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Aerópolis has increased 10,6% the number of installed signatures in the last year

Aeropolis Keeps growing like space of excellence and business innovation

Editorial Interempresas20/02/2014

The general secretary of Innovation, Industry and Power of the Board of Andalucia, Vicente Fernández Guerrero, visited to first of February some of the companies that develop his activity in the Aerospace Technological Park of Andalucia, that have a volume of business of almost 700 million euros and generate some 4.000 employments. Aerópolis Agglutinates already 37% of the turnover of the aerospace sector in Andalucia and 35% of the employment, with professional profiles of high qualification since 40% of his employees are graduates, doctors and workers devoted to the R&D.

The general secretary of Innovation, Industry Power of the Council of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment of the Board of Andalucia, Vicente Fernández Guerrero, has realizar a visit to Aerópolis to know some of the companies and companies that develop his activity in this Technological Park, that continues consolidating as one of the spaces of excellence and business innovation more notable of Andalucia after growing 10,6% in the number of installed aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing signatures in 2013.

In concrete, Aerópolis explains already with a total of 73 companies implanted, in front of the 66 with which closed the year 2012. In the Park situate companies of different size and activity inside the aerospace industry, from providers of first level or tier one for the big manufacturers of the sector, until small and average signatures skilled in the different subsectores aerospace, companies of engineering and aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing design or companies of technological base arisen from the University.

According to the last statistical balance of the available Park (concerning the exercise 2012), the companies of Aerópolis generate a volume of business of almost 700 million euros and some 4.000 employments, figure that expects increase in the next years because of the increase of the rhythm of production of the programs of the aeroplanes To400M and To350XWB, in which they participate the majority of the installed signatures in the technological enclosure.

A moment of the visit to the company Aernnova Andalucia
A moment of the visit to the company Aernnova Andalucia.

During the visit, Fernández Guerrero was accompanied by the general director of the Agency of Innovation and Development of Andalucia CONTRIVES, Antonio Valverde, and the manager of Aerópolis, Joaquín Rodríguez. In his route by the Park, the secretary of Innovation could know the works of the company Aernnova Andalucia, pertaining to the group Aernnova and that centres his activity in the setting of big aeroestructuras for the constructors of aeroplanes and helicopters. Between his customers stand out the companies Airbus, Airbus Helicopters (previous Eurocopter), Embraer and Agusta Westland and has a staff of more than 200 workers. This company has foreseen to increase his load of work in 2014 thanks to an agreement with the manufacturer of Airbus Helicopters to manufacture the top of his model Superpuma.

The visit continued in the company of technological base Skylife Engineering, spin off of the Group of Electronic Technology of the University of Seville and been cream in the Park. This signature created in the year 2011 is specialised in the design and development of aviónica and electronic systems of application in the aerospace sector and has turned into a reference for the big companies of the sector. In the meeting kept, the general secretary of Innovation could know some of the projects that the professionals of this company have developed with technology transfer to the industry, collaborating with companies like Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier or Cassidian, between others.

Finally, Fernández Guerrero visited the installations of Aertec Solutions, company multinational of engineering and skilled quality consultancy in aerospace industry and airports. This company has projects in more than 16 countries, participates in the big aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing programs world-wide and has references in more than 70 international airports. With a wallet of activities that covers all the industrial cycle of the aeroplane and a team of more than 300 professionals and experts in aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing, the signature has grown of remarkable way in the last years thanks to his services of engineering for the main aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing manufacturers and at present finds in a process of diversification of customers and international expansion.

Aerópolis, in growth

The activity of these companies is a faithful reflection of the activity and increasing evolution that has experienced Aerópolis from his birth, as they show the data of the last statistical balance of the Park concerning 2012. To closing of this year, the companies of the Park added a volume of business of 689 million euros, near of a 6 more than in 2011, and generated 3.992 employments, 16,25% more than in 2011. These figures represent 37% of the turnover of aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector in Andalucia and 35% of the employment (one of each three workers of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector Andalusian works in Aerópolis). Likewise, the productivity in Aerópolis is upper in 5% to the one of the sector in Andalucia (173.000 euros/employed in front of 165.000 euros/employed).

Aerópolis Is besides the space that concentrates the greater percentage of researchers (beat white) of the Andalusian aerospace industry, and one of the most notable of the sector to national level. The figures in this section are conclusive: of 313 employees in R&D in 2011 has happened to 512 in 2012, of which more than 75% are researchers and tecnólogos (growth of 63% with regard to 2011). Besides, the companies of the Park have attained to advance of considerable way in other respects important like the diversification of products and customers, technological capacity, productivity and qualification of his employees. Like this, 38,91% of the employees in Aerópolis have professional profiles of high qualification (Upper Graduates, Doctors and Workers devoted to R&D).

Visit to the company Skylife Engineering
Visit to the company Skylife Engineering.

Equally stands out his growth in the section of the investigation and technological development. The companies and entities of the Park have received 165 million euros in public helps for the financials of 55 projects of R&D, at present in course (23 in regional announcements; 24 in national and 8 in international). In 2012, besides, the investment in R&D of the installed companies reached the 72 million euros, 157% more than in 2011. Likewise, in Aerópolis situate three companies of technological base, spin-off of the University of Seville, two of which have been cream in the Park: Equipment, that at present is Tier One of Airbus in the area of essays, and Skylife Engineering, in addition to WinInertia, devoted to the development of systems of power.

To this pujante business activity and of R&D it is necessary to add the singular technological infrastructures that has Aerópolis, like the Centre Advanced of Aerospace Technologies (Catec), that has turned into a referent in some of the lines of aerospace investigation more advanced of all Europe; the Centre of Simulators of Flight and Learning of Pilots and Crews of Airbus Defence and Space or the Centre of Simulation of Extinction of Forestry Fires (Project Seilaf). To this it is necessary to add the Centre of Engineering and Aerospace Innovation, or the Aeronautic Suppliers Village, scientific infrastructures-technological destined to receive new companies and technological signatures of international reference in the aerospace industry.

Sight to Airtec Solutions

Sight to Airtec Solutions.

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