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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Gerhard Dichgans, director del Consorcio de VOG
"Marlene is an alternative for users other than the traditional apple varieties, or they do not eat this fruit"

Interview with Gerhard Dichgans, director of the consortium of VOG

David well18/11/2010

November 18, 2010

The Golden Apple, known by all, to the Marlene project, with three years of work at the Spanish market. Within the framework of Fruit Attraction, Gerhard Dichgans, director of the consortium of VOG, explained to Interempresas how was a trademark that does not conform to offer Italian apples of origin, but that commitment by varietal diversification as a strategy. For its part, Alessia Bozzo, promoting sales in Spain, detailed the consortium of VOG, that taps into the production of 18 cooperatives and 5,600 families of Italian producers.
Gerhard Dichgans, director of the consortium of VOG
Gerhard Dichgans, director of the consortium of VOG.

What is Marlene?

Marlene is the novelty of the past three years in the Spanish market. From Südtirol (South Tyrol) it was already sold in this market, but with the new Marlene project we thought that there could be a brand to represent all the range of known varieties of Golden, as well as other red, bicoloured applesfujis and all those which were incorporated.

Then, Marlene was introduced as the leader of the Italian Apple in Spain?

Well, if we are leaders in Italy it is something that I do not know, but that we are committed to innovation, and in terms of range, we led the market. This concept was a bit difficult to explain to our partners at Spain. However, at Fruit Attraction we have detected a 'feedback' from many customers, who have already convinced that this is the right concept.

What does the Apple Marlene?

It is not only an Apple whose origin is a guarantee, insofar as it is logical that a brand today should benefit from a DOP or IGP. Marlene represents all types of taste, covering a broad segment of consumption in which cohabiting from a traditional Golden or the classical Red Apple, until other varieties such as the Pink, the Kanzi or the Fuji. It is an alternative for all those consumers who prefer varieties that have nothing to do with the traditional Apple, or who simply do not swallow this kind of fruit. Therefore, we will expand the potential of use of Apple with a specific offer to give answer to each audience segment.

Do with what difficulties have been found to implant in the Spanish market?

The first difficulty we find was own Spanish production, quality, as well as its market. Normally, the Golden of the mountain were imported from Italy. The imported product was the image of a single variety Golden. We had to explain that there is much more in this segment. Many people was not very convinced, and I remember that during the first year we sold 62% of Golden. Last year, three years after introducing the brand, we turn to 45 per cent of Golden, mostly red and bicoloured, with an upward trend in volume. It is not that he is sold less Golden, they are preferred over red and several color varieties.

Is Marlene brand exportable to other countries?

Marlene was born in Italy, 15 years ago, and we are not only present in Spain. Our strategy is to grow in Mediterranean markets. We have presence in Cyprus, Malta and also in the Canary Islands; a different market to the rest of the Iberian Peninsula. Currently, we are trying to introduce this brand also in North African countries. In my opinion, this would be the ideal market concept which I call the 'Grand Mediterranean'.

What are the next steps to be carried out for the Marlene brand?

Think that do not have to grow in volume, but in quality. We have to offer more mark and at the same time, more diversification varietal with a specific proposal like the Kanzi, a variety bicolor, that already have planted from does years in Südtirol. Kanzi Is a crossing between Gala and Braeburn, sweet and sour at the same time. After some years of experience in the Italian market, now give it to know also in Spain.

A consortium acting brand umbrella of 18

"The Consortium VOG is formed by 17 more cooperative one, Biosüdtirol, biological product." It is situated in the heart of the Italian Alps, specifically in Terlano, municipality in the autonomous province of Bolzano (Italy), and ideal territory for the cultivation of apples. VOG is the Union of 18 cooperatives comprising 5,600 families of farmers engaged in the cultivation of apples to VOG. "A production which stands at almost 600,000 tonnes of apples".

Alessia Bozzo, promoter of VOG in Spain sales
Alessia Bozzo, promoter of VOG in Spain sales.

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