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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Potenciar las alianzas y la transferencia de conocimiento, recetas del XIV Encuentro del Mecanizado
The headquarters CosmoCaixa in Barcelona received the last edition of this business day

Improve the alliances and the transfer of knowledge, recipes of the XIV Meeting of the Mechanised

Ibon Linacisoro26/03/2014

The past 25 March celebrated in Barcelona the XIV Meeting of the Mechanised, a new edition of the meeting organised by Aspromec that gathers to providers, tractor trucks companies and customers to boost the competitiveness of the SMEs. Alejandro Arjona, general director of Tebis Iberia and current president of Aspromec, inaugurated the event doing a review to the factors that can improve the competitiveness. As it comes being usual in the last meetings, the day consisted of two parts differentiated: first, a series of presentations and, to continuation, the called ‘circuit of competitiveness' in which the different companies participants could explain in small groups his activity to the assistants.

In the centre of the table of speakers, Alejandro Arjona, general director of Tebis Iberia and current president of Aspromec. To his izq...
In the centre of the table of speakers, Alejandro Arjona, general director of Tebis Iberia and current president of Aspromec. To his izq. In the image, Ramiro Bengochea, general director of WNT Iberian and previous president of the association.

The constant innovation, the best organisation, the discipline, the flexibility, the improvement contínua and the implication of all the company in this improvement have to be the notable criteria to be competitive. With this concept like frame of the day took the word Joan Martorell, of Group Gutmar, that gave the vision of the sectors of the future of the metal and how have surpassed the obstacles that go finding in the market. Gutmar Is a Tier 1, devoted to the manufacture and setting of mechanical groups and is present in products developed for the space, the sky, the earth and the mar. The aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing represents 60% of his business and France is his first country customer, with 38%.

Martorell mentioned the need to establish alliances, “although Spain is a country with little tradition in this type of agreements”. But also it remarked like points to his favour a weakening of the international competitors and a coyuntura that facilitates the growth via acquisitions, as well as the exponential growth of the aerospace market foreseen until 2020. The forecast is that in 4 years Airbus triplique the demand with projects of work to 20 or 25 years. “This supposes a big opportunity but be partner to risk with this type of companies also comports a serious challenge. The ‘cash flow' is not positive until the 5º or 6º year”. However, Martorell asked in front of to the audience “in what another sector can guarantee the profitability to so long term? The entrance is hard, but the future is well”, sentenced.

Fits to stand out that although the inner market is in frank recession, Gutmar has known to find an opportunity in the sectors of high value, to be possible in cycle of life of long product, in applications for aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing, space and medical technologies. Also the robotics is in clear expansion and has a big future in defence, hygiene and assistance to people. In general terms the technological barriers surpass in this company with the qualification of the employees, the batches of small manufacture, of big precision and complexity, the design and manufacture of pieces with complex surfaces and the need to manage simultaneously big quantity of orders of manufacture. Other barriers with which finds are the ones of integral service, for which integrated in the group the engineering with the aim to give a global service. On the other hand, to solve the financial barriers proposed to realizar alliances between companies, hospitals, technology centres and professionals of the sector to tackle projects of big size and support in Zenith. “When the return of the investment is to half and long term, the solution is to diversify the risk in other sectors of immediate return and manufacture for customers of first level. I encourage from here to join strengths to go out was”, added.

Joan Martorell put of self-evident the problematic of the network of subcontractors in Catalonia like mates of trip to go to the big projects by the low number of companies certified. “There are few companies with machinery of five axles and few people formed in CAM of high level for pieces almost unitary and material very special”.

First by the izq...

First by the izq., Joan Martorell, of Group Gutmar, did upsetting in the need to have a network of powerful subcontractors, adding that “in Catalonia there are few companies with machinery of five axles and few people formed in CAM of high level for pieces almost unitary and material very special”.

To continuation took the word Xavier Conesa, of the company Tecnomatrix, devoted to the design and manufacture of useful of control. This company of 25 workers, managed at present by the third generation of a family, has an important park of three-dimensional machines to answer to the sector of the useful of control. Conesa Explained how a small company can innovar: in his case, supported in product, in services, in productive systems and in internal management. It stood out also like an important step the decision, in 2011, to have an own product, the system Captor. “A company that has devoted always to the mechanised if it wants to can open step in other very different markets”, affirmed.

In the turn of questions defended the results of his intense actions of marketing as well as his entrance in the social networks, that “have seen that has repercussion between the people, because they call us to ask after us subjects that go publishing. Sometimes on new subjects and others no so new. The return that generated went us encouraging to go in in more social networks. We have generated such quantity of information that are very far of some of our competitors”. For Conesa, is important to be in all places, physically in the customers but also in the network: “it calls Us people of all the world because they see videos in Internet. Something that of another way could not see”.

Xavier Conesa, of Tecnomatrix —first by the dcha...

Xavier Conesa, of Tecnomatrix —first by the dcha.— It stood out that the presence of the companies in the social networks and on-line means allows them “be much more visible and arrive to publics that of another way could not”.

After Xavier Conesa took part Alberto Echeverria, of Lortek, integrated in the alliance IK4. The researcher put on the table the problems related with the residual tensions and his influence in the precision of processes of mechanised, a work that already presented in the last Congress of Machine-Tool organised by Invema and that is published in In this sense, offered his help to the assistants to obtain information on the announcement of projects of support to SMEs for which projected his steering of ecouriers.

After the formal interventions had logar the called ‘circuit of competitiveness' in which the different companies participants can explain his...
After the formal interventions had logar the called ‘circuit of competitiveness' in which the different companies participants can explain his projects and potential and know the needs of the assistants.

By his part, Josep Marsol, of the company Blumeprot, went the attendant to close the block of presentations. It explained how a small company has grown, from his birth in 2011, in full crisis, until consolidating . They saw that there was a gap in the market, that it was necessary to do a change because the distance between customer and provider was increasingly big. They needed a different service: “we Detect a niche of market that covered few companies. We devote us to the manufacture of prototypes of pieces of high value, only piece of precision and preseries short. In definite, pieces that serve like functional prototypes for testear”. And to do the pieces of value require of personnel very formed but also very motivated, “and to this devote him our efforts”. Because when they decided to create the company had very clear that also wanted to “enjoy with the work”.

Further of the situation complicated that lives the sector, Marsol put on the table other problems like “employers and workers little motivated, personnel little formed and little cooperation between the SMEs”. For him, the aim is to access to projects to which now do not have access “and this occurs because the majority are micropymes, have to learn to cooperate”. An applicable call also in the interior of the own company, “have to speak with our employees to know which needs of investment have. In definite, have to invest with head”. It remembered that the need of innovation is not “exclusive of big companies”, and added that “it seems that have fear to the change and this is what it is necessary to change”. For this recalcó the need to look for a greater bond with the technology centres and with the providers of which “can learn a lot”. Likewise, Marsol aimed also that another change to execute is in the same available process. “The time in which we expect to that between a request by fax has finished . We have to learn to sell a service, no hours of machine, the customers need a plus, a value”. And for this is necessary “to know to the customers and know what want to”, concluded.

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Aspromec - Asociación de profesionales para la competitividad del mecanizado

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