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‘Integrated Industry – Next Steps', lemma of the next edition of the fair

Hannover Messe 2014 offers new steps to the industrial integration

David Muñoz21/01/2014

The past 16 January, Mele Services Feriales, representative of Deutsche Messe in Spain, organised a presses conference in Madrid to give to know the main novelties of the next edition of Hannover Messe, considered like the “industrial fair more stood out of the world”. In the meeting participated Marc Siemering, director of Area of Business of Hannover Messe, Reinhard Hüppe, executive director of the Grouping of Automation in ZVEI, Roberto Tailor, director of Marketing of the company Arteche (expositor usual in this fair) and Christian Guarin, commercial director in Mele Services Feriales.

Of the 7 to 11 April of this year, Hannover Messe 2014 will gather under a same ceiling seven fairs stood out in the industrial state: Industrial Automation, Power, MobiliTec, Digital Factory, Industrial Supply, Industrial GreenTec and Reseach&Technology. For the edition of this year the organisation has chosen the lemma ‘Integrated Industry – Next Steps' looking for with this give new steps in the integration of the different fields of the industry and attain with this factories increasingly intelligent and autonomous.

“In Hannover Messe 2014 will expose different solutions directed to that the industries can manufacture his products more quickly but without losing in quality, through the synchronisation and integration in his productive systems of the new technologies, to advance in what it knows like the Industry 4.0”, signalled Marc Siemering, director of Area of Business of Hannover Messe.

Of left to right: Dr...
Of left to right: Dr. Reinhard Hüppe, executive director of the Grouping of Automation in ZVEI, Marc Siemering, director of Area of Business of Hannover Messe, Christian Guarin, commercial director in Mele Services Feriales, and Roberto Tailor, director of Marketing of the company Arteche.

Four will be the central subjects of the Hannover Messe 2014. In the first place, the industrial automation and the TIC, with the exhibition of the last destined innovations to manufacture of form more efficient and adapting to the fast changes that is experiencing the market. In this sense, the robotización will go back to play a clearly leading paper in this edition.

Like second subject stood out aims to the technologies of the power and of the environingingment. In fact, a fourth part of the display units devote to the fields of the generation, distribution or storage of the power. In Hannover Messe 2014 will deepen in the transformation that are living the energetic systems and in new formulas that allow to combine the traditional energetic sources with the pujantes renewable energies. The final aim, as it indicated Marc Siemering, is can have an energetic system “green and intelligent that guarantee a reliable supply, competitive and ecological”. In this bet by the sustainability also is necessary to contemplate MobiliTec (fair of reference in solutions of hybrid and electrical mobility,as well as in the storage of power) and the space designated ‘Metropolitan Solutions' in which they will tackle different subjects related with the sustainability in the urban development: mobility, climatic change, water, smart cities…

Industrial Automation 2013
Industrial Automation 2013.

The third key subject in Hannover Messe 2014 will be the industrial supply, going back to stand out the importance that has in the final product all the chain of providers. This subject will touch under the perspective of the central lemma of this edition, the integrated industry, with the intention to look for new formulas that allow to have factories increasingly flexible and adaptable, in real time, to the fluctuations of the sales and to the individual requests of the different customers. To attain it, all the components involved, from the pieces until the systems of transport, going through the own machines, have to interconnect in a network that allow the communication between all they.

And like fourth and last subject, the Hannover Messe 2014, will cover the thematic of the investigation and the development, contributing different formats that facilitate the transfer of knowledges in the industrial field.

Good expectations for this year

From the organisation of Hannover Messe expects that the edition of this year go back to be all a success. In 2013, the fair already had 6.000 display units arrived of more than 60 countries, and with more than 200.000 visitors of 90 different nationalities, being in his big European part (63%), Asian (23%) and American (9%). Spain contributed near of 1.000 visitors.

Power 2013

Power 2013.

By professional profiles, the greater part of the visitors of the Hannover Messe belong to the transformative and energetic industries, although it also receives the visit of a good number of professionals related with the services, the trade, institutes of investigation and public entities.

Like country invited, Hannover Messe 2014 has the participation of Holland, “guarantee of quality and innovation in the construction of machines, installations and energetic technicians”, indicated Marc Siemering. This it is a country that follows winning weight in the fair as they show the 80 Dutch companies that were already present in 2012 occupying a surface of 2.200 square metres.

By the data contributed in the presses conference, Spain is besides one of the countries that more can see benefited by the election of Holland like country invited since it is supported by he an intense commercial flow (12.000 millions in imports and 7.000 millions in exports) and account in his business mass with 1.900 societies in which a Dutch has an equal or upper participation to 30% of the actions.

Electricity and electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers

Reinhard Hüppe, executive director of the Grouping of Automation in ZVEI, German association of manufacturers of electrical and electronic products that represents to near of 1.600 companies, took advantage of his intervention to give a global vision of the situation that crosses this market and on the forecasts for the most immediate future. According to the studies that handles this association, the requests to Europe of this type of products grew in the 2013 2,1%. This did that the production during the past year followed a positive tendency that, from the ZVEI, expects keep during the 2014. To this adds a climate of optimistic business and a good evolution of the exports.

With regard to two of the main subjects that will cover in Hannover Messe 2014, the power and the automation, the Dr. Reinhard Hüppe stood out the big exporting capacity that offers in both sectors Germany, with capacities of production very upper to his internal demands.

Industrial Supply 2013
Industrial Supply 2013.

Arteche, expositor Spanish in Hannover Messe 2014

Between the 60 display units Spanish that will have Hannover Messe 2014 will go back to be the Biscayan company Arteche, specialist from 1946 in the manufacture of equipment for the electrical industry, with a staff of 2.300 people and an upper turnover to the 300 million euros.

Like resaltaba his director of Marketing, Roberto Tailor, the experience of Arteche in the fair Hannover Messe during the more than 20 years that carries assisting is “very positive”, although it is true that the aims of his presence have changed along the last years. Whereas initially his presence like expositor in Hannover Messe had like paramount end improve the strategy of internationalisation of the company, favouring the exports and creating a network of representatives and international contacts (today has installed products in 150 countries, and factories and offices in Europe, America, Asia and Oceania), at present his aims in the fair happen, especially, for presenting his last innovations. In fact, for this edition announces the launching in Germany of a new line of business (automation of subestaciones), a new design of special transformers and a new range of products directed especially to the German market.

Roberto Tailor stood out in addition to the Hannover Messe the quality of his visitors, that allows to Arteche, for example, have attained in the past edition more than 50 new contacts, and establish near of 40 meetings.

Deutsche Messe Summons the prize Hermes Award

Hermes Award is one of the technological awards more important and finds between the industrial prizes more codiciados to scale world-wide. The companies and institutions that present his innovations in Hannover Messe 2014 can deliver already his application of participation. The prize is endowed with a package of RRPP by value of 100.000 euros, roughly.

The products presented to contest have to be checked and/or applied at present to industrial level, as well as be valued as especially innovative from the point of view of his technical and economic realisation. The term of application wins on 6 February.

“Hermes Award reflects the signal of identity of Hannover Messe: Engine of impulse for the technological innovations. Year after year, the display units of Hannover Messe convince with a sinfín of new and important products developments. And five of them attain every year stand out of the rest. It treats of the candidates nominated to the prize Hermes Award and especially the winner. For them Hannover Messe is an excellent stage where exert the main paper”, explains Jochen Köckler, member of the managerial board of Deutsche Messe AG.

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