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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Importantes proyectos en el horizonte de la industria aeronáutica española
Annual report aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector elaborated by Tedae

Important projects in the horizon of the Spanish aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry

Source: Tedae06/09/2013
2011 it was the year in that they presented more difficulties to the world-wide economic development and, especially to the European, where the financial tensions and the rescue of some countries members of the euro ocasionaron an economic stagnation in said zone and an entrance in recession in some of them. This European situation, together with tensions in the American economy, originated a desaceleración of the growths that the emergent countries had the previous year, but keeping in figures very significant. The pressesure on the prices of the raw materials has followed keeping and and the price of the oil continued growing. The euro, in spite of the financial pressesures, kept in high levels with regard to the dollar and continue being a negative factor for the European exports.

In spite of the surroundings macroeconómico desfavorable current, 2011 supposed a record year for the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing, with spectacular figures so much to levels of delivery as of requests in civil aeroplanes of more than 100 squares. In spite of the difficulties in some of the big lines, the peak of the companies of low cost and the forecasts of growth of aerial traffic in the zone Asia-Pacífico threw strongly of the demand and originated a volume of difficult requests to repeat.

Like this, 2011 was also a record year in net requests for the two big constructors: Boeing with 805, that elevated his wallet of requests to 3.771, and Airbus, with 1.419 and a wallet of requests that already reaches the 4.437 units. These figures of Airbus owed especially by the new requests for the To-320neo although the forecasts are that these figures descend in the results of 2012 in favour of Boeing thanks to the new B-737Max.

From the point of view of manufacture, 2011 also supposed a record year in deliveries with a total of 1.021 units delivered between both constructors (Boeing 477 and Airbus 534). Because of the sustanciosa wallet of requests (some 8 years for both) and the expectations of future agreements, the two manufacturers have initiated programs of increase of production, with what the deliveries of the next years expects that they surpass the ones of 2011.

By his part, Bombardier received 249 requests between commercial and amphibious aeroplanes, and delivered 245 units. Of his new model CSeries has asked by 133 units whereas his wallet of requests of the series CRJ is of 24 units and the one of the turbohélices regional of the series Q reach the 48 aeroplanes.

The manufacturer of aeroplanes Embraer delivered, in 2011, 205 commercial —aeroplanes and of businesses—, reaching a wallet of upper requests to the 200 aeroplanes (models ERJ and ESeries combined).


With everything, and in spite of the global economic crisis, foresees a growth of the aerial traffic that translates , in terms of manufacture, in optimistic plans of business by part of Boeing and Airbus for the period 2011-2030. Like this, they foresee to deliver in these years some 27.000 new aeroplanes of more than 100 squares that deliver to 50% between the two decades. Also it estimates that they will deliver some 1.000 new units devoted exclusively to the load. To fulfil these forecasts, would deliver an average of 1.350 aeroplanes by year, with what the manufacturers will see forced to increases of additional productivity. The plans undertaken by both manufacturers of increase of production can see limited by the capacities of his lines of supply that do not have technological or financial capacity (obtaining of credits, new politics of outsourcing of tractor trucks companies, etc.) to reach the levels that can demand them.

Regarding the countries receptors, appears in the first place EE UU, followed of China, in a ranking that invests if it considers the figure of business since the deliveries to China contain more aeroplanes of double corridor and, therefore, more expensive. It is necessary to stand out that the Arab Emirates appear in third place by volume of business but only are in sixth in the number of deliveries. This is due to the expansion of his lines areas, that buy mainly aeroplanes of double corridor and big capacity.

The aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry in figures

The following data have been realizar by Tedae by means of the compilation, analysis and consolidation of the results obtained in the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing statistical survey of 2011. Said data represent the whole of the sector in Spain where, in addition to including information on the companies of Tedae, collects also information of more than 100 industries subcontractors.

The aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry Spaniard in 2011 invoiceed 6.262 million euros, giving employment to 37.373 people, with an investment in R&D of 14,2% of the turnover. On the other hand, the export represents 79% of the turnover.

By sectors, 76% of the turnover corresponds to aircraft and systems, whereas 11% represents the equipment and 13% remaining to the motors.


Airbus follows harvesting successes

In 2011 Airbus went back to surpass his figure of aeroplanes rising this to 534 and attaining a total of 1.419 net requests. His data of contracting suppose 60% of the world-wide market of aeroplanes of more than 100 squares and conform a wallet of requests of 4.437 aeroplanes, what comes to be the production of the next 7/8 years of the company.

With the deliveries realizar in 2011 the figure of businesses has risen until the 33.103 million euros, of which 2.504 belong to Airbus Military. It fits to remember that Airbus S.To.S. It integrates four subsidiaries: Airbus Operations S.L., Airbus Operations S.To.S., Airbus Operations LTD and Airbus Operations GMBH in Spain, France, United Kingdom and Germany respectively, with EADS NV like only shareholder.

Regarding the Spanish subsidiary, Airbus Operations S.L. It is the manager of the design, development and manufacture of structural components for all the models of aeroplanes Airbus. In his plants of Getafe (Madrid), Illescas (Toledo) and Real Port (Cádiz), Airbus Spain gives employment to some 3.000 people and form, together with the plant of Stade in Germany and the one of Harbin, in China, a “Centre of excellence of back fuselage and empenaje”.

Airbus Operations S.L., and his chain of supply, participates in percentages every time greater in all the programs in course of civil aeroplanes, family of only corridor To320, family of long rank To330, To350 and in the aeroplane of big capacity of double covered the To380.


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