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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a José Miguel Aranceta, gerente de Unife

“Synergas S. Coop. It will take advantage of synergies to give a more integral service”

Interview to José Miguel Aranceta, manager of Unife

Irene Relda


The cooperative ferreteras Iruña and Unife have merged , giving place to Synergas S. Coop., a new cooperative that initiated his career the day 1 January with the aim to cover the needs of his partners in Basque Country, Navarra, Soria, Boroughs and Cantabria. “We transfer to Synergas this philosophy of work and of company that characterises us in Iruña and Unife: seriousness, rigour and work”, affirms to Interempresas José Miguel Aranceta, manager of Unife.

José Miguel Aranceta, manager of Unife
José Miguel Aranceta, manager of Unife.

Synergas Is a new cooperative formed by Iruña and Unife. What has carried them to undertake this conjoint project?

That to do of the need virtue. The two cooperatives had arrived to the conclusion that it was necessary to optimise costs in some surroundings recesivo.

It thinks that the future goes through the collaboration?

Undoubtedly. Also the crises contribute positive consequences. The collaboration always is good, however, think that there are cooperations that split with more advantage that others. What nearer are the “philosophies” of company, greater will be the probability of success. The recent history of the sector also speaks alas of failures in processes of collaboration.

What will differentiate to Synergas S. Coop Of other cooperatives of the sector?

The vision of company that marks our geographic location. I think that, with all our defects and virtues, Iruña and Unife transfer to Synergas this philosophy of work and of company that characterises us: seriousness, rigour, work and, why no, sometimes an excess of introversion and of fear to that see us “” too much.

Unife Had a cincuentena of associated. It will follow the new cooperative having the same associated more the ones of Iruña Ferreteros?

Although the process is not closed in this appearance, think that all the current partners have given samples to want to form part of the new project. Another thing is that all fulfil with the conditions that the statutes of Synergas demand.

His partners situate in the Basque Country and bordering communities and now will cover better the zone of Navarra. They will follow betting by the vicinity?

In principle, yes. Always we have thought that the growth only is worth it if it benefits to the partner. Synergas Has to be half and no end. If necessary rebasar our natural field to obtain improvements for our partners will do it. But if no, no. We will not grow only so that the cooperative was bigger. If we can not ensure a good service will not bet by rebasar our traditional geographic field. Although, specifically in the case of Unife, the profile of partner has been the one of a little dependent supply of the warehouse distributor. Claro that it is not the same to have little dependency of the central warehouse to lack he, especially in a situation of crisis like the current in which the partners see forced to minimise his stocks.

Like this, where they go to have presence?

In principle, in the geographic areas that cover: Basque Country, Navarra, Soria, Boroughs and Cantabria.

How it will remain the new council rector of Synergas?

As it could not be of another form, with representation of both cooperatives in the first mandate, although Jose Luis Ollo, of Ironingingmongery Irigaray and current president of Unife, will be it of Synergas. We will explain also with Rafael Zubiría, president of Iruña, in the vicepresidencia of the new cooperative.

The function of Unife has been the one to loan a service of storage and supply from his central warehouse and improve the conditions of purchase of his partners. It will follow the line of work going in the same steering?

Yes, although we pretend to take advantage of synergies to give a more integral service.

In this sense, Unife has of some installations from where manage all his products, the same that Iruña Ferreteros had his warehouse. They will continue both in active?

Like this is, although the need to do coincide the change with the natural year has prevented us do a reflection of elder calado for racionalizar the mission and the mesh of both warehouses.

Unife In addition to articles of ironingingmongery also went directed to the industrial supply. It will follow Synergas having this same profile?

Yes, of course. Also in Iruña gave this circumstance although the weight of the industrial was lower. Now we have a potential elder to satisfy to all the profiles of business that exist in the breast of the cooperative. In any case and on the industrial profile would like us develop a subámbito specific inside NCC to answer to these needs. Already there are contacts to this end with cooperatives of NCC.

Which services will offer to the associated?

Specific tools to improve the competitiveness of our industrial and professional supplies; negotiations with providers that by his specificity do not find still in the surroundings of performance of NCC; experience in management of quality; suitable available supports…

They will continue editing his popular general catalogue?

Safe. The enlargement of the community will do it viable and, as I have said previously, are had to collaborate with other cooperatives of NCC to achieve this end.


Both form part of the head office of shopping NCC…

Maybe without NCC there had not been fusion. It is in the head office where have known us and have begun to collaborate. It is necessary to recognise that both cooperative had lived too much time of backs the one of the another.

Which are the main challenges of the business ferretero and of industrial supplies for this year?

Of the business ferretero in general, survive to the surroundings recesivo, so much to the decrease of sales as to the restriction of the credits. From the experience of Unife, can say that there are partners that have survived thanks to the financial effort of the cooperative and why not to say it, to a greater exhibition of this to the risk although with the limitations that our statutes or regulations establish. Sometimes, by the expense of the mental health and tranquility of the advisers.

And regarding the challenges of the business of industrial supplies?

Answer to the new European formulas of distribution verticalizada that is appearing in our subsector. Many of which have surprised by some decisions of Unife on incompatibilities of his partners will begin to understand them. Alas, the need of activity of purchase does that this type of behaviours are tolerated by the cooperatives. But this is 'bread for today and hunger for morning'. In the near future some will agree that they have called us 'Quijotes'.

By the way, in 2013 they received the prize Reward Xcellens to the Prevention beside companies like Novartis, Prosegur or Ubesco. Which paper has the prevention for Unife and will have in the new cooperative?

Fundamental. In time in which the wages are constreñidos, the minimum that demands him to a company is that it keep some safe labour surroundings. It is to satisfy to the that comes in calling the 'internal customer'. The obtaining of the certification OHSAS18001 in labour hygiene and especially the back delivery of the prize Xcellens have been, personally, two of the milestones of my professional career of which prouder seat me. I think that we showed that the preventive surroundings is possible in a small company and without big investments in the matter. This yes, requires of the participation of the staff and the leadership of the steering.

To finish, which will be his first performances?

Do that the machinery of the cooperative see the less affected possible by the process of change (integration of staff and forms of management) and that all the partners find comfortable in the new surroundings (integration of customers). With this would conform me.

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