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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Gene Haas dona un millón de dólares en becas para estudiantes de mecanizado y fabricación

Gene Haas dona One million dollars in scholarships for students of mechanised and manufacture


23 September 2013

Haas Automation Europe announces that it has created a bottom of 745.000 € (one million dollars) allocated to help to the schools and students of mechanised and manufacture. The scholarships, already available in Europe, Canada, EE UU and South Africa, are a donation of Gene Haas, founder and president of Haas Automation, through the Gene Haas Foundation. The creation of these scholarships answers to the aim of Gene Haas that it follow having sufficient qualified youngsters to cover the places of work in the sector of the manufacture, especially in the industries in which the mechanised of precision is fundamental.

“When reducing the economic load of the students, expect that these centre in reaching academic attainments”, says Gene Haas. We want to contribute to that the students of the European schools are better prepared and to that they do not abandon the studies. This is very important in a moment in which it seems that the youngsters are less interested in exerting his labour activity in the field of the manufacture.”

The process of application of the scholarships, of the that commissions the Society of Manufacturing Engineers Education Foundation (SME-EF), realizar through internet, from 23 September 2013. The SME-EF foresees to concede between 950 and 1.000 scholarships this year. The amount of the scholarships oscillates between the 500 and the 2000 €, according to the cost of the program of studies.

Donation of one million dollars of Gene Haas for destined scholarships to the students of mechanised and manufacture...

Donation of one million dollars of Gene Haas for destined scholarships to the students of mechanised and manufacture.

“The applications will have to do them the educational centres, to which will send them the bottoms”, says Bart To. Aslin, adviser delegated of the SME-EF. A committee of scholarships will evaluate the applications of the schools to check that they gather the minimum requirements to receive the donation. They will concede scholarships to all the educational centres that fulfil the criteria, until exhausting the bottoms of the program.

“On the one hand, want to finish with the myth that the people with a university title automatically win more money; but, by another, know that the students that opt by a learn a job also require some studies that allow them win well the life, in concrete the youngsters that need that suplan the hand-held fault of qualified work in the sector of the manufacture. Scholarships like the Gene Haas Machining Technology Scholarship help us to achieve it”, concludes Aslin.

From the Monday 23 September 2013, the educational centres can download the form of application in and send it filled to The last day to present the application is the Friday 1 November 2013.

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