries, it is considered as a binding for this industry. Here, the industry, research and trade are the global thematic spectrum in technical textiles and fabrics not woven in all its disciplines in an innovative platform unique in its kind in the world. In parallel to the Techtextil held the Material Vision, annual international fair and Conference materials for product development, design and architecture, as well as by first time, the Texprocess, international fair for processing textile materials and flexible.

With Techtextil, Texprocess and Material Vision will be held simultaneously in one place three important trade fairs for the sector.

Promotion of students and awards for innovation

Also in 2011, both the Techtextil Innovation Prize and the prize to the Avantex innovation galardonarán outstanding, innovative and unconventional benefits in the areas of research, development of materials and products, as well as the technology sector. In addition, in accordance with the theme 'Structures Textiles for the new construction', the student competition convened by TensiNet, International Association, and the Techtextil it decorates new ideas and new concepts for the architecture of the future. The Presidency of the jury will be up to the Professor

Werner Sobek, the Institute of building light, projects and construction of the University of Stuttgart (Institut für Leichtbau, Entwerfen und Konstruieren). All submitted projects will be presented to the trade visitors attending the fair Techtextil 2011 through special exhibitions. For the student competition, the Association TensiNet has offered prizes worth 8,000 euros.

Presentation of the fair in Barcelona
Presentation of the fair in Barcelona.

Simultaneously with the Techtextil, from 24 to 27 May 2011, will take place the Texprocess, international fair for processing textile materials and flexible. In Texprocess, many international manufacturers presented machines, processes, and accessories for textile and clothing industry, as well as processors of technical textiles. The

Texprocess covers the chain of generation of total wealth in the textile sector: from design, cutting, CAD/CAM, continuing to sewing, ensamble, embroidery and fabrics, to finish, refining of textiles, textile logistics and software. The German Federation of manufacturers of machines and facilities (Fachverband Bekleidungs - und Ledertechnik im Verband Deutscher Maschinen - und Anlagenbau – VDMA-) is an ideal promoter of the Texprocess. For more information:

Material Vision with the Design Plus competition and International Conference

Material Vision, the monographic exhibition on the material issues for the development of products, design and architecture, provides a platform for professional dialogue among the exhibitors of Exhibitor materials industry and creative professional groups. From 24 to 26 May, manufacturers of materials will show their new developments and seek technical exchange with developers of products, industrial designers, architects and interior architects. They will find the Material Vision, on the one hand, innovative materials for their development of products or configurations of buildings, on the other hand, have specific requirements to materials on the development of new materials industry. Exhibiting companies include, among others, Akzo Nobel, BASF, Quantum Glass / Saint Gobain, Sabic Innovative Plastics and Thyssen Krupp.

The Material Vision fair will be held in Hall 4.1 of the Frankfurt fair ground in parallel to Techtextil. Among the materials that will teach in the Material Vision will find, for example, polymers, metals, glass, ceramic, wood, technical papers, renewable raw materials, concrete, mineral materials, composites and nanomaterials.

On the occasion of the Material Vision, Messe Frankfurt, together with the Design Council (Rat für Formgebung), awarded the award Design Plus materials and special products for whose elaboration techniques of prosecutions or innovative materials were used. The competition at the international level, various ramos manufacturers, designers and architects will showcase futuristic materials and products to a professional jury in these sectors. Applications will be evaluated by the standards of quality settings, choice of materials, functionality, technical quality, ecological quality and overall concept.

During Material Vision, the award-winning samples will be showcased in a special area in Hall 4.1. Here you can place, also the delivery of the prizes on May 25. Registration for the contest Design Plus Material vision can be made until May 11, 2011:

The Material Vision Conference will be held on May 25 in the Europe lounge in Hall 4.0. The event, a cooperation between the Design Council and the Messe Frankfurt, provides a scientific forum of first quality with respect to the trends in research and application of materials.

An interesting material to be presented within this framework, is a new building material that bears the name of Bling Crete. This so-called 'concrete reflex' combines the positive properties of the concrete such as security against fire and resistance with the properties of the retroreflexión. Microbolitas of glass to reflect light mixed in a special concrete. Bling Crete can be applied in architecture, the construction of roads and even indoors.

Trends, innovations and developments on the market of technical textiles, non-woven materials and innovative textiles for clothing at the Techtextil Symposium XVI

The hitherto 16th Symposium Techtextil is again sponsored by the Association Euratex textile, European Apparel and Textile Confederation. Senior lecturers will present their latest developments in the sector of products, materials and technologies and offer a futuristic view of trends and developments in the industry at the international level.

Ten blocks of conferences in three days

• The Techtextil Symposium XVI will begin on Tuesday May 24, presented by Dr. Guy Némoz, consultant of technical textiles, Lyon/France, with the theme 'Composite fiber materials'. Individual presentations are probing the possibilities resulting from the combination of fibres and most diverse materials. Also, the fair day Tuesday, Dr. Klaus Jansen who belongs to the Forschungskuratorium textile e.V. Berlin, will be Guide to conferences on the topic 'new material ', which will be informed about new developments of innovative materials. They will be analysed, inter alia, the agrotextiles on the biological basis, three-dimensional separation tissues for medicinal applications as well as technical applications of thin membranes of silicon as a barrier layer.

• Wednesday, may 25, the Techtextil Symposium, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Roshan Shishoo, Shishoo Consulting, Askim/Sweden will present 'Latest developments in the textiles of high performance with nanotechnology'.

'Smart with versatile electronics materials' item will complete the Techtextil Symposium on Wednesday of the fair. Technology Centre Costa Braz das Indústrias textile and do Portugal Vestuário (Citeve) guided by the presentations that dealt with the application of electronics in textile products. From sensor systems integrated in textiles to the dwellings of vehicles, through so-called light up textile Econductivas fibres, the challenge of how is always in the foreground you can combine electronics and textile products.

• Dr. Thomas Stegmaier of the Institut für Textil - und Verfahrenstechnik, Denkendorf, will present the same day the thematic block 'Modification of surfaces for new and adaptive functions'. The central questions of six lectures in this block are: How can be dealt with and modify the surface to get new features and properties of the textile product.

• The last exhibition day, at the Techtextil Symposium will be of 'new fibres and fibrous structures '. Dr. Ana-Maria Stern from Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs-und Forschungsanstalt EMPA--St. Gallen / Switzerland, will be the host of this series of lectures, which should aim, inter alia, the manufacture of fiber nanoranuradas and permanently conductive threads.

• Under the direction of Prof. Carl a. Lawrence, University of Leeds/Great Britain will present 'new technological developments and processes' as, e.g., smart coating techniques, inlays of textile hoses as well as a new technique multiláser.

Technical textiles for countries

Some data which demonstrate the development of the sector:

  • France: From 300 to 700 French companies are engaged in the technical textiles, which represents 17% of the French textile industry. They produce 700,000 tonnes per year and generate € 3.3 billion, a 27% of the total.
  • Italy. 850 companies are engaged in this sector which has a turnover of € 3.2 billion. The main fields of application are clothes, traffic, equipment of interiors and industry.
  • Germany. In this country, the technical textiles have reached almost 50% of the total. Do not depend on the automotive industry and those textiles of construction, geotextiles and other industrial textiles achieved an increase in demand in 2009.
  • India. The growth of the technical textiles in India rose in 2001-02 to 2007-08 to 275%.
  • Korea of the South. Change more and more manufacturing to higher value products. One of the strengths in this respect are the technical textile aimed at ICT, bio and nanotechnology as well as security, automobile, aeronautics, aviation, construction and medicine. The city of Taegu, from 2010 invests over a period of five years about 160 million euros to develop modern technical textiles on the basis of aramidas and nanotechnology of carbon, for example, for the use of semiconductorsbatteries and precision filters.
  • Taiwan. Increasingly, the key points are medicinal, functional and intelligent textiles even its use to store energy, as well as organic products. In the future, an increasing share will fall on industrial textiles.
  • Canada. The strategic role for the Canadian textile industry 'technology roadmap' recommended concentration technical textiles and others of greater value. 241 companies work with textiles of more value and technical textiles, of these, 118 exclusively concentrating on this segment. Belong to the above-mentioned techniques: composite and hybrid techniques, intelligent, technical nonwoven fabrics, fibers and fabrics for high-performance technology and nano and biotechnologies.

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