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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at España resistirá mejor en un mundo marcado por bloques regionales y la restricción del comercio global

Spain will resist better in a marked world by regional blocks and the restriction of the global trade


8 April 2014

In 2033, the global geopolitical stage will be radically distinct to the current. The western powers will have lost weight in favour of new regional blocks -of economic and political character-, that will compete between himself and that will tend to protect his own markets and promote, to the time, flows of direct investment. Like this it gives off of the inform Spain in the world in 2033, elaborated by PwC and the Centre of Economy and Geopolitical Global of Esade (Esadegeo). The study does an exercise of prospectiva on how will conform the world in 2033, from the design of four big stages: Gobernanza Global, Regional Blocks, National Protectionism and Economic Interests to the Control and concludes that the second of them will be the most likely.

The report forms part of the project of PwC Spain 2033, been cream with the aim to advance the tendencies that will determine the future of our country from an economic and social point of view, and that has the analysis of the Club 33, a group of reflection integrated by the managerial futures of some of the main companies of our country.

Spain will be one of the better European countries positioned in 2033
Spain will be one of the better European countries positioned in 2033.

Inside two decades, will not exist a clear hegemonic power in the world. We will play a party without marked referee by the diversity of the players and the competition between big regional blocks, where the national governments will see increasingly mermado his power in front of another type of actors. These big regions (Brazil and Mexico; China, India and Japan; Nigeria and South Africa; Saudi Arabia and Iran; Turkey and Russia; EE UU and Canada and the European Union, between other) will compete between them with some tendency to the protectionism and will promote the proliferation of bilateral commercial agreements and the growth of the trade intrarregional.

Europe will be one of the notable areas. A Europe economically more merged, where the monetary union, banking and fiscal will be all a reality, but no the politics and where Germany will be the most influential power. This stage will be favourable for Spain, that will be able of paliar the effects of the limitation of the better world-wide trade that other European partners, thanks to that Latin America and the European Union will be the main destination of our exports.

Precisely, this double European profile and Latin American will reinforce the paper and the importance of Spain like mediator between the new regional blocks. Spain will treat, besides, to position in the world like receptor of talent, doing cost his condition of fifth economy of the European Union; his infrastructures of high quality; his cultural appeal, his lifestyle and his language.

Spain in the world in 2033 identifies, besides, which will be the six big tendencies that will transform the world in the next two decades:

  1. The geopolitical: a party without referee..
  2. The world-wide economy: a new balance bent to Pacífico.
  3. The innovation like base of everything.
  4. The social structure: a more autonomous individual. The economic development, the apparition of a big half class emergent and the impact of the technologies of the information will conform the structure of our society. This will come marked by the peak of the individual freedom and by the capacity of decision of the people, that will win power in front of the States.
  5. The demography: longevous, urban and in movement.
  6. Sustainability: fewer resources and costlier.

Comments on article / news piece

#1 - marcos21
10/04/2014 12:18:10
En 2033 Mexico sera un nuevop estado norte-americano, y Brasil seguira en los BRICS, cuya proxima cumbre sera en Brasil, en Fortaleza, en junio.

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