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A meeting of big and small companies in the context of the outsourcing

The opportunities of real business for mecanizadores mark the ninth edition of the Meetings of Mechanised/Mechanized

Nerea Gorriti13/10/2011
In this occasion, the meetings of mechanised/mechanized celebrated in one of the best emplazamientos possible, the Industrial Summit of Bilbao. The sinergias between the mechanised/mechanized and the outsourcing are evident and were a lot of the assistants to the fair that showed interested in participating in the day. Companies of international renown as Alstom, the German Schuler or the admired MTorres put the guinda of a cake sometimes edulcorado, with the positivism and illusion of the new company Blumeprot and sometimes with a more bitter flavour/flavor and realistic with the intervention ‘And now what?' Of Ibon Lete of the company Mendi Metal Innovation Group.

And is that this cake, the one of the mechanised/mechanized, was desgranándose, to snacks, during all the day. The common link to all the interventions and the aim of the day was the show real opportunities of business to the participants, giving the keys to the mecanizadores to arrive to be a provider of some of big companies, because, how value these to a provider? What demand them?

Inauguration of the meetings. Ramiro Bengochea, general director of WNT and Mª Carmen Gorostiza, director of the Industrial and Technological Summit...
Inauguration of the meetings. Ramiro Bengochea, general director of WNT and Mª Carmen Gorostiza, director of the Industrial and Technological Summit.

90% of the providers of Schuler, as it aimed Frank Brandstetter, responsible of Shopping of pieces mechanised/mechanized of the German company during his intervention, are of Germany. The local character of the companies, in addition to his quality and logically, the fulfillment of the terms of delivery, are some of the main demands of the big companies to the companies that subcontract. Three basic concepts to which in occasions add others like the flexibility, the work in team and especially, the confidence.

randstetter, responsible of Shopping of pieces mechanised/mechanized of Schuler
randstetter, responsible of Shopping of pieces mechanised/mechanized of Schuler.

Backwards remained the agreements that so only required the delivery of the piece. Now, the customer looks for a collaborator, that other to fulfil/fulfill these standards, participate actively in all the process. According to the representative of Schuler, “a relation on a long-term basis demands to our providers that dominate technically the systems and components, that manufacture or develop and/or are prepared to expand his range of products. They have to, likewise, adapt his technical capacity, wish keep relations on a long-term basis with Schuler, have to can guarantee stable processes with a maximum of quality and efficiency, fulfil/fulfill some terms of brief delivery and ineludibles and optimise/optimize constantly the total cost by means of a permanent improvement of the chain of supply in his whole”.

Thierry Dulong, director of Logistical Europe/PISSES of Alstom Power Steam
Thierry Dulong, director of Logistical Europe/PISSES of Alstom Power Steam.

To this respecto, Thierry Dulong, director Procurement & Logistics Europe/PISSES of Alstom Power Steam ensured “our aim is to ensure that the goods supplied used in projects sold by Alstom Steam Plants deliver to time, with the quality required and the best price”. For this, sue to the provider that fulfil/fulfill with his commitments, that know to react the urgencies of our plants, to the terms of delivery and to the requests with the level of quality expected by the requests of Alstom. “They owe also propose reduce costs rediseñando for abaratar or repensar his industrial structure regarding subcontractors of second and third level”.

But the small companies also had a major prominence during the day. If the first gave guidelines of how arrive to collaborate with them, the second, the ones of dimensions smaller, had also a lot that say. The first intervention was one of which more called the attention of the assistants and even more gestures of assent and understanding caused. Ramiro Bengochea, general director of WNT, presented to Ibon Lete, general director of Mendi Metal Innovation Group “like partner, owner of a small company that throwing him a lot of value has bet for doing what has to do : innovar and internacionalizarse”. And of his experience of 18 years working in Mendi, Lete poses are prepared to compete of global form?

Pause for the coffee during the Meetings of Mechanised/Mechanized
Pause for the coffee during the Meetings of Mechanised/Mechanized.

And now what?

“Say us that to go out of this situation, have to go to the external market, be more competitive and innovar. They bomb us continuously with these three concepts like exit for the small company, but what have not listened is how do it. How go out to the external market? How compete? How innovar?”.

Lete besides spoke of the difficulty of a company of ten or fifteen workers to go out to the outside. “We are prepared to do it?”, it posed.

Referred to “innovar” like a term little concretise/concretize like solution to the current problem. “Renew the what? This does not solve with innovar, solves creating, creating projects, products, illusion, passion and doing that all the members of projects have illusion to work in group. This is indispensable. We have to invest in people”, aimed the representative of Mendi.

Ibon Lete, general director of Mendi Metal Innovation Group
Ibon Lete, general director of Mendi Metal Innovation Group.

On the other hand, and doing quotation to another of the big subjects of the day, the collaboration between companies to assume projects of elder envergadura, Lete signalled: “we have not been educated to collaborate. We have been educated to compete”. Like key to surpass this structural problem, aimed to the education. “It is this ready society to grow, create and innovar? We are not ready and in this have failed all, have not created illusion, neither groups of work. It is necessary incidir in the training and implant new values”.

In spite of everything, the true is that the company has known to adapt to the constant changes of the market by means of the specialisation/specialization, another of the solutions that posed during the Meetings. The signature has own product: Tubular Zero. “This product is the result of 30 years of experience in the manufacture of tube until diameters of 1.200 with characteristics of concentricidad of parallelism, rugosidad… Is what has carried us, together with our collaborators, to be what are in the actuality. And we will be still in the line of the specialisation/specialization, in the manufacture of tubes and in the rectified of tube of big dimensions”.

Ramiro Bengochea presented to the following speaker
Ramiro Bengochea presented to the following speaker.

New companies (and structures) in the board of game

In front of the vast experience of the Gipuzkoan company, took the word Josep Marsol, general director of the new company Blumeprot. New, by his youth, but also by his structure. “The mecanizadores no longer are the mechanics of blue full of shaving and fat. Our companies are technologically very advanced”.

Are young and have win and illusion. That is the feeling that transmitted J. Marsol, during his intervention in the Meetings of Mechanised/Mechanized. And it is that create a company at the beginning of 2011 does not have to have been easy. “We analyse/analyze how it has to be the mecanizador in the actuality. After working in different areas, the members of Blumeprot observe that the companies keep his classical structures: managers that absorb more functions of which can, a lot of investment in machinery and little in training.

Ascertain that our customers looked for SMEs with operarios formed and able to guarantee the quality. We collaborate a lot with our customers and help them to rediseñar for abaratar costs”, this last, one of the demands that the big companies require.

Josep Marsol, general director of the new company Blumeprot
Josep Marsol, general director of the new company Blumeprot.

And in the line to create a company of mechanised/mechanized able to manufacture, design and asesorar to his customers, focused his activity to the prototipaje. “Neither long series neither big productions, do only pieces and prototypes” aimed Marsol.

“Opt for designing a company from the first moment. We instrument us no only with the machinery, toolings, tools and goods of team… The first of our investments was a software ERP to control all the processes of our company and can analyse/analyze the data. Also we mark a philosophy and are faithful to our ideals. Any worker that go in in our company has to be motivated. And one of the big current problems is precisely that, the fault of motivation of the personnel”, in relation to the fault of commitment that palpa in the market and that also subjected to debate during the day.

With a year of activity, the new company can boast to have shipped in interesting projects: Motorbike2 and Bike Carbon - Titanium. Although his current customer centres/centers in departments of R&D, engineerings and companies of the medical sector also does it in the emprendedores. “One of our first customers was an emprendedor of a jewellery/jewelry of Barcelona that wanted to manufacture his own design of a clock. It went through five engineerings and by ten mecanizadores without obtaining at least a budget. What occurs is that sometimes we do not attend small works that can carry us to others bigger”, signalled Marsol.

In addition to not leaving happen opportunities, the young company believes in the innovation in materials and technology, in addition to the need to create a network of collaborators, (coppersmithing, welding, painting…) and have very present that “the last phase is not to earn. It is to offer a service postventa”.

An example of collaboration between companies of Blumeprot

Regarding his experience in the cooperation with other companies, stands out two projects. One, centred/centered in the development of a prototype in titanium and a GPS for aeroplanes of re-create. “The customer dominated the electronic part, but no the mechanics. We help him to rediseñar and abaratar 50% the price of the product of his original price”. The another is the project Motorbike2 for the development of bicycles of titanium. “The company of bicycles dominated the fibre/fiber of carbon and we the mechanised/mechanized of titanium. Thus, we established a joint venture by means of which, we learnt the technician of the fibre/fiber and they the one of titanium”.

MTorres Looks for providers

Another of the beaks of maximum audience of the day was the intervention of Javier Bermejo, director of shopping of MTorres. One the keys of his success, as it aimed, is his network of providers, of mecanizadores. “We are a company of engineering and setting. We do not manufacture at all, therefore us aprovisionamos of all externamente”. In case it was not this sufficient opportunity of business to work with MTorres, Bermejo announced that in the actuality, the signature looks for providers.

“The variety of product that have to purchase is wide: we buy a lot of unitary piece and small series. Inside the families of shopping, two are especially important. We designate them “strategic” put that they find on the way critic of the projects: all the big pieces of coppersmithing that carry associated a mechanised/mechanized and also all the mechanised/mechanized of piecerío. The first go to the start of the setting of the machines and installations by what it is necessary to schedule them properly and the piecerío that goes along the project and in the final phases”.

Javier Bermejo, director of shopping of MTorres
Javier Bermejo, director of shopping of MTorres.

However, what asks MTorres to the workshops of mechanised/mechanized that they supply him? “That they have knowledge of the product, that collaborate contributing technical solutions. We do not want to work with a workshop want to work with companies that contribute us more than the product. Besides they have to purchase commitments, of quality and in terms”, signalled the manager of shopping.

Although MTorres looks for the specialisation/specialization, in some typology of piece values the capacity of integration, those companies that can offer the coppersmithing, the mechanised/mechanized, setting and painting, tending even to the projects key in hand. “We ask that the companies, in addition to the necessary machinery, have capacity of verification of all that that manufacture”. Finally, they value the availability, “that have some excess capacity to endow us of flexibility”. Although it also works with mecanizadores “of battle”, every time need more mecanizadores specialists in pieces of precision and of more complexity. “Here there are a lot of opportunities because there is not a lot of mecanizadores that go further of a workshop, that are companies, present technological collaboration and develop pieces of precision”.

Act of nomination of partners of honour/honor of Aspromec
Act of nomination of partners of honour/honor of Aspromec.
Interesting sentences of the partners of honour/honor that projected during the act
Interesting sentences of the partners of honour/honor that projected during the act.
Delivery to Rebeca Acebrón, of the Group Acebrón
Delivery to Rebeca Acebrón, of the Group Acebrón.
Javier Bermejo of MTorres it resumió like this
Javier Bermejo of MTorres it resumió like this.

Nomination of partners of honour/honor of Aspromec

- Juan C. Irizar Sigüenza, exercise of Tierra, commander of infantry. Section Doctrine EMDNBQ

- José Abel Fernández Carrascal, Indra, manager of Shopping-Outsourcing.

- Franscico Javier Salorio of the Morral, Indra, director of Shopping Outsourcing

- Santiago Hernández Ariño, director attach, Unit of Aerospace Strategic Business of Sener

- Paola Corbalán, Reyvarsur, director of Shopping

- Vicente Sánchez Galician, Ford Spain, S.To manager Engineering Plants Engines.

- Pablo Palés Macián, Proto-tech System, manager

- Camilo Gómez, GKN Driveline, director of Engineering of Plant

- Rebeca Acebrón San Miguel, Group Acebrón, Financial and Commercial director

- Javier García, Taim Weser, boss of Outsourcing

- Miguel Frechilla, Industries Maxi, general director

- Javier Bermejo, director of Shopping of MTorres

- Frank Brandstetter, responsible of Shopping of pieces mechanised/mechanized of Schuler.

- Thierry Dulong, Alstom Power Steam, director Procurement & Logistics Europe/PISSES

- Ibon Lete, general director of Mendi Metal Innovation Group

- Josep Marsol, general director Blumeprot

- Andrés Sánchez of Apellaniz, Confemetal, general secretary

- José Antonio Gómez Vadillo, Alloy Coaching and Consulting (Vadillo Advisers Group), general director

The sector, to debate

Moderate by José Antonio Gómez Vadillo, general director of the Group Vadillo Advisers and Ángel Hernández, boss of the division of Metal of Interempresas, the day gave step to an interesting debate where questioned appearances treated during the same. It spoke on the half size of the providers of the big companies, of the demand of the big companies of deslocalizar the structure of his providers and of the training, like key and exit of future for the sector.

Day of debate of questions treated during the day
Day of debate of questions treated during the day.

Besides, commented experiences of small companies that have gone growing like providers of big signatures. Santiago Hernández Ariño, director attach of the unit of strategic business aerospacial of Sener, quoted the case of success of Ginés Clemente, at present Group Aciturri Aeronautical, and the one of Mechanised/Mechanized Escribano. According to Ángel Escribano, representative of the company and assistant to the days “Begin to work twenty years ago almost in a garage. Today we are 55 people, finish to première new installations in Alcalá de Henares and have 35 machines roughly”.

In relation to the cooperation between companies, Rebeca Acebrón San Miguel, financial and commercial director of Group Acebrón, signalled: “we Have begun to collaborate with other mecanizadores, other coppersmithings that complement our services, what has allowed us cover projects much bigger. In this sense has to have a change of mentality. The true is that we find to our around this new strategy because the customer hires increasingly keys in hand or the piece finished. Or you collaborate or you are out of market”.

As it aimed Miguel Frechilla, general director of Industries Maxi and to way of conclusion, “the change is not an option, is the way”.

The partners of honour/honor in the round table of Aspromec
The partners of honour/honor in the round table of Aspromec.

New video of Aspromec

The Meetings of Mechanised/Mechanized began with the broadcast of a video, elaborated by Interempresas TV, on the Association of Professionals for the Competitiveness of the Mechanised/Mechanized, Aspromec. In his preparation participated the promoters of this association, Castrol, Intermaher, Tebis, Toolox, Zoller, WNT and Interempresas.

Ramiro Bengoechea, general director of WNT, presented the association: “The most notable appearance is the creation of a Network of professionals highly qualified engaged with the improvement of the industrial competitiveness of the mechanised/mechanized in his surroundings”. By his part Severino Young, technical support Automotive of Castrol Industrial, skilled in lubricantes and flowed of cut for the mechanised/mechanized of metals, ensured that the experience has allowed them create a range of global products and skilled technical support”. Ángel Henández, boss of division of metal of Interempresas, presented the platform Interempresas and contributed data of interest: each month, according to OJD and Nielsen Ratings, more than 500.000 professionals visit To which are surroundings of 33 million pages seen to the year.

Roberto Hernando, general director of Intermaher, exclusive distributor of Mazak in Spain from 36 years ago, gave data on the Japanese mark: “it is leader the world, has nine factories and his annual production rises to eleven thousand machines in more than 200 different models”. Alejandro Arjona, general director of Tebis, provider of systems of CAD CAM for the industry of the mechanised/mechanized, signalled “think that to improve the productivity is important to define a process structured of manufacture. For this require a virtual copy of the workshop. We need to know the tools, the dimensions of the fresadora and his limits of career. Of this way can calculate safe programs and tested”.

Regarding Toolox, Håkan Engström, responsible of product for Europe of Toolox SSAB, signalled the availability of the Swedish signature in Spain through a network of distributors and did upsetting in the narrow collaboration that loans to his customers.

On the other hand, Candy Gordillo, responsible of commercial management of WNT Iberian, presented the catalogue of WNT that consists of 45.000 tools of cut of high quality and a tax of availability of 99%, amongst other services that offers WNT.

Finally, Swen Hamann, general director of Zoller, presented a new range of machines of presetting of tools “that increases 15% the productivity”, signalled.


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