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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Einstein y los Encuentros del Mecanizado

Einstein and the meetings of the machining

Paola Corbalán Moreno, responsible for purchases, reducers and variators of the South, S.A.U.03/02/2010

February 3, 2010

As well said the most popular physicist of the twentieth century: "imagination is more important than knowledge." "Since that knowledge is limited while imagination embraces the entire world". (1) Especially in times of crisis, I might add. It seems that in WNT has been to do so; and they have thrown the imagination to renew so well-trodden format of day (in) formative.

So far all the events that had assisted could quite fit into two categories. On the one hand, those in which, more or less subtly, providers try to sell you their new products and applications. On the other, the days in which a Rapporteur prestigious (usually with a long history within the University or political) suggested you focus your business. While the latter tend to have a great value, for me also have a major problem; who speaks to you has never had an SME. Probably make very good ideas, but sometimes are away from the everyday reality that exists in small and medium-sized enterprises.

Therefore, when I received the invitation to the meetings of the machining and read words like 'Innovation-cooperation-contacts-new markets' thought: how difficult it has been! Because the danger of creating such high expectations is not, in the end, or half. But set themselves an ambitious goal and met it, in my view, to a large extent. The high number of attendees which managed to gather already seemed, of for Yes, a great achievement.

When the duties are well-made, good results come out. And that's what happened on January 28 (ii) meeting of the machining, on this occasion, held in Seville. The variety and dynamism were the main strengths of the event. Were all a little and so we were all happy; those who give us the level of a piece and we believe that it is a mandala, and the that you give them the financial statements and make you origami. He spoke of how and with what machining, machinery, lubricating but also cost, differentiation, management, financing, estrategia…

The variety and dynamism were the main strengths of the event

Short papers but with speeches well built and founded, except for a couple of exceptions. It became clear that the differentiation covers not only to companies but also to the people. Not everyone has the ability to speak in public. In fact, confined to talk is easy; how difficult is transmitted, the attention. And as not everything could be good, there are who not only were transmitted, but that even hastió to attendees. It encouraged the incorporation of new technologies to SMEs; but there was who made us see that when technology doesn't play in your favour, the result can be disastrous. It encouraged employers to change, but there was who not preached by example and failed to give a twist to his speech when the Auditorium grumbled mercilessly.

Two papers are worthy, in my view, express mention: 'Mecanizing management' in charge of Mr. Gómez Vadillo and ' the right choice of the fluid of court vs. productivity improvement ' developed by Mr. Antonio Morales. The first already the title seemed suggestive, and did not disappoint. He captivated by innovative and successful but above all by bold. You have to be a brave man to get in front of more than 100 business people and tell them that they autoengañan. Congratulations gentleman because, to make matters worse, many gave him the reason. The latter embodies the example of the perfect intervention: accurate and fair, brief and direct. The Rapporteur had an admirable capacity for synthesis and reported your message without giving listeners the option to get bored of the oil.

Perhaps, the final debate was too slow; deserved more speed, more flexibility, more mirrors. Despite this, I contracted of positivism. And I ended up thinking that the Marketing Gurus have their 4 P's (product, price, promotion, place), SMEs can have our 4 B's (understand the phoneme/b /): good, Nice, cheap and fast. And with that, sure, there is no competition that we can not change us is too.

Hold an event is simple, but secure to transmit something, to have its own voice and attendees to retain in your memory part of the there exposed; It is not so much. However, WNT and co-workers did

Excellent would describe the actions of Mr. Ramiro Bengochea as conductor of the encounter, and meritorious decision of WNT to not award any paper. Organize the day and not to use a single minute in talk of the Toolingcenter or the Tool-O-Mat was all a lesson in elegance. However, I took less that devote a few minutes to submit to the attending companies. He knew many of the logos which, quite rightly, projected on screens during the break; but I would also like to put them face.

Hold an event is simple, but secure to transmit something, to have its own voice and attendees to retain in your memory part of the there exposed; It is not so much. However, WNT and his colleagues did.

Then, they approved it? Yes, and with good note. Can be improved? Also, there is still a small way to achieve the registration of honor. But that's great news, because we're infallible we would lose the satisfaction of learning and the pleasure of discovery. To me the pleasures I do not like to miss me them and to you?

(1) ' Cosmic Religion: with other opinions and aphorisms' by Albert Einstein (1931), page 97.

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Comments on article / news piece

#4 - Daniel Raúl Gentili
17/02/2010 19:24:50
Buenas tardes, he leido con detenimiento los comentarios por ustedes vertidos, y me dio mucho placer ver la forma correcta con que de verdad quieren ayudar a las pymes de España, personalmente tengo una pyme metalmecánica en Mendoza, Argentina, tambien soy el presidente de la Asociación de industriales Metalurgicos de Mendoza, y como todos Ustedes saben las cosas por aqui no andan para nada bien, Vería con mucho agrado poder compartir y aprender de sus experiencias de ENCUENTROS DEL MECANIZADO, y tratar de ayudarnos al igual que Ustedes, al margen de lo bueno que resultaría tener contactos con empresas de España y las locales de Mendoza, ya que de esta forma seguramente nos podriamos complementar en muchos proyectos.
#3 - jorge Murcia
17/02/2010 16:55:50
Completamente de acuerdo: esos gurús que "forman" nunca han tenido que pagar una nómina, nunca han tenido que negociar frente a frente y recibir las exigencias de los clientes. Todo en Power Point es bello, sale uno de esos seminarios con el pecho hinchado y tal. Pero pónga en la práctica lo que el individuo dijo, y se tendrá al final que solo el 1% es aplicable; o si no, por qué una persona tan exitosa no está metido en su empresa haciendo dinero?
#2 - Sr. Manuel Coll Elizalde
05/02/2010 0:05:21
AL respecto, de las pymes,decir, cada vez mas pymes por no decir el gerente y el pobre hombre que se afana por conservar su estatus. Esto es poder pasarle la pension a su mujer, acabar de pagar el coche que le compro, y que sus hijas, que solo se las deja ver el fin desemana vayan bien vestidas o vestidas simplememte. El mundo se ha podrido. Eso si con su norma ISO,Prevencion de riesgos laborales,impuestos,intereses abusivos recargos de hacienda... a quien le suene esto no hace falta redundar mas. Os desearia felices sueños pero ya sabemos como va esto.... dar vuletas y vueltas esperando que mañana un gran pedido nos haga trabajar todo el fin de semana para que el martes te devuelvan el producto por que el operario que te pide aumento de sueldo todo los dias excepto los que esta de baja a fabricado las piezas defectuosamente por lo cual tendras que ir al banco a pedir un credito para pagar algo que no cobraras y hara tu deuda mas grande. Señores buenas noches...Recuerdo a ZAPATERO, RAJOY,CHAVES y demas ellos tampoco pueden dormir de la risa que les entra de los desgracidos que nos han hecho.Por lo demas la vida es maravillosa. El medico me dice que los dolores provocados por la gota me van a remitir, despues de amputarme los dedos de los pies. Hasta otra---
#1 - Manuel Bono
04/02/2010 13:20:28
Cuando he visto tus lineas, que me ha sido muy agradable leer, he tenido una sensacion de orgullo, aunque no soy tu padre. Pero los sentimientos brotan, eres un Krac.Un beso

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