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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Sabic orienta sus materiales a los nuevos tiempos

Sabic Orients his materials to the new times

Technology of light materials that besides favour the energetic efficiency, material that provide a greater hygiene without sacrificing provision, solutions designed with the sustainability like aim or applications of reliable and durable materials… All this, if it is that all a strategy can resumir in few lines, forms part of the current developments of Sabic, that could see along the fair K.

The hybrid vehicle enchufable Volkswagen XL1, completed with a solution of injection of two components in the estilosas lateral windows has something of Sabic. The windows use the technology of coating by plasma Exatec on the polycarbonate Lexan and the PC/ABS Cycoloy. These materials reduce the weight of the windows in 33% in comparison with the conventional glass, keeping a high optical quality and the resistance to the rayado of his surface. In this case Sabic contributed to Volkswagen all the support of the development in the design, engineering and the production.

The windows of the Volkswagen XL1 use the technology of coating by plasma Exatec on the PC Lexan and the PC/ABS Cycoloy
The windows of the Volkswagen XL1 use the technology of coating by plasma Exatec on the PC Lexan and the PC/ABS Cycoloy.

In Germany Sabic showed a molecular sculpture done with different types of films of the wide range of polymers of this company. It offers PP, HDPE and LL-LDPE for BOPP, films blown and cast, as well as for coating by extrusion.

Also could see tubes of Sabic Vestolen To Rely and Sabic PP Rely. In a world in which the urban populations continue growing, demanding improvements in the municipal infrastructures, these applications have chosen for systems of municipal water and other important projects along all the world, because of his reliability on a long-term basis and to his length.

Design and sustainability

The modern design wants to offer durable materials that they are no only pleasant in his aesthetics but also sustainable. In the sector of the electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers of consumption and the one of the packs and packaging, for example, the incorporation of the sustainability has been a priority in the last times. Sabic Has collaborated recently with Canon to incorporate more material recycled in his printer Inkjet, carrying to a program of recycled of enclosed circuit. The initiative has helped to convert pieces of the printers used in prime matter that has gone back to be used for other printers. The most recent plastic, Noryl GN390, launched in 2012 to help to Canon to register in EPEAT (Electronic Product Environingingmental Assessment Tool). Sabic Offers numerous materials that give high customers the freedom to create new designs that improve the provision without sacrificing the sustainability. A good example is the copolymer POM of high cristalinidad. It is ideal for applications of control of fluids that require dimensional stability and offers very low absorption d humidity in contact with water, at the same time that tolerates a big diversity of chemical products.

Lightness and efficiency

A lot of industries are very interested in reducing the weight of his products by means of a suitable design. For example, the industry of transport in mass is always look for forms to reduce weight to save fuel. To answer this need Sabic offers a wide range of solutions. For example the carcasas of the seats of railway industry of the company

Grammer railway industry industry Inner GmbH use Lexan FST, a material that has allowed to substitute conventional materials like the metal and adjust to the relative legal requirements to the inflamabilidad before his entrance in force.

hygiene and provision

The hygiene and the provision are not an option pair amuchas companies. Recently, for putting an example, Sabic has improved his degree of plastic for coatings by extrusion Sabic LDPE nExCoat5, that has contributed a lot of advantages to his customers that now can reduce the costs of inventory and to simplify processes, as well as to reduce the footprint of carbon of his products because nExCoat 5 presents a footprint of carbon of a 15 to 20% minor in comparison with conventional degrees. Also in the sector of the packs and packaging improves the conditions of hygiene. In Europe, for example, the regulatory norm of plastics (EU) 10/2011 (PIM) has been developed to increase more the hygiene of the foods packed. Between his requests, appears that the producers of plastics have to apply tests more strict on the products that go to be used in contact with foods. Sabic Is one of the first producers that has updated all his plastics for use in alimentary sector in function of the new norms, before his entrance in force in 2016.

In addition to nExCoat 5 Sabic has launched recently his new copolymer Sabic PP PHC28. It allows to manufacture models in existent moulds, reducing a lot the consumes of power, the broadcasts of CO2 and the cost of the investment in 15% in comparison with other standard degrees presents in the market. It is a solution thought for designs lighter, more intelligent and more resistant, in sectors like appliances, electronic sector and products of durable consumption.

Reliability and commitment

The PP Rely uses in municipal infrastructures
The PP Rely uses in municipal infrastructures.

With an increasing half class and increasingly people displacing of the rural surroundings to the urbe, especially in the emergent economies, there is an increasing demand of reliable and durable solutions that can answer to the requirements of the municipal infrastructures. Some solutions of Sabic for these new requirements are, for example, the range Rely, that includes HDPE and PP, that is helping to the industry of the tubes to fulfil with the new challenges. Sabic PP Rely 61EK61 PS, for example, is the result of years of development to attain a degree of PP for tubes with high molecular weight and a distribution of the particles of rubber to the measure of the customer. His properties keep in surroundings in which the requirements are elevated. They are material with a big window of process, high rigidity and big resistance to the impact, even s low temperatures. In definite, all this carries to tubes more reliable, thanks to that they do not have escapes, and therefore ideal for systems of pipes of water without pressesure pair laid drains in and drainages.

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