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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El centro tecnológico Tekniker mostrará sus nuevos desarrollos en la próxima bienal de la máquina-herramienta

The technology centre Tekniker will show its new developments at the next biennial of machine tools

"By our traditional links with the manufacturing technology, machine tools biennial has been forming the ideal showcase so TEKNIKER expose its new products at the service of the production." This new edition of the BIEMH, now in the incomparable setting of the new premises of the BEC, will not be an exception, and TEKNIKER expects to meet expectations of all those who with this occasion we come, in the confidence to find between our proposals and trends that will be a commercial reality in the short", medium and long term". In these terms were expressed TEKNIKER policy-makers when they gave beginning to the presentation, first, of the achievements that will expose this month of June.
"The main novelty Mechatronics which we are going to expose is a moto-husillo of magnetic lift" said Javier García, head of Marketing at the Center. "This is the first of its kind developed in Spain, and comes to the most pressing needs of the machining of aerostructures, who complain of high maintenance costs and times of the moto-husillos of high speed stop conventional."During this Biennale of 2004 ", Javier García, accurate" are going to carry out several demonstrations of machining of aluminum, which will allow the visitor ' in situ ' the benefits of this technology ".

New moto spindle integrates, using the appropriate control algorithm, the functions of levitation/suspension of the rotor and generation of torque. "Although this is a prototype - apostillan our partners of TEKNIKER includes in its design the important loads of industrial applications: so, it has 48,000 rpm spindle speed, a 13.2 kW power and you can perform a maximum force of 150 kg radial and axial 75 kg"", at the tip of the tool".

"For the trade fair demonstration - is Javier García-, we are going to ride the moto-husillo of magnetic lift on our milling machine of high speed, powered by linear motors, 'Bizkor'." "In this way, visitors will see the capabilities of the prototype mecanizing some pieces of aluminium".

According to TEKNIKER, another technology demonstration 'Star' of your stand will be the presentation of some scenarios on which working ambient intelligence research group. On the axis the same milling machine "bizkor", which supports the magnetic moto-husillo, the capabilities of some operario-máquina interfaces, using speech and new embedded systems will be displayed.

"There will be exhibitions of how an operator can send instructions to the machine directly by voice - explain the researchers involved - such as opening and closing the door, set the position of the tool, start a program of numerical control, etc." In addition, the 'demo' includes media (through camera and TAGs), and a system of identification and tracking of people, each operator, is recognized and associated with a particular space and devices that, in that location, has at its disposal. On the basis of such situations, you will be offered information contextualizada, adapted to the format of the telephone, the 'display' of his glasses or own numerical control, according to what is present at your fingertips.


Microtechnology and other areas of research

In addition to all this, TEKNIKER wants to show the materialisation of the first years of activity in Microtechnologies in this fair. According to its head of marketing, "is it going to present our microcar, of only 2 mm in length and 9 g of weight, which has in its interior electric motor and transmission system. The machining and Assembly has helped to develop systems of micro-manufacturing already available to the Gipuzkoa-based Centre. It will also expose a microintercambiador of heat, which the company Sener commissioned manufacture TEKNIKER.

"Apart from all this just Javier García, TEKNIKER will show other accomplishments in the most famous lines of research: coatings and PVD cameras, various software developments and technological services of the House, improving day by day, offering new alternatives of support", greater traceability and logistics that incorporates all the advantages of the techniques of the 'e-business' "."

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