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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Héctor Gorosabel, director de la División de Distribución de Neco
“The distribution evolves to markets increasingly global: they disappear the borders and the distances”

Interview to Héctor Gorosabel, director of the Division of distribution of Neco

Editorial Interempresas31/08/2013

Neco is a manufacturer of tool of integrated cut inside the group multinational Tivoly. Situated in Elorrio (Biscay), with a surface built of 8.500 square metres and a total area of 15.882 of own terrain, the company explains at present with a staff of 110 people. With presence in more than 50 countries, Neco exports 65% of his production. Héctor Gorosabel, director of the Division of distribution, explains in this interview the last novelties of the company.

Héctor Gorosabel, director of the Division of distribution of Neco
Héctor Gorosabel, director of the Division of distribution of Neco.

You are directed to several sectors. Which resist the crisis best?

Yes, we went to the industrial market (automotive, aeronautics, wind, etc,), combs and rolls for threading by lamination, the industrial distribution and the free service market. Among them, if I had to highlight one now in time of crisis, I would highlight the aeronautical sector, where we are having excellent results and also have some really interesting perspectives. On the other hand, although curiously very distant segments, I would point out the important development that is taking the free service in Spain, along with a tailored offer, which is showing a very positive behavior.

They participated in last year's Ferroforma where presented a "unification of brands". Why? What does this change in strategy?

Obviously, the distribution is changing; It evolves to increasingly global markets, disappearing borders and distances disappear. Faced with this situation, Tivoly raised a process of unification of all brands of the group for the simplification of management and communication. Therefore, today we have a single brand, Tivoly, and our client has access to a much broader offer that covers all needs of the different segments of the market.

Which ones?

An offer for the industrial market and production, an offer for the professional market and maintenance and bidding for the construction and free service markets. We also have greater activity in the development of new products and greater capacity for innovation.


In line with commenting on the aeronautical sector, they just released an exclusive catalog for this segment...

Yes, Tivoly is rank 1 Airbus global strategic supplier. At the same time, we are suppliers of companies Tier1 and Tier2 subcontractors. We also work with Embraer. This is to say that our level of experience in quality of product development, technical advice and experience in machining of different types of aeronautical materials such as fibre carbono-composites, titanium, stainless steels having a position of privilege within the aeronautical sector.

What does the catalog?

It covers all the needs of this sector since it contains tools for machining of metallic components, carbono-composites fiber and machining of aero-structures. We also offer coatings technology with the objective of optimizing yields of tools.

And already to conclude, what does that it is because the success of Neco in the Spanish market?

For a side, the condition of manufacturer and, on the other hand, coverage we offer different sectors of very specialized form.

Related Companies or Entities

Neco, Nueva Herramienta de Corte, S.A.

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