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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Alberto Machetti, responsable del Área Económica y Comunicación del Consorcio Nacional de Industriales del Caucho
“The automotive sector absorbs 86% of the production of the transformed of rubber”

Interview to Alberto Machetti, manager of the Economic Area and Communication of the National Consortium of Industrial of the rubber

Editorial Interempresas19/09/2013

In spite of the fall of the production and of the exports, “the sector of the rubber finds between the big exporting industrial states of Spain”, as it explains to Interempresas Alberto Machetti, manager of the Economic Area and Communication of the National Consortium of Industrial of the rubber, thanks to the big multinationals of tyres. Machetti Explains in this interview the evolution and the perspectives of future of this industry in our country.

Alberto Machetti, manager of the Economic Area and Communication of the National Consortium of Industrial of the rubber
Alberto Machetti, manager of the Economic Area and Communication of the National Consortium of Industrial of the rubber.

Please, draw us an outline of the sector in our country.

The transformative sector of rubber is an industry formed by some 300 companies whose total volume of sales surpassed the 5.000 million euros in the year 2012, and gave direct work to some 22.000 people. At present, the companies that form part of the association represent to roughly the 85 - 90% of the figure of total businesses.

Which volume of consumption gave in 2012 for the sector of the rubber/ technical piece?

The results of 2012 are indicativos of an important decrease of the activity of the transformers of near rubber to 15%, according to the information of the index of pertinent industrial production of the National Institute of Statistics, very next to our own estimates.

And to what think that has owed this decrease?

Mainly, to the bad behaviour of the external sector of the transformed of rubber, whose tax of coverage has diminished also 15% by the lower dynamism of the exports, with a decrease of 22,5% in terms of weight, as well as by a demand of vehicles contracted —industry of which the transformed of rubber depend around 88% of the production—, so much regarding the inner market (with a decrease of the registrations of 15%) as to the external market (with a decrease of the exports of vehicles of 18,5%).

A situation generalised…

Yes, and on line with a weakening of the most advanced economies in 2012, being the eurozone one of the most affected, whose recovery does not expect until very gone in the year 2014. Spain together with Portugal and Italy have been the most prejudiced countries by the second phase of the crisis of the sovereign debt of the eurozone initiated in 2011, between whose main factors are the high prices of the raw materials (energetic crisis, a high inflation, as well as a crisis crediticia, hipotecaria and of confidence in the markets) and some taxles of unsustainable unemployment that do slower his economic relaunching.


The activities

To carry to the practice our services the Consortium has set up diverse agreements of collaboration with authentic specialists in each field, of which the companies associated can obtain clear profits. “For mentioning some, with Shopping58 are working on the establishment of a platform of shopping grouped of products and services no strategic”, comments Machetti. In matter of learning, have developed together with the Group HEi a group of formative actions on professional qualification and access to the employment that answer to the needs of the companies. From the technological point of view, the AEI of the rubber operates like clúster of innovation through Creainnova. “The respect by the environingingment has carried us to undertake actions with the technical environingingmental quality consultancy and legal Ambiterr. In matter of internationalisation have projects with Amec and with the buffet Ignacio Fernández. Also we have joined us to the Multisectorial Platform against the Morosidad, by the worrisome situation of the long terms of payment in our country. The complete listing is available in our web, aims.

Regarding the number of workers in 2012, there has been an increase or decrease in front of previous years?

The data of employment in the sector reflect a new adjust to the drop of 3,5% of the hand of work in the year 2012, that comes producing from the year 2006 accumulating a fall in the order of 23%. This has done that the structure of costs have changed of remarkable form in the last years in profit of a unitary labour cost more in accordance with the current coyuntura economic. In general, the level of half employment of the CNAE 22.1 has situated in 22.000 employees in 2012, of which 12.400 places of work are it of the pneumatics sector and recauchutado and 9.600 of the sector of technical piece.

And with what respecta to the structure of costs in the sector of technical piece of rubber?

This sector, whose CNAE is the 22.19, has seen forced to reduce his costs of personnel, from 32% in 2008, until 25% in 2012, that is to say 7% less. By against, In 2008 the cost of the raw materials represented 39,5% concerning the structure of total costs. This proportion has gone up in 2012 to 48%, what indicates that the proportion has increased in 8,5% and seems coherent with the important rises of the cost of the oil between 2008 and 2012, around 65%.

With regard to the export, something more than adding?

The sector of the rubber finds between the big exporting industrial states of Spain thanks to the big multinationals of tyres. The most affected sector by the decrease of the Spanish export of transformed of rubber has been precisely the one of tyres and cameras of rubber, with an important decrease of 27% in weight. Such situation has produced because in 2011 the contribution of this sector to the Spanish export was especially dynamic.


And the exports of the transformers of technical piece of rubber?

Are those that less have diminished in 2012: 7,08% in weight. The result of this situation is an important decrease of the productive activity of the transformative sector of technical piece, since the internal demand of these articles also has found stagnated.

To where it directs the market?

The destination of the exports of the sector of technical piece configures mainly to the European Union, roughly 80% of the total exports in 2012 (France, Germany, Portugal, Italy, etc.). Other destinations preferred find in Africa, United States and Sudamérica (each one with a contribution of 4%). Asia is still very far to be a zone preferred, with so only 3% concerning the total.

Which type of companies aventuran to the outside?

Are the big companies with more than 100 employees those that more contribute to the total of the exports. Roughly 73% of the total exports realizar through this group of companies. We speak in total of some 25 companies, the majority of them are installed multinationals in Spain. The group of exporting national companies with less than 100 employees in staff, some 60 companies, contribute around 25% of the Spanish exports. The authentic problem finds in the group of national companies with less than 20 employees in staff, composed by little more than 150 companies, of which very few are exporting and participate in so only 2% of the total exports.

Speak us of the productive activities and the structure of our companies.

The segment of companies wider and miscellaneous in productive activities is precisely the one of technical piece of rubber —which already have mentioned finds under the CNAE 22.19—, constituted by some 260 companies, of which roughly 90% can classify like SME for having less than 100 employees of average by company. 63% of the companies have less than 20 employees and, very probably, this is the group of companies that more has suffering the consequences of the financial crisis that initiated in 2008.

In 2012 have knowledge of the closing of at least 5 national companies, 3 of them pertaining to the group of companies of less than 20 employees, although we also know of the closing of a productive centre of an important installed multinational in Spain.

And from a geographic point of view?

The concentration of companies is more than evident: Catalonia, almost 30%; Basque Country and Valencian Community, each one with 15%; Madrid, with 10%. That is to say 70% of the companies. The rest finds disperse by the national geography. Nevertheless, the productive activity does not correspond exactly with these percentages, that is to say, Catalonia and Basque Country cover 22% of the productive activity, each one; The Rioja and Valencian Community, roughly 14% each one; and Madrid, 10%, or was, 82% of the national productive activity.

Which sectors consume mostly products transformed of rubber?

In this point is unavoidable to mention to the big sector composed by the tyres and recauchutados, those that find under the CNAE 22.11. The sector of automotive sector absorbs at all less than 86% of the production of the transformed of rubber, according to data estimated in the year 2012. The rest of the applications find in sectors like industry (4%); footwear, appliances and construction (near of 3%, each one of them).


The rubber metal, a sector in peak

The rubber metal is a speciality of compound materials very usual inside the sector of the rubber with multiple applications, according to the markets to which directs . “The applications of this material have increased of extraordinary form by the interest that has the realisation of complex pieces with two or more different materials and to resolve the problem of the adherencia in function of the type of rubber and of the type of metal”, affirms Machetti.

Like this can speak of generic form of antivibratorios, technical piece, rollers, coatings or coatings miscellaneous, that in group invoices more than 30% of the figure of businesses of the sector of technical piece of rubber and gives work to some 3.000 employees of the 9.400 workers of this sector. It treats of a sector formed by some 100 companies, 38% of the total of companies of the sector of technical piece of rubber, from here the importance that have in the world of the rubber.

The main sectors of destination of the industry of the rubber metal in Spain are the ones of automotive sector, with a turnover of 275 million euros; the industry in general, with 85, and the construction, with 39. “The specific weight of the sector of automotive sector in the supply of technical articles of rubber metal is proportionally enormous regarding other sectors of destination, almost three fourth parts of the figure of businesses in this type of companies”, aims the manager of the Economic Area and Communication of the National Consortium of Industrial of the rubber.

Although the first sector of destination is automotive sector, concerning the variables of turnover, production and employment, exists a very high proportion of companies that supply to the sector of the industry in general: a total of 55 companies on 104 registered, that is to say, that 53% develop his productive activity out of the frame of the automotive sector, had to precisely to the big variety of applications with that explains.

“The technical piece is present in sectors like appliances, saneamientos, nautics or electronic; the companies devoted to coatings surten to the minería, madereras and papeleras, chemical, thermal sensors and nuclear head offices, industry siderúrgica and metallurgical; and, finally, the companies devoted to roller generate products for graphic arts and for sectors like the feeding, textile, curtido, metallurgy, minería or ceramic”, explains.

Recently, the National Consortium of Industrial of the rubber has elaborated the report with ‘The transformative companies of rubber metal in Spain', that deepens in this world and that is available in the web of the organisation (

On the National Consortium of Industrial of the rubber

The National Consortium of Industrial of the rubber is the business organisation Spaniard of the rubber that represents and defends the interests of all the members of the sector. It founded in 1948 and in the actuality is formed by four different communities: transformers of tyres and technical piece of rubber; producers and distributors of raw materials for the Industry of the rubber; manufacturers and distributors of machinery for the industry of the rubber; and trading companies of products of rubber.

The problematic of the companies is very miscellaneous in function of his business structure inside the four communities mentioned and, thus, the association adapts his services to procure the profits chords to the needs of each one of his departments. “Our mission and services summary in three big fields of performance, always fulfilling with the previous requirement to contribute value added: Information of the / to the sector (economic, technical, labour, sectorial, etc.), assistance to the companies in distinct slopes (normative, legal, learning, innovation, international, etc.) and collaboration (dinamización of SMEs, clústeres sectorial, effect lobby, research of national strategic partners and international, technical days, coordination of meetings / groups of work divided, etc.), explains Machetti.

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