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The signature of watchmakers Pita Barcelona opts by a Haas OM2 to develop his ideas without limitations

Art in the doll

Esther Güell14/01/2014
The time is main to develop the ideas and give life to the inventions. But in the case of Pita Barcelona is, besides, his soul mater. Inventor from well boy —to the 11 years develops his first clock— Aniceto Jiménez Pita founded his workshop of watchmaking, devoted on sale and repair, in Barcelona, where can find it still. But it has rained a lot since and never it lost his vocation of inventor. Like this, in 1990 it begins to develop the base of the system Pita-TSM (Time Setting Mechanism), patented finally in 2003. From then, the career has been meteoric, being Pita Barcelona and Aniceto recognised worldwide after the acceptance like members of the AHCI, the Académie Horlogère give Créateurs Indépendants.

Faithful to his vocation of constant innovation, Aniceto and his son, Daniel —the one who commissions of part of the design, of the actions of marketing and to discover new markets— decided to opt for automating part of his production being able to like this open new horizons regarding materials and mechanised special. For this opted by Haas, by the model OM2 specifically.

Of patent

The system Pita-TSM (Time Setting Mechanism) allow new complications relojero when replacing all the remontoire and the put in hour by his idea, deleting the crown, saving pieces and reducing the volume, being valid for any mechanical clock. Developments no seen to date like the carousel automatic Pita Carousel, the elegance of the simplicity of the Pita Minimal or the sumergible to more than 5.000 metres Pita Oceana are only possible thanks to the Pita-TSM.

Daniel Jiménez with his father, Aniceto, soul mater and spirit inventor of Pita
Daniel Jiménez with his father, Aniceto, soul mater and spirit inventor of Pita.

Production in series… ultracorta

In Pita offer from the production numbered and personalised, ‘customizada' to the maximum according to the demands of the customer as it is the case of the range ‘Prestige' until the production seriada or range ‘Collector'. But we do not confuse us. What in Pita consider manufacture in series consists in 100 clocks in the elder of the cases, as it was the range Oceana, and that, generally, supposes the production of 20 to 50 pieces.

For them is vital the control so much of the manufacture as of the final quality, by what do responsible, except exceptions as it is the case of the belts, of all the chain of production, from the initial idea until the personalización final. Any detail escapes to the hands of Aniceto.

With the new acquisition of the Haas OM2...
With the new acquisition of the Haas OM2, Pita will be able to automate processes of mechanised complexes without losing the dedication that confers him the manual work.

Oceana, definitively sumergible

Oceana, of the range Collector, is a clock exento of any mobile piece or hardware guaranteeing the total estanqueidad, so that it is possible to put it in hour even to low depths in the water. This model combines the two systems patented of Pita to develop an entirely tight box: Pita-TSM (Time Setting Mechanism) and Pita-RT (Remote Transmission). Without crown, together neither weak points, incorporates the movement Pita-003, allowing the put in hour in the water. It is a clock of convex glass of polycarbonate of 8,2 mm of thickness, without boards of rubber between the glass and the box and, therefore, free of maintenance.

In this case manufactures in titanium degree 5 (TiAl6V4), until 45% lighter that the stainless steel, and with optional coating in DLC black.

Oceana, of the range Collector, perhaps the most famous model of Pita for keeping his estanqueidad until the 5...
Oceana, of the range Collector, perhaps the most famous model of Pita for keeping his estanqueidad until the 5.000 metres of depth under the water thanks to his systems patented Pita-TSM and Pita-RT.

What was cream like half hobby was profesionalizando and, in 2008, finally the design and manufacture of clocks under own mark turned into his main activity —almost ‘full time'— paginating it with the workshop of familiar watchmaking. His disembarkment in the fair of Basilea, Switzerland, indisputable appointment for the world of the international watchmaking, culminated this process. From then, his evolution has been imparable, improving his products, optimising the manufacture and entering innovations in a sector in which it could seem that it is all invented and that it is almost exclusive of the Swiss. Pita Is the demonstration that it is not like this.

“The well and the bad of not being in Switzerland is that although it is necessary to do it almost everything, are not ‘contaminated', have absolute freedom of work without prejudices”.

This is the distinctive mark of his clocks, the freedom of creation, design and development, a philosophy that comes reinforced by his entrance to the Swiss Association of Independent Watchmakers, with only 35 members all over the world of which Pita is the only Spanish company: “During three years evaluated our product to decide if they accepted us or no with the condition, for this, to do a contribution to the mechanical watchmaking”.

“The range Prestige of Pita is the suit to measure of the watchmaking. Totally personalizable”

Minimal, the elegance in the minimalista

A clock of the family Prestige with symmetrical box, without crown and with one, two or three needles. Improving the usability and the simplicity of the design, avoiding unnecessary complications and with movement Pita-001, including the system patented Pita-TSM (Time Setting Mechanism). Of manufactura short and numbered, totally personalizable.

The minimum expressesion does patent in the model Minimal
The minimum expressesion does patent in the model Minimal.

Carousel, automatic clock with rotatory movement in the own axis

This model also of the family Prestige, is a mechanical complication, a turbillón of slow camera, where the complexity finds in the detail that the leakage turns to the same speed that the wheel of seconds, doing that all the movement can turn with regard to the wheel of hours or the one of minutes, according to the model. Like this, without needles in the clock, is all the movement of twist the one who indicates the hour. A complication solved thanks to the patent of Pita and to the absence of crown, non-existent in all the models of this signature.

The mechanical complication of the model Carousel, all a challenge for the soul of watchmaker of Pita
The mechanical complication of the model Carousel, all a challenge for the soul of watchmaker of Pita.

The acquisition of the new Haas OM2 of 5 axles will allow them mechanise unitary pieces, of very high precision, without need to resort to subcontracted. “The philosophy of Pita is to work to the detail, with a total control of the cycle of product and with a constant contact with the department of R&D. The Haas with numerical control was the logical step to advance and speed up the steps in the manufacture of clocks”. It treats of a modular machine, of small dimensions but high precision, reliable and easy to program and that in Pita have known to adapt to his needs of mechanised specific.

This machine will allow them tackle productions shorter still of the ranges Collector of way faster and agile: “With her we happen of the idea to the mechanised of immediate way”. With the new Haas in Pita will combine the most traditional work as up to now with the height mechanised in CNC, especially the most critical parts and leaving the work of setting and polishing to the craftsmanship.

“The work with CNC will facilitate us also the transition of a model to another, enter easily changes or modifications to customise the clock according to the specifications of the customer, so much in the ranges Collector like Prestige. It will be a tool so that our ideas see the light, without limitations and closing the cycle, of the idea to the final product going through all and each one of the steps of manufacture”.

The secret of Pita is to not to accommodate and keep a rhythm of constant work. “Our intention is to launch of 3 to 4 families of models every year, in series very short and that will find his market also in the collectors”. Thus the new Haas OM2 allows them tackle the mechanised of independent way “leaving us free time to follow innovando in the design”.

Mills, the prototype of clock minimalista without needles

One of the pieces for which Pita has purchased the new Haas is the clock Mills, that foresee to present in Basilea. It treats of a clock skeleton designed to reduce to the minimum expressesion the wheels seen. Of short series and numbered to 5 units, is totally personalizable.

This new model, Mills, will be able to see it the visitors in the next edition of the fair Baselworld of Basilea, Switzerland...

This new model, Mills, will be able to see it the visitors in the next edition of the fair Baselworld of Basilea, Switzerland.

High international range

At present can find clocks Pita in Europe (mainly Spain, Germany and Austria), Asia (Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and Japan) and the EE UU in the American continent. 80% of his production directs the international market. For this, Daniel visits half world to know the differences between the tastes of the customers, open new markets and look for distributors in the international market. “In Asia for example prefer clocks smaller. But to the hour to design have to take into account also if the environingingments are more humid that in Europe”.

Sweet Candy

A clock of symmetrical box, without crown and with one, two or three needles. Improving the usability and the simplicity of the design, avoiding unnecessary complications, includes the movement Pita-001, with the system patented Pita-TSM (Time Setting Mechanism). Of short series and numbered, is totally personalizable.

Simplicity without being argued with the design, in Sweet Candy
Simplicity without being argued with the design, in Sweet Candy.

Sol and moon

A new style in clock of 24 hours. To contemplate the dawn and dusk of the sun and the moon and distinguish between diurnal or nocturnal schedule. With minutera pendular oscillating, incorporates the movement Pita-004, including the system patented Pita-TSM (Time Setting Mechanism). Of short series and numbered, is totally personalizable.

Sol and moon, a clock that distinguishes diurnal and nocturnal schedule
Sol and moon, a clock that distinguishes diurnal and nocturnal schedule.

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