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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at “Zapatero a tus zapatos”
Aeded Poses one of the main claims of the community of the demolition

“Zapatero to your shoes”

Editorial Interempresas03/02/2014

In front of the progressive fall of activity that is suffering the construction in Spain, to the few projects that go going out in his different subsectores, offer all type of companies, without taking into account the always necessary specialisation. It is what is occurring, for example, in the field of the demolition to whose works present  companies of all type. In this article, the Spanish Association of Employers of Demolition, Aeded, exposes the problematic to which confronts this professional community and his possible roads of solution.

The said popular “Shoemaker to your shoes” can interpret in several senses. On the one hand it puts of relief the opportunity to devote to what one really knows to do, or is his job, and by another serves also to call the attention to the one who without knowing the work pretends to assume functions or tasks that remain him big. In this line, from the association would like us expose a problematic that is aggravating along the last months.


As we have exposed in previous occasions from Aeded, the demolition is an activity coetánea to the construction, necessary and indispensable neighbour. The activity of demolition forms part of the day in day out of the miscellaneous and complex sector of the construction, and more nowadays, given the continuous concentration in urban and industrial area of the population and the economic activity.

But all the sector of construction follows suffering the effects of this big restructuring to which is being subjected, and this affects to all the guilds. In the case of the demolition, when being a necessary activity like previous action to the one of the construction in himself or like final of the useful life, in spite of the big reduction of the activity follows having works and work. And to these works of demolition offer now all type of companies.

Already have exposed in previous occasions which would have to be the requirements of contracting, which is the protocol of accreditation of companies in the activity, even the general guidelines to take into account in the project of demolition, … Even have spoken of competition no suitable, by part of companies very valid in other guilds, but that with scarce experience or knowledges face projects of demolition with grave risk for his workers, for himself same, for the surroundings and for the guild in general.

But today the said “shoemaker to your shoes” goes headed to another public, to the companies that present to biddings of demolition and subcontract afterwards the execution of the whole work. To be able to hire with the Public Administrations agreements of works from some amounts, is necessary to be classified like contractor of works or of services respectively.

In the case of the demolition, the classification is in the group C (Edificaciones), subgroup 1 (Demolitions), that to his time can have several levels in function of the economic amount.

But in the current context, the contracting by part of the Public Administrations (from the head office to the most local and small), is tending to realizar in packages that include all the units of work (demolition, edificación, movement of earths). And those who are resulting adjudicators of said contracting are groups constructors, that in reality act more like project managers.

These adjudicators deliver the execution of all the units between the different guilds in conditions irrisorias and of big danger for the execution by the shortage of means.

From Aeded this concerns us gravely, and by this reason were gathered recently with the National Commission of the Competition, as well as other entities related, exposing this problematic.

The vision of these entities coincides with the exposed by Aeded: the units of work that require classification has to licitarse of separate form, so that the skilled companies can concurrir to the bidding.

Besides, from the association have been gathered with representatives of several ministries and entities related, exposing the protocol of accreditation of companies of the guild, like a tool to reduce the incidences in this field, what has been received very positively by part of all.

Works of demolition
Works of demolition.

Like this then , and like conclusion, from Aeded has taken the decision to act of clear form in front of this type of situations, by a part notifying to the Tables of Contracting of the corresponding Public Administration any incidence that detect , and by another boosting the accreditation of the companies.

For the processing of these subjects, from the association has created a procedure of management of complaints, complaints and any another incidence related with works of demolition, that is opened to the public and to disposal of the one who wish to use it in:

Soldered before that captain

Allow us do an explanation more. It is not the aim of this article demand an absurd protection on the activity, neither much less put fetters to any company or professional that wish to enter in the guild.

At all more far of the reality. What himself looks for is to do conscious to own and extraneous that the access to the activity has to be staggered and with common sense. It does not have logical that a company that never have done a demolition realizar the dismantlement of an industry. As it would not have to it one company that never has done an infrastructure posed do a bridge atirantado of big dimensions. As it says in the military bodies, it is necessary to be soldered raso before arriving to captain.

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Asociación Española de Demolición, Descontaminación, Corte y Reciclaje

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