Products de Talleres Alju, S.L. - Distributed products / services offered by Talleres Alju, S.L. -

NOTE: This list also includes products from the “Outsourcing” sector.
  • Air extractors
  • Anti-wear materials
  • Anti-wear pieces
  • Antidesgastes
  • Blasting rooms
  • Boiler works
  • Chorreadoras
  • Chorreadoras machines
  • Chorreados of high pressure water
  • Continuous granalladoras
  • Degreasing and granallados
  • Equipment for industrial ventilation
  • Equipment of blasting and blasting
  • Granalladoras
  • Granalladoras dish
  • Granalladoras drum
  • Granalladoras dumping parts
  • Granalladoras hook
  • Granalladoras machinery of occasion with guarantee
  • Granalladoras machines
  • Granalladoras occasion with guarantee
  • Granalladoras rotary table
  • Granalladoras step by roller
  • Industrial ventilation
  • Inner blasting systems
  • Lines of blasting and painting
  • Machines for descaling of pieces
  • Machines for metal cleaning
  • Machines for nuanced metals
  • Machines for surface treatments
  • Mill finish mechanical systems
  • Painted in continuous and granallados
  • Paintings and granallados in continuous
  • Parts and spare parts wear
  • Pendulous grinders
  • Sandblasting automatic systems
  • Sandblasting cabins
  • Suction and air filtration equipment
  • Suction filters
  • Tilting desbarbadoras
  • Tunnels of blasting and painting