Hermanos Salas, S.A. - Peach

Peaches: the varieties of white meat are typically very sweet

Picture of Peaches
Brothers Rooms and children has of an own production of 9 million kilos of citrus fruit (orange and clementinas) distributed in around 1.300 cultured hectares. Besides it distributes peaches to the main markets.

His fruit, called mainly durazno, also known coloquialmente like peach, piesco, nectarina or pelón, contains an only and big seed shut in a hard shell. This fruit, of leather aterciopelada, possesses a yellow or whitish meat of sweet flavour and his aroma is delicate.

The durazneros, together with the cherries, plums and damascos are fruit of bone called drupes. This species divides in varieties whose meat separates easily of the bone prescos and in others that adhere firmly to him, like the variety called pavía. The varieties of white meat are typically very sweet, with scarce sour taste and the most popular of countries like China, Japan and his Asian neighbours, whereas the ones of yellow meat predilectas of the European and North American countries, possess a sour bottom, that paladea beside the dulzor. The leather of both varieties has reddish tones.