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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Álava Ingenieros amplía su cartera de productos y servicios para el sector seguridad

Álava Engineers expands his wallet of products and services for the sector hygiene


27 February 2014


The Group Álava Engineers, specialised in services of high technology for different industrial states and referent in the national field and European in the field of the engineering and supply of new technologies, has presented in the International Living room of the hygiene Sicur 2014, that celebrates of the 25 to 28 February in Madrid, his wide wallet of capacities and technological solutions in the sector of the hygiene, public or private, as well as in the field of Defence. A portfolio that includes an extensive range of specific tools and subsystems in this area and that has decided to reinforce with the end to expand his presence in the national and international market.

The Spanish company has realizar a bet stood out for increasing his quota of business in the area of hygiene with the incorporation of new tools and components that allow to cover all the needs of his customers in appearances related with the hygiene in public and private buildings, the fight against the terrorism or the drug trafficking, the fight against fires, etc.

To his traditional services framed in the field of the communications for critical infrastructures (centres of control of emergencies, installations of the Bodies and hygiene forces of the State, installations aeroportuarias, etc.), the company has added new technologies that turn it into one of the skilled companies with greater capacities of service in this sector. His services contemplate the supply of subsystems and solutions of audio and video, control of accesses or hygiene perimetral, until the most advanced surveillance systems, thermal sensors vision, recognition of matrículas, electronic war, safe rooms, Physical hygiene Information Management (PSIM), detection of explosives and narcotics or components for systems no tripulados (UAS), among others.

Besides, has extended his activity further of the supply of high technology for the big companies of the sector, focusing it to the advice and accompaniment to the customer, offering him integral answers to his demand, that include no only the technology, but all the process of his successful application: diagnostic, answer, implantation, follow-up and technical support postventa. This value added has allowed him develop works key in hand (that is to say, that comprises the supply but also the installation and integration of the new technologies), in projects with the big multinationals of the field of hygiene and Defence.

Between the new solutions that Álava Engineers has given to know in Sicur, stands out the platform Genetec Omnicast, a system of management of video (VMS, Video Management Systems) for enclosed circuits of television (CCTV) that allows to integrate all the devices, signals and cameras of hygiene of the system, offering a complete integral management and optimising the resources of the network of videovigilancia. It treats of a totally scalable system in function of the needs of each customer, and that explains like other advantages his easy adaptability and integration in platforms hygiene Center (with Control of Accesses and Reading of Matrículas) and the possibility to manage independent systems like an only virtual system.

Another of technological products presented is the application Briefcam of synopsis of video, that offers the possibility to effect analysis of video of innovative form allowing save time and resources to his customers. In concrete, this platform analyses an hour of video in a minute, resumiendo all the actions occurred in this period of time in a clip of video of short length, what allows to have of the information recorded of a more comfortable way and fast and a more efficient use of the systems and cameras of a CCTV. Besides, this application can incorporate to an already installed system, without the need to realizar works of adaptation.

The company also has presented an innovative system of integral hygiene and management of alarms enabled in his own stand of the event (10B13 – Pavilion 10), in which it simulates a centre of control of emergencies provisto of diverse cameras, sensors of alert, etc. All these new technologies and specific solutions pretend to improve the activity of Álava Engineers in the sector and position of strategic way to access to the new opportunities of business.

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