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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Máxima potencia en máquina-herramienta para óptima extracción de metal en titanio y aleaciones duras

Kennametal develops the connection of husillo KM4X100

Maximum power in machine-tool for optimum extraction equipment equipment of metal in titanium and hard alloys

Editorial Interempresas17/12/2013

The connection of husillo is the ‘handshake': the interconnection between the husillo of the machine-tool and the tool holders. As such, this vital component has to cater the pair and the capacity of load of flexión compatible with the specifications of operation of the machine-tool. But when they mechanise materials of high resistance like titanium and other alloys, the strengths of cut generate moments flectores that will exceed the limits of the interconnection before it reach the threshold of pair of the machine-tool.

Combining high strength of subjection and levels of interference optimised, the new KM4X100 of Kennametal —commercialised by Kenci in Spain— provides a robust connection, rigidity extremely high and capacity of load of flexión for a very improved performance in the mechanised of alloys of high resistance and other materials. The result are high levels of volume of shaving extraida and more pieces completed by turn. “In the majority of the cases, the connection husillo-tool determines how much material can be extracted in a determinate operation”, signals Doug Ewald, director of global management of product, systems of tools in Kennametal. “This is due to the fact that this interconnection has to bear high loads and besides keep his rigidity. With the advances in course in tools of cutting and machining centres, a connection of husillo like KM4X100, that makes possible the best utilisation of available power, is an important factor to investigate to the beginning of the planning of the production”.

The robust connection of husillo KM4X100 of Kennametal provides a resistance to the moment flector thrice greater for a milling...

The robust connection of husillo KM4X100 of Kennametal provides a resistance to the moment flector thrice greater for a milling, turning and perforación improved.

Global priority

Material light and of high resistance like alloys of titanium, Inconel and new alloys of aluminium are looked for anxiously by part of manufacturers of a lot of sectors, including the aerospace and of defence, power and transport. These new materials present in himself same significant challenges in mechanised. Add the competitive pressesures to these global sectors and find solutions advanced of manufacture turns into a maximum priority.

The constructors of machine-tool have answered with centres of milling-turning that present a rigidity and amortiguación improved in the husillos and proportionate structures of machine and motors, all this to cater the significant power, the pair and the strengths of push required, at the same time that they minimise the no wished vibrations that deteriorate the quality of the piece and the useful life of the tool.

Using a contact of triple surface for a stability improved and a distribution of the strength of subjection and an adjust of interference optimised, the engineering of the KM4X100 gives like result thrice the capacity of resistance to the moment flector in comparison with other systems of tools. This means:

  • The workshops can improve the machines-tool of high performance instrumented with KM4X to increase the speeds and the advances in applications of mechanised difficult, obtaining of this way the total potential of productivity of the machine-tool.
  • Often, a smaller connection of KM4X, like a KM4X100, will provide the same or even a greater performance of cut that a bigger connection.
  • The systems KM4X can be applied in multitarea, turning, machining centres and machines transfer, in manual way, semi-automatic or entirely automatic.
KM4X100 allows a better utilisation of available power, an important factor to investigate to the beginning of the planning of the production...
KM4X100 allows a better utilisation of available power, an important factor to investigate to the beginning of the planning of the production.

“KM4X100, by his design, can execute a wide range of operations, from low speed/high pair until high speed/low pair, allowing to the manufacturers achieve the maximum potential of his equipment of production”, emphasizes Ewald.

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