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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Jon Kepa Idoiaga, presidente de Feamm
“The environingingmental commitment of the companies every time is greater and that has to be the way”

Interview to Jon Kepa Idoiaga, president of Feamm

Editorial Interempresas08/05/2014

The mould manufacturing and matrices is one of the industrial states where the application of oils lubricantes has a particular importance. Like consequence, generate big quantities of oils and taladrinas used that they have to be recovered and properly treated to avoid an environingingmental impact that, of another way, would be very important. Sigaus commissions in Spain of the recovery and treatment of this dangerous residue, setting up political environingingmental suitable so that the companies of this and other sectors that consume and generate oils used can fulfil with the valid rule.

Sigaus Is an integrated system of management of oils used (SIG), that commission to ensure and fund the collected and treatment of the oil used that it generates in Spain, to a large extent pertinent of diverse industrial states in which the lubricantes result fundamental. In 2013 Sigaus recovered 126.796 tonnes of industrial oils used and fulfilled with the ecological aims demanded by the rule. In Interempresas have wanted to know how tackle the companies metalmecánicas the recovery of oils and taladrinas initiating a series of interviews to sectorial associations.

To situate us, which are the main aims of the federation in the future more immediate?

At present, the main aim of Feamm is to keep on being a referent for the sector and keep active with the resources limited with which explains. The crisis of the last years has meant the disappearance of a lot of companies of the sector, circumstance that has repercutido in the Associations that have found with a decrease of associated and this situation has incidido in the Federation. To this it is necessary to add the decrease of the programs of helps of the Administration to the companies, many of which were taken advantage of by Feamm to attract resources for his companies associated and the own Federation. Like consequence of the previous, the income of FEAMM have reduced considerably and like this show it the budgets of the last years.

Nevertheless, the will of the employers of Feamm is to follow endowing of an instrument that, in addition to loaning them services, them of cohesion and visibility. To such effect, have emplazado to the Presidents of all the associations to debate widely how has to be and act Feamm in the future immediate.

The operative aims are the internationalisation of the companies associated, the collaboration between companies and also with the technology centres to increase the competitiveness of the first, the contribution of qualified personnel to the sector, the obtaining and distribution of sectorial information and the promotion of Feamm in those zones with a significant presence of companies of the sector that still have not grouped in association.

Jon Kepa Idoiaga, president of Feamm, Spanish Federation of Business Associations of Moldistas and Matriceros

Jon Kepa Idoiaga, president of Feamm, Spanish Federation of Business Associations of Moldistas and Matriceros.

Which advantages have his associated, especially in time so complicated like the current?

The main advantage that have the associated is to know, give the opportunity to collaborate between them and learn ones of others. Afterwards they are the helps of the Administration to boost the internationalisation and the innovation mainly, that already has said that go to less but here are.

Can that the big advantage was still for exploding. The employers have to involve more in the management and operation of Feamm. Feamm Would have to have little seemed with an external company of services. The employers have to see it as its own and participate in the manufacturing of his plans of future. We are in a phase of strategic reflection that can convert to the Federation in a more attractor trucks instrument for the companies that at present constitute it and for the potential that can reinforce the same and the meeting of Presidents to that I have referred me goes in this sense. I, like President of Feamm, already have assumed the commitment to prepare some bases that allow to structure the previous work to realizar.

Which is the weight of the subsector of moulds and matrices in the economy of the region in which it acts Feamm? How many companies form the industrial fabric devoted to the sector of the metal in this region? To how many people employ?

Feamm, that constituted in 1982, groups to the associations of moldistas and matriceros of Galicia, Basque Country, Aragon, Catalonia and Valencia whose companies are mostly small and average. We go to promote the constitution of associations in Madrid and Andalucia to invite them to ingresar in Feamm and like this win representativeness in profit of all. At present Feamm has some 200 companies associated that they can mean between the 30 and 40% of the Spanish total and occupy some 3.000 people.

Which is the importance of the different industries for the subsector of moulds and matrices in his geographic area and for the economy in general?

The moulds and matrices have a lot of sectors customers and have a significant presence in all the industrial countries. All those products that incorporate plastic, metals melted or sheet require moulds and matrices. And they are many: trucks, appliances, electronic products, sanitary ware material, …can not understand a developed country industrialmente without having a sector of moulds and matrices that bear it.

After some very hard years, how would define the current situation of the subsector of moulds and matrices?

In the 2011 initiate a recovery that kept in the 2012 and, although it does not have still of official data, everything allows to suppose that it will have been still in the 2013. In a recent survey to companies of the sector, almost the 90 % think that the turnover of the 2014 will be upper to the one of the 2013

How it values the attitude of the financial entities in this moment?

Here there is a big potential of improvement.

There is a worrisome subject that is the future of the production in Europe. After some years of deslocalizaciones to east Europe and Asia, with some Asian countries of very low cost, there is a future for the production in Europe?

I think that yes and more if, as it occurs now, the Administrations show had to that like this it was.

It detects a greater interest of the industry by the technology advanced? We have believed us the speech that only with technology will be able to compete?

The employers of our sector are some enamoured of the technology and procure to be always to the last although, sometimes, with the reduction of margins and the shortage of helps is difficult to keep in a good level.

The technology is necessary but no sufficient, have to have also very present the Internationalisation. The surroundings in that we move us has to be competitive: good infrastructures, power to reasonable cost, labour flexibility, access to the credit, stimulating legislation and no desmotivadora, free competition or corrections to the disloyal competition, etc.

Which degree of environingingmental commitment thinks that have our companies nowadays?

Every time greater and east has to be the way but has to find the form that our commitment was not an advantage for the companies that enjoy of an environingingmental legislation more permisiva.

How it values the exert of the companies of his sector in relation to notable environingingmental subjects, like the management of the oils and taladrinas used? They are prepared to fulfil the rule in this field?

The skilled companies in the management of these products are a great help for the fulfillment of the rule.

Which thinks that is the main advantage that contributes to the sector the existence of an integrated system of management of oils used?

Solve a problem and free time to the companies to devote it to the productive activities.

Index card of the association

  • Year of creation: 1982
  • geographic Area in which it acts: Spain
  • Organs of government: Managerial Board and Assembly
  • Number of associated: 200
  • Type of associated: Companies manufacturers of moulds and matrices
  • Objective: Increase of the competitiveness of the companies associated
  • Services to the associated: internationalisation, collaboration/outsourcing, innovation, sectorial information, etc.
  • Location: Ceramistes, 2 Cerdanyola of the Vallès (Barcelona)

Related Companies or Entities

Federación Española de Asociaciones Empresariales de Moldistas y Matriceros - Feamm

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