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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Raúl Calleja, director de Sicre
“There is a tendency to the individualisation and no to the global management”

Interview to Raúl Alley, director of Sicre

Irene Relda31/05/2014

The intelligent systems that allow to attain energetic savings are for Raúl Alley, director of Sicre, a tendency of future. The wood, so extended in other European countries, enjoys of some qualities that do it only for the construction but, as it indicates the director of the contests in this interview and equal that occurs with other materials, his use requires of a previous climatological analysis. Sicre, the International Week of the one of the Construction and Efficient Rehabilitation, celebrated the pasts 6 and 7 May in Ifema, has gathered to experts of the sector to analyse in numerous technical days the future of the sector.


Three living rooms, three concepts.., why?

Sicre Are the initials of the International Week of the one of the Construction and Efficient rehabilitation. Like this, the event covers so much the part of the construction of new work, that alas has decrecido almost in 90% the last five years in Spain and is today very focused to the export, as of the part of reform and rehabilitation, very developed in the Iberian market in the actuality.

What groups Sicre?

Sicre Is a mark that groups several commercial living rooms: the Living room of the Sustainable Construction (SCS), the International Fair of the Natural Stone (Stone) and the International Living room of the Window and the Closing Glazed (Veteco), that coincide besides in dates with the Fair Generates. This change of model demanded to reorient the approach of the living rooms.


Giving them a twist to an elder profesionalización, focusing them to the energetic efficiency and the rehabilitation. These allow to take advantage of better the synergies between the companies expositoras and the fields of the constructive process that have been represented in the International Week of the Construction and Efficient Rehabilitation.

And it celebrates in a moment delicate…

Yes, speak of a sector that has happened a lot of vicisitudes during the last years. Now, thanks to this appointment, have had the opportunity to know at first hand which novelties there is in the market with an offer expositiva closely of 320 companies. What have done is to complete this offer expositiva with a lot of technical days and congress during these four days. In fact, the message of the fair is “where builds the future”. They have treated subjects of construction, of distribution of materials, reforms and rehabilitation… and for the first time have opened to the professional final user.


Traditionally, the fair went headed to the prescription, going through the distribution until the small reformist company. However, in this edition understood that it represented an opportunity so that the final users professionals of the part of the residential sector, administrators of fincas or presidents of communities of neighbours knew at first hand which solutions there is in the market.

Which relation thinks that there is today between rehabilitation and sustainability?

The situation has changed since now to rent or sell any house do fault the energetic certificates that mark and award a category that determines our house and that besides come accompanied of a series of recommendations, oriented to improve the energetic efficiency of a house or local. Now, any type of house has to go necessarily oriented to have systems focused to the environingingmental saving.

For example?

That have glasses of an alone layer or efficient glasses with double acristalamiento that do not allow that it go the heat neither that between the cold. All this is to speak of energetic efficiency and of sustainability.

From when it will perceive a change?

From the year 2020 the buildings of public work will be of consumption of power almost invalid. And when we speak of energetic efficiency no only speak of the materials with which build, reform or rehabilitate, but of the back maintenance. In this sense, there is new professions.

New professions?

Yes, in Holland, for example, any type of building has the figure of an energetic agent, that is a new profession that is for arriving to Spain. Taking advantage of the context of Sicre, have wanted to organise the first Latin American congress of this profession, that will be very in cattail during the next years.

Speak us of the materials for enclosures.

If we observe the maps of heat in the north or in the south of Europe, as even it occurs in the north or south of Spain, will see that it does not have at all see neither the climatology neither the solar radiation that arrives to our houses, with which, the specialisation in function of this climatology of the incidence of the solar light determines also what material is more “vendible” in our offices or buildings.

Which are the tendencies?

Buildings with greater gaps, where plant the windows, with systems more intelligent that allow the step of the light or know to go down automatically the windows depending on the radiation. Therefore, increasingly we will see faã§ades glazed in the residential part and in the tertiary sector.

More light…

In the buildings that are building , for example, in Barcelona in buildings of offices or of hotelería, the light is already a fundamental factor, as well as the elder aprovechamiento of the solar light. In any case, each case is a world, that it is necessary to study of form individualizada. There is a tendency to the individualisation and no to the global management.

The consumer is concienciado with the energetic saving?

No too much. It would be necessary to add all what consumerisms to the year… Is the only form to see the accumulated in euros that of our annual wage goes in energetic consumptions.

And it is the committed administration with the rehabilitation?

There are some Autonomous Communities that help more than others. The Administration is connoisseur of this subject and of the possible opportunities, but lamentably now do not cross the best economic situation for incentivar. Another way is the one of concienciar to the final user so that it was he same the one who decide that it is the hour to reform or rehabilitate.

To conclude, is satisfied with this conjoint edition?

The simple fact to celebrate the contest already of by himself is a success given the general situation. The fact that 320 companies expose novelties also think that is a success, because it means that there are companies that has things that show, that is a sector that innova, that there is technology. Recently I have known a device that installs in the heaters and regulates the consumption or a dispenser of water of shower that allows savings of until 50% less. They are gestures that do us save and is technology. The sector moves .

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Veteco - IFEMA

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