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“Hire the services of a THAT means to have guaranteeed an energetic efficiency”

Interview to Manuel Morcillo, industrial engineer of Anesca

David Muñoz16/12/2013

The Companies of Energetic Services, ESEs, suppose an increasingly sued solution in our society to reduce the consumption of power and attain with this significant savings in the bills of the light and of the heating. We interview to Manuel Morcillo, industrial engineer of Anesca Energetic Services, to deepen in the main advantages that can provide us hire the services of one of these ESEs.

How would describe the evolution that are following the Companies of Energetic Services (ESEs) in Spain?

The implantation of solutions of efficiency and energetic saving in buildings and installations has experienced a remarkable impulse during the last years, in spite of the economic crisis, generating an increase of the market of the ESEs.

In concrete, the buildings of offices and public organisms are the installations that generated a greater volume of business, concentrating roughly 26% of the total, by in front of the industrial plants, with a participation of 25%, and the hospitals and shopping centres, with respective quotas of the 14 and 9%.

Manuel Morcillo, industrial engineer of Anesca
Manuel Morcillo, industrial engineer of Anesca.

It considers that we are a country ‘derrochador' in spite of the ingentes quantities of money that allocate to the import of hydrocarbons?

According to a recent study of the IDAE on the evolution of the primary intensity in Spain and in the EU, the most accused descent in the demand of primary power seems to indicate the existence of factors that, independent of the crisis, come exerting from the year 2004 a positive influence in the improvement of the energetic intensity.

Between these factors, stands out the incorporation to the mix energetic of technologies of generation more efficient: renewable, cogeneration and cycles combined. This situation has carried, since, to a reduction accumulated of 15% in the necessary energetic consumption for the obtaining of a unit of GDP. On the other hand, it is from the distinguished moment when it begins to appreciate a progressive convergence in the evolution of the national indicator of primary intensity with regard to the corresponding to the European average, what indicates an approximation in the tendencies registered in the last years regarding improvement of the energetic efficiency.

What potential of improvement exists in our country regarding consumption of power? In which field considers that there is greater margin of improvement regarding reduction of the energetic consumption: domestic, industrial, communities of neighbours, official…?

Attending to the sectorial distribution of the demand, the sector transport is the greater consumer, with 39,3% of the total. The following order of magnitude represents it the industry, with 30,2% of the consumption, to which follow the sectors of diverse uses, between which stand out, with increasing leadership, the residential sector and services.

In the concrete case of a house, where believes Unit that can improve more in matter of energetic efficiency: enclosures, systems of air conditioning, lighting…?

In a house or building of houses, the greater energetic efficiency achieves when it does not exist loss of power, and this attains thanks to the enclosures, avoiding that it lose the power of the house. With measures related with the envolvente of the buildings, can arrive to savings of 80% in power.

In the case of the communities of neighbours, the cost in heating supposes between the 50-60% of the cost of the community, by what measured like the change in the technology of heating, the installation of valves termostáticas, repartidores of costs and energetic management of these installations achieve energetic savings of 50%.

In the times that run, takes care until the last cent. How it would do to see to the owner of a house or to the representative of a community of neighbours that the contracting of a THAT is an investment and no a cost?

Hire the services of a THAT means to have guaranteeed an energetic efficiency and no only for implanting the measures of corresponding saving, but because later they go to achieve the best performances to these measures.

What gives confidence to a customer is a company that in addition to detecting the measures of energetic saving of the building or installation, guarantee by writing the savings to the customer.

It has of some example of significant saving attained from the contracting of a Company of Energetic Services?

An example of significant saving is the one of the community of neighbours with installation centralised and boilers of diesel. If this community realizar the change to boilers of gas with technology of condensation, installs valves termostáticas and hires the management of the power to a Company of Energetic Services, will have ensured some energetic savings until 30%, some economic savings around 40% and a new installation in room of boilers without payment of spill for the neighbours.

The energetic efficiency follows earning leadership in our society
The energetic efficiency follows earning leadership in our society.

In a recent article signalled that the main obstacles for the development of the ESEs in Spain were the “permissiveness to the low energetic efficiency, little incentivación to the improvement and ignorance of the ESEs”. It has improved in these last months in any of these points?

The incentives by part of the administration to the energetic efficiency keep on being very few and totally insufficient regarding the rehabilitation of the buildings, especially by the big potential that has this sector.

Regarding the support to the ESEs, the few helps that have incentivado in these months are incorporating to the ESEs like element to take into account to look for the energetic efficiency.

Which incidence is having, regarding the contracting of the services of the ESEs, the forcing of the Energetic Certificate of Buildings for all type of houses, that has gone in in force in Spain does some months?

The Royal decree of Energetic Certification of the Buildings is an opportunity for the ESEs since, put to improve the energetic qualification, what better way to do it with a company that guarantee these savings and therefore this energetic qualification?

In which measure bets from the ESEs by the incorporation of the renewable energies in the companies/Spanish houses?

Renewable energies like the thermal sensors solar power, geotermia or cogeneration are fundamental technologies in some installations carried out by the ESEs in which the consumptions and the conditions of work allow profitable investments, indispensable condition for the ESEs.

Finally, how it sees the future of the ESEs to short, half and long term?

The set up of public politics of energetic efficiency by means of new normative, the potential growth of the energetic rehabilitation in buildings, the continuous evolution of the technologies of the communication, the upward trend of the price of the power, the increase of the price of the CO2, the greater environingingmental awareness, among others, are factors that will favour the growth of the market of the energetic efficiency as well as of the energetic services.

By all the previous, is predictable that the market of the energetic services experience a big growth in the next years.

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