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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Tenax apuesta por la innovación en brico-jardinería
The signature presents his new catalogue of products for 2014

Tenax Bets by the innovation in brico-gardening

Editorial Interempresas24/01/2014

Girtena Iberia, company distributor of products of brico-gardening Tenax in Spain, has valid from January the new catalogue for this year 2014. Keeping the same graphic line and clarity of the information of the catalogue of presentation, and on line with his aims, Tenax bets by the innovation in the products of brico-gardening, presenting a wider offer for hovered, concealment and external surfaces, with a lot of novelties and greater amplitude of range.

The signature Tenax has entered a series of novelties in his catalogue 2014 between which stand out the products Millennium and Ranch, plastic meshes of high ideal resistance for hovered permanent; a range expanded of fences componibles Divy Puzzle with three new models: Acer, Saltus and Helix; and a wide offer so much of artificial grass (Irish Mat 40 and Special Mat), as of cañizos artificial, with Colorado like product stood out.

His extensive line of products fulfil a double function: on the one hand a practical application like protecting, hide or cultivate and on the other hand the decorative function that allows to dress empty spaces or give a new innovative air to gardens and terraces.


Products stood out in the catalogue 2014


Mesh for hovered, seemed to the metal so much by his appearance as by his very high resistance to the traction and to the break. Ideal for hovered residential permanent, especially in the zones of sea, since it is resistant to the corrosion. The rolls are lighter and easy to manipulate.



Excellent mesh for hovered manufactured with an exclusive process of estiramiento in both steerings that guarantees a very high resistance to the traction and a long durability. It uses to hover of permanent way gardens, sportive installations and green zones in general.


Divy Puzzle Acer

Modular system, practical and versatile that installs with ease and in any place. Realizar with resistant materials to the rays UV, avoiding like this the stray of colouring. It reproduces the appearance of the arce with big realism and offers a high degree of concealment.


Irish Mat 40

Artificial grass of 40 mm of height, composed by mechones of fibres in multiple colours, between which resaltan threads of clear green colour that remember the freshness and the softness of the shoots. With fibres so much crimped like smooth, very high and compact, is ideal to decorate the surroundings of swimming pools or terraces.


Comments on article / news piece

#1 - arq. luis cumba bastidas
28/01/2014 2:00:23
muy interesantes los artículos que ofrecen junto con la variedad que gustaría saber si tienen distribuidor para sudamerica y en especial Ecuador. me interesan por nuestro clima tropical y salino, de ser posible mas información al respecto les agradecería.

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