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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El tomate Ventero y la creación de valor, protagonistas de Monsanto en Fruit Attraction 2010

Evermild onion, lettuce Cosmopolitan and Fenway Seedless watermelons were announced during the event

The tomato member and value creation, protagonists of Monsanto in Fruit Attraction 2010

Drafting Interempresas24/11/2010
During the last edition of the fair Fruit Attraction, monsanto Vegetable seeds organised a Conference in which he discussed how the sector can work together to create value.  Also, visitors who came to your stand were able to discover the potential of the Member of Ruiter Seeds tomato to Spanish producers and retailers in the North of Europe, as well as market opportunities for products of Seminis as Cyro melons line.

With the title 'Creating value for your customers', the day was discussed topics of interest such as the global challenge of multiplying by two food production, the need to produce more with fewer resources (pesticides, water, energy, work), and how to improve the quality of life of the farmers - "we have extended this objective all the people/consumers", pointed Florent Rezeau, Member of the Consumer Benefits of Monsanto.

Presentation of the workshop on 'Creating value for your customers'
Presentation of the workshop on 'Creating value for your customers'.

And it is that the company Monsanto, committed to sustainable agriculture, has found a market, according to noted Rezeau, in a State of decline in the consumption of vegetables and fruits, the latter less pronounced and in an environment of price pressure in which attention to the efficiency has movedoblivious to the consumer.

In order to get to know the main causes of this decline in consumption, Maren Schoormans multinational Consumer Benefits team indicated that "Monsanto has organized several panels of consumers in the EU to understand what is the perception that has the consumer's taste and the quality of our existing products and about our product innovations." We can use the results to identify the areas that we must improve and, thus, contribute to the success of the entire chain. "We will also help to define the needs of promotion of products new and improved, as the tomato member or varieties of melon of Cyro line".

Four trends were observed in the study of Monsanto: sensory (taste, taste, smell), nutrition and health, comfort (trend of product packed, cut, etc.), and responsibilities (sustainable production is already an obligation).

Tomato member and other news

Member is a variety of tomato in industry which has spent two years in the market, which covers all needs and creates value for all members of the chain, from producers to consumers. Its striking flavor, its deep red color, its capacity for conservation and their quality makes an unmistakable tomato. "With this product we can bridge the gap of winter market", was responsible for Ruiter seeds. For the farmer is a striking product, indicating, that gives you great flexibility when it comes to grow both in branch in loose.

The new American Evermild onion that is beginning to reap in Spain was also presented during the presentation. It is a yellow onion long-lasting, gentle and with little tear effect. They were also unveiled the Cosmopolitan lettuce and Fenway Seminis Seedless watermelons.

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